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Event Feedback, 2.0



  • GaltGalt Member, Beta Testers Posts: 305 ✭✭✭
    I had fun, right up until the point I realised the event was going to go exactly the way everyone worried it would - Yet another event-ending taken over by players who either tried to stop the event, or barely contributed. 

    In isolation, parts of the event rocked. As a whole, however, letting one chunk of the playerbase do all the grinding then letting another snatch the ending is poor form. Those who actively opposed the efforts to obtain the hammer for the first half of the event, then sat AFK in cities/councils, should have had to deal with some consequences of that. They should not have been able to just steamroll over the ending. 

    And, being blunt, someone (Aleutia) who abused an obvious bug despite a near identical one being fixed just prior should have been excluded from the rest of the event. 
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2012

    Sarrius said:
    For some reason beyond me, Kinsarmar deemed the Horde the biggest threat. It is likely the trappings of so many real years of Kinsarmar being hammered in to an anti-Horde storyline, despite the Horde having zero bearing on the conflict/points of contention in the modern ages of Imperian
    I could give you several IC reasons, ranging from Caelya's racial Horde hate to Khizan's "I kind of liked the Demon Lords, let's not rule things out here", but those are just excuses. The main reason we decided on the Horde was "Hey, screw those guys and that treaty, let's kill people", and really, do we need a better reason than that?
    Post edited by Khizan on

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    All in all, I'm going to give the event an A. If I remove the debacle with the armies, I really had a lot of fun. It could have progressed a little faster and ended up a little more 'prime time', but I can understand the reasons why it didn't. 

    It's totally legitimate for the rest of the world to hold Magick accountable for the death of the Gods. Sure, it would have happened anyways, but it would have been forced by the administration instead of Kinsarmar waltzing up to the prism of demon-ness like a grade a patsy. You guys made a decision to ignore the entire world for glory and riches, that's cool. Sorry, the Demon Lords are on you.

    I'm not sure what you're complaining about. Your arrogance and behavior pretty much made sure you wouldn't be involved in anything substantial after about a week. Your sense of entitlement and comments like, "We controlled this and this we deserve ____" is what polarized a lot of people against you (and released some demon lords). You guys had it made about a week or two into this bad boy. You had Demonic taking the fall, playing the global antagonist, and we were getting rolled.  Whatever you guys did, AM realized you guys weren't acting in the best interest of the world any more and decided that the lesser of two evils (derps?) was demonic. Turns out, that was an amazing call because Aleutia is like the Roomba of Imperian. This event would still be going if Aleutia hadn't brought on the pick-u-sticks A-game. 

    We totally offered you guys a seat at the table of win and your response was something like bluhbluhautomatiakillchampionsbluhbluh. It's tragic when you think about it because four of you guys ensured that Kinsarmar had to sit at the kids table for the rest of the event. Like I said before, it's your fault you got benched in the fourth quarter.

    Pertinent reasons why we won:
    -Aleutia picks things up well. 
    -Our soundtrack was better. (People were singing Journey lyrics on the way through the heartlands)
    -We had a "no bussing" policy.

    To clear up any misconceptions of bugs: 

    Sent By: Jesse On 10/15/2012/4:48
    I'm fine with phase. It's not like your movements are secret in any way. The whole world sees the Hammer moving.

    Sent By: Jesse On 10/15/2012/5:06
    Yeah, sorry about that. I was overruled.

    As for everyone not Galt. Well played, guys. That was brutal and fun as hell.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sarrius said:
    Juran said:
    I got to come back to the game and two days later organize the largest military alliance in the history of the game. What would I possibly have to complain about?
    It wasn't difficult enough?

    That comes down to perspective, from my point of view it was quite difficult. The event was staged such that it wasn't a war as much as a very slow paced and vulnerable capture the flag game. You couldn't avoid the other team, you just had to find a way to keep the flag bearer alive at all costs.

    Thankfully, achieving that for my team was much easier than achieving that for your team would have been. I was able to utilize totems, wedge, defend, hangedman, telepathy, reflect, hands, beckon, stonewalls, rites - basically every defensive tool in the entire toolbox to keep Aleutia alive and kill your damage dealers quickly. I knew that it wasn't possible for you to keep Justus alive for the entire trip, because no matter how tanky he is you didn't have the CC once Khizan died from range to prevent 20 people from doing damage to one person.

  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I joke every one in a while about having a toybox of dirty tricks that I pull out as the situation escalates to match what my opponents are doing, and that's obviously not accurate - but in this case I did ramp up things gradually as I got progressively more frustrated.

    Had Aleutia died one more time, I was going to have her switch to Saboteur and await for me - then grab the hammer prior to me entering the room. Had it gone as I expected, moving five rooms a second we could have banged the entire event out in about 60 seconds. It probably wouldn't have made a very good events post.

  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    Juran said:

    Had Aleutia died one more time, I was going to have her switch to Saboteur and await for me - then grab the hammer prior to me entering the room. Had it gone as I expected, moving five rooms a second we could have banged the entire event out in about 60 seconds. It probably wouldn't have made a very good events post.

    That wouldn't have worked.
  • JorachimJorachim Member Posts: 83 ✭✭✭
    Garryn's just a downer.

    I knew the phase thing was going to get taken away, but I didn't think it was unfair against the players by any means. Kinsarmar is stuffed full of eye sigils, right?

    But, I figured for the armies.
    Someone powerful says, "Its broken. No more pulling the guillotine."
  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Having slept on it and read the various responses, I get where Jeremy was coming from with this ending. I'm just annoyed that the event was so grindy, and maybe it's because I grinded through all the portions of it, except gathering the corpus. I stayed with the dwarves at the main temple (which Janus and Molyn made a ton of fun for me personally), spent all my gold buying wood, much like Kinsarmar did. I tried fighting the initial bosses which had no secret, they were just like, a million health, no crit, aoe incurable aeon or something. I dealt with the dumb bilespreaders. I grinded through holding the tablets so demonic couldn't have them. I grinded up champion status 14 times when it came time for the sacrifice portion, and for what? So at the end, we could grind through more stuff.

    I'm probably an outlier, but my favorite parts of this event were the roleplay interactions. Bathan as a character had a lot of development, and it was great. I loved that. That's why I play this game. Bathan got to talk to Gods, organize a grand alliance, be the annoying hero, et cetera. I guess I just wanted more roleplay out of the event and less grinding. Yes, of course we roleplayed in game during the grinds. Caelya, Lionas, Aleutia, Kanthari, Jorachim, Kryss, Galt (at times), Katarsh, Mena, Ahkan, Alonzo and I'm forgetting a bunch of others, but they were great. I just didn't like the ratio of grind to roleplay.

    It also drove me nuts that, OOC, Magick seriously crawled up on its cross about opening the gate. Sanai and Khizan did it because it was fun. The boss fights were cool, it led for cool conversation, and I get that. However, the **** excuse of 'well someone would've done it so Magick getting penalized is unfair!' is absurd. If Magick had not of done it, someone else would've done it, possibly the admin. My point being, Magick never had to do it. It chose to, and while I understand the attitude of not being apologetic IC, I'm baffled by the attitude OOC of some of the players.

    I'd give this event a B- personally. Great cut scenes, awesome interactions with the volunteers and players, Champion itself was a cool notion, but the event also featured boneheaded PvE mechanics, absurdly long grinds and a really underwhelming ending.
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Hammer March Highlights:

    Kanthari killing people with glitter.

    The phase debacle. (pro-tip. When you saw the hammer move from the Heartlands to Analeith, there is only one room that does that.)

    Aleutia trying to phase with Maglust trying to defend her.

    Singing "Don't stop believing" as we truffle shuffled across the heartlands

    Using our armies to kill undead|horde|demon armies. Dying to our own armies for some weird reason.

    Gurn's epic 15s stint of holding the hammer. Give the man a medal.

    Justus' twist ring from the room we were in to the room we were in.

    As we hit Demon's Pass. Alesud was like "OH SHI, OH SHI, OH SHI, OMG, OH SHI." We asked her what was wrong. Alesud responded with "k." We have no idea what happened, but something in her little head snapped for about 5 seconds.

    Maglust hyperventilating as we crawled up Demon's Pass.

    Going 2hrs without a single Hammer Time reference.

    Rolling up Demon's Pass...running into an army of 40 demon. Many foul words were used. Watching everyone scatter with the wind was amazing.

    Getting lost in the secondary part of the rift.
  • EldrethEldreth Member Posts: 430 ✭✭✭✭
    I thought the final march played out well. I am glad Kinsarmar made their stand, for it provided a better dynamic than simply watching out for instagibbing squads. Being on the side for which "us against the world" is more rule than exception, was nice to fill a different role for a change. Hopefully with a few hours sleep under the belt, and with the big boy pants changed, people from all sides can appreciate the chapter for what it was.

    Didn't notice it myself, but there were some complaints about coin hoarding in the future might want to make ctf-style events where mass deaths are expected be handled a bit more efficiently in the Underworld. We do have precedence.

    And as an aside, Ahkan is a propagandist who certainly did NOT adhere to a "no bussing" rule when he threw me in front of a charging group to make his getaway (fortunately I am crafty and saw this foul betrayal coming)
    “We abjure labels. We fight for money and an indefinable pride. The politics, the ethics, the moralities, are irrelevant."
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hahaha. It's so true. I saw like something like ten people enter. I figured we would both knee jerk "west! west! west!" I was wrong. You survived though, no? It's not a complete bussing if you didn't die!
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jorachim said:
    I knew the phase thing was going to get taken away, but I didn't think it was unfair against the players by any means. Kinsarmar is stuffed full of eye sigils, right?
    I thought using kai banish for movement was more interesting than using phase for movement anyway.
  • JustusJustus Member Posts: 38 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2012

    It wasn't twist band, Ahkan. I back flipped from the IN only to find you all stood there. Wasn't the proudest moment of my life, but such is life.

    I think the issue with phase was such that if you didn't stay with Aleutia, we would have had a hard time pinning down her location,

    I got lucky in finding her because when you rushed the spring, there was no way you'd do that and leave her unguarded without a back up. Luckily, someone from your group was still in Western Celidon so I pinned her down.

    Do not fault anyone for the using of it, because I would have tried the very same tricks.

    It was fun, all in all. Ultimately, that's the important part. There's no way that we can have an event of this magnitude and have it please everyone.

    I would apply the same theory that I apply to poker players. If you please most of the people most of the time, you're doing something right.

    Personally, I thought it was well handled by the players, too. Despite the magnitude of the situation and vested interests and emotions, it stayed civil and well meaning.

    At least, in my earshot.

    Was fun guys. Well played.
  • JorachimJorachim Member Posts: 83 ✭✭✭
    It was actually very civil. I think only one person was ridiculed that wasn't on our side.

    I loved it. There were bits and pieces of tedium (sacrificing) but all in all I enjoyed it.

    Someone powerful says, "Its broken. No more pulling the guillotine."
  • MkvennerMkvenner Member Posts: 38 ✭✭
    I'm just annoyed I seem to have missed all the fun.
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Ahkan said:
    We totally offered you guys a seat at the table of win and your response was something like bluhbluhautomatiakillchampionsbluhbluh. It's tragic when you think about it because four of you guys ensured that Kinsarmar had to sit at the kids table for the rest of the event. Like I said before, it's your fault you got benched in the fourth quarter.

    You say this like we would have WANTED a seat at the 'table of win.'  

    Given the choice between 'a seat at the table of win and banding together to push the Hammer to the Rift unopposed" or "Glorious yet futile last stand to save the world from the scourge of the Horde", I will choose the latter every single time.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭

    As far as the Alliance goes...

    I wish that, rather than some clan and a Bathan shout or two about it, there'd actually been some more RP surrounding it.

    I'd have loved a peace summit of some sort, somewhere, where we could have listened to the arguments, made an angry speech and damned the lot of you for a pack of treacherous cowards who turned your back on your ideals as soon as you got scared, and then stormed out.

    You know, as opposed to saying "The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy, nothing more." and getting thrown out of the clan.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2012
    It occurred - just in a place where Bathan could push Pellerin around without us interfering and telling our city leader what an asinine idea the 'grand alliance' was. Forsaking all ideals, goals, and previous circle roleplay was a poor play and really not compelling or interesting roleplay - it was a blatant grab at being the world's hero, as well ensuring nothing cool came out of the temporary chance to obliterate townes and cities/councils.

    EDIT: Also, telling us OOC that we should feel more apologetic IC for unleashing the demons is absurd. It wasn't JUST Kinsarmar's fault, and it wasn't Kinsarmar's intent. It was likely done because if it wasn't done, we'd have seen it happen anyways. Jeremy pushed the game in to that particular event knowing he wanted gods dead. Plus, why should Kinsarmar apologize and be the world's scapegoat, when plenty of other forces participated in the actions of releasing ancient demon gods? All the world wants is somebody else to blame, and I am frankly irritated that one of the city's leaders wants to buy in to that kind of mindset - which would only perpetuate the way magick circle thinks and roleplays, i.e incredibly defeatist and apologist, with no passion or intent or goal.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • AeordenAeorden Member Posts: 10
    I liked the event. I'm sad I wasn't there for the giant fight because Europe. :[
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Aeorden said:
    I liked the event. I'm sad I wasn't there for the giant fight because Europe. :[
    Yeah, I need to figure out a way to get more time zones into things. Well, without just adding more grind.
  • MkvennerMkvenner Member Posts: 38 ✭✭
    Jeremy said:
    Aeorden said:
    I liked the event. I'm sad I wasn't there for the giant fight because Europe. :[
    Yeah, I need to figure out a way to get more time zones into things. Well, without just adding more grind.
    I like you more already.
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2012
    Everyone knows the quote about roads to places and good intentions. You guys were like SAVE THE WORLD HAVE FUN and got burned. You're responsible for it. Maybe someone threw you under the bus, but welcome to politics? 

    All the angles in this event were decent, reasonable and within the confines of each organization's roleplay. I don't see how anything that went down politics or no is bad, unfair or something to cry about. 
  • JazzsterJazzster Member Posts: 37
    Sarrius said:

     I had fun, despite my posted misgivings, and in retrospect, I would rather have had fun despite hating the event than had zero fun and still hate the event.
    Very wise words. You just summed what I think a lot of people are missing from this game.
    Jarrhn tells you, ""Jarrhn has been sucked through Jarrhn's wormhole, and perished in the Dream Realm." Inception'd."
  • AbigailAbigail Member Posts: 332 ✭✭✭
    Khizan said:
    The main reason we decided on the Horde was "Hey, screw those guys and that treaty, let's kill people", and really, do we need a better reason than that?
    Unless you're a rebellious 16 year old teenager whose primary interests are Hot Topic and Asking Alexandria, yes, you probably should have a better reason than "LET'S SCREW WITH EVERYTHING JUST BECAUSE."

    Regardless, the amount of fight that Kinsarmar alone put up against the combined forces of anti-magick, demonic, and Celidon was actually pretty badass. Reminded me of the old Stavenn, before Khandava turned Demonic.
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Abigail said:
    Unless you're a rebellious 16 year old teenager whose primary interests are Hot Topic and Asking Alexandria, yes, you probably should have a better reason than "LET'S SCREW WITH EVERYTHING JUST BECAUSE."
    What? This is a game, I play it for fun. I like fighting. And so "We've got RP reasons to cover it, let's go kill people" is all the reason I need.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sarrius said:
    It occurred - just in a place where Bathan could push Pellerin around without us interfering and telling our city leader what an asinine idea the 'grand alliance' was. Forsaking all ideals, goals, and previous circle roleplay was a poor play and really not compelling or interesting roleplay - it was a blatant grab at being the world's hero, as well ensuring nothing cool came out of the temporary chance to obliterate townes and cities/councils.

    EDIT: Also, telling us OOC that we should feel more apologetic IC for unleashing the demons is absurd. It wasn't JUST Kinsarmar's fault, and it wasn't Kinsarmar's intent. It was likely done because if it wasn't done, we'd have seen it happen anyways. Jeremy pushed the game in to that particular event knowing he wanted gods dead. Plus, why should Kinsarmar apologize and be the world's scapegoat, when plenty of other forces participated in the actions of releasing ancient demon gods? All the world wants is somebody else to blame, and I am frankly irritated that one of the city's leaders wants to buy in to that kind of mindset - which would only perpetuate the way magick circle thinks and roleplays, i.e incredibly defeatist and apologist, with no passion or intent or goal.
    Initially, a number of people were invited that were not city leaders and were not even supportive of the idea. Apoloc, who had made the clan, as well as all the city leaders had one rule. You had to be polite/constructive in sharing your opinion. If you could not be, you got kicked out. A number of people got kicked out from all three circles, among those being Khizan and Aeorden. The fact is, people were given a chance to be there. It wasn't until Galt started outright attacking Champions and war was declared that the majority of Magick got kicked out but you weren't around then, or something.

    I'm sorry my character's roleplay upsets you? I'm just kind of floored by that. Bathan has been about, since day one, protecting people. That's what the character does. I'm not going to sit there and spell it out for you because it's well-documented and known by a number of people, but that's been consistent. Heaven forbid I do what I've been doing during an event because crybaby Mike wants an org to burn. I mean, if anything, I should've just let people have a go at Kinsarmar like they wanted to but again, stupid roleplay getting in the way.

    As for the Alliance, read the events post. Delrayne invited everyone to meet. It wasn't my doing. Most of us agreed on the situation and thus the Alliance was formed, but nice try!

    I didn't say Magick should be apologetic. I said I've been been dumbfounded by how Magick refuses to understand conceptually that people would hold it against them. You just can't even fathom that it's a valid thing that someone would be annoyed that you released demon gods that slew the Pantheon. JUST NOT POSSIBLE. BAD ROLEPLAY. BAD. BAD. BAD. It's nauseating.

    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • GaltGalt Member, Beta Testers Posts: 305 ✭✭✭
    I attacked Michiko, Kabaal and Maglust when they were caught talking to Visyra. 

    Other than that, Galt did nothing aggressive. He just watched forts, phased all over and generally ignored the event. Despite this, whilst sat north of the Areish fort trying to confirm if the live horde were or were not attacking Khandavans, Eldreth and Lionas jumped and killed me. 

    As for the demon lords being released, Ithaquans were present at plenty of the gate openings, as were celidonians. It was by no means just Kinsarmar there, though owing to the timing of some of the gates, they comprised about half the people there at the final gate being opened. The rest were Ithaquan and Celidonian.

    It's sad that you're resorting to using Galt as a scapegoat for kicking Kinsarmar out of the alliance. I've not jumped anyone since attacking Maglust and co when they were with Visyra and I've been largely AFK since just prior to the champion-farming portion of the event. By no means have I gone on a killing spree, or done a single thing to warrant the alliance being upset. On the flip side, you, Bathan, told me "The horde don't attack anyone", and that it was fine for Stavenn and Khandava to be working with them. 

    Stavenn tried to work with the demon lords, even after the alliance was formed. They set one as patron of a guild, not long before the alliance formed, and they insisted on still working with the horde despite the horde attacking Celidon, Kinsarmar and Antioch - Yet you removed magick from the alliance because "Galt misbehaved", when I made a point of not doing so, and because people were somehow rude. 
  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    Yeah Galt did nothing aggressive outside of act like a complete tool at any larger than normal group gathering by casting aoe knockbacks every single time one of them happened.  

    I mean who wouldn't?  That's perfectly normal, everyone was doin it.  Oh no, it was just him.  

    I'm fairly certain it wasn't just Galt that got Kinsarmar kicked out of the alliance.  It was Justus, Aeorden, and just random people in the clan getting ultra-aggressive.  Most of us just ignored you.  

    Seriously, outside of group gathering where you showed up and made an **** of yourself like most of the people involved in inner-circle-romance conflicts between Bards and no name LKs.  You were basically on an island as far as everyone seemed to be concerned.  Kinsarmar said you weren't theirs (this is partially because Pellerin is a pansy), and the rest of the world just said eh, Galt gon' be Galt.

    Though it will be fine now, the event is over, and you can get on with writing terrible classleads to help either boost Druid power, or weaken any class you're bad against (hint: all of them except yours)

  • AbigailAbigail Member Posts: 332 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2012
    Khizan said:

    What? This is a game, I play it for fun. I like fighting. And so "We've got RP reasons to cover it, let's go kill people" is all the reason I need.

     I'm talking more about the mindset of "I'm going to go PK people because there's no rules that say I can't", which is a pretty tremendously **** thing to do, especially in an RP-based game. This is why I've avoided the whole champion business, because I would rather choose when I want to PK instead of having it forced upon me. I enjoy the PK in this game, but it's a hobby, not a lifestyle.
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    To my knowledge, Magick bowed out of the Alliance and wasn't removed, but I wasn't here for the major happenings of the event. You know sleep, work, and stuff prevailed....So this whole gambit of being removed is just absurd to me. Sure some were kicked out of the clan, but that happened circled wide. Not just against magick. You guys didn't want to be in the Alliance even though your elected officials agreed to it. You(magick in general) whined loud enough to annoy them so they backed out. Don't get hurt because you got what you wanted.
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