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  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ahkan said:
    Up next, Sarrius' dissertation entitled, "How wet is water?"
    Pretty goddamn wet, scientific science shows.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • AtenAten Member Posts: 8
    Azefel said:
    or aura should just not come up like other channeled instas

    and while you're at it, maybe someone should disable JOIN QUIZ when there's no quiz so Raykel won't have a free raksha band :<
    So that is how she randomly disappeared on me earlier.... I was scratching my head for a while on that one.
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    yeah been quite a while now that he's been using it qq :(
  • VictorVictor Member Posts: 37 ✭✭
    edited September 2013
    Sudden rememberance dawning upon you, you quickly move through the surrounding
    area to your memorised location.
    Antioch Shuk.
    The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. This has been marked as holy ground.
    A sewer grate looms darkly beneath your feet. A whimsical hammock of midnight
    blue with dangling moon and star beads rests here, swaying gently. A small sign
    points into a market stall. Some rose petals lie here in a small pile. The shop
    directory of Antioch rests here on a marble pedestal. An iron lantern has been
    hung here on a single bamboo pole. A truesilver pike with the shrunken head of
    Samiel has been erected by Iluv. An intricately carved muamrite guard's spear
    lies abandoned here. The leaves on this stalk of corn have begun to curl and
    brown, the large ears drooping along the tall stalk. Arching up towards the
    sky, with a curtain of shifting light hung within it, the Lunar Pylon stands
    proudly here. There are 5 gobbet of wraith essences here. A brass and emerald
    engagement ring has been left here. There are 3 festive sparkling giftbags
    here. An imposing red wolf treads silently in a circuit, stalking back and
    forth. A young lamiran maiden stands here in an unassuming pose, wreathed in
    the scent of brine. A lithe yellow jaguar with black spots prowls the area.
    There are 2 keen-eyed falcons here. An elite Muamrite archer is manning a
    cannon here. He has one-hundred and thirty-seven cannon balls. A short kobold
    worker bustles here, busy with something. There are 15 elite Justicars of the
    Shah here. A shaggy grey mustang roams warily nearby. A fearsome lion prowls
    around here and greets you with a warning roar. Heated breath flaring his
    nostrils, a massive warhorse stands here imperially. With a wild look in his
    eye, a feral paint stallion stands heatedly here as he stomps and paces
    recklessly. A vicious smoke-blue stallion stands here, pawing and stomping
    ferociously at the ground. There are 2 baleful kelpie stallions here. Eyeing
    you defiantly, a black sturdy mare trots here. A plump orangutan happily turns
    cartwheels here. The ever-shifting visage of Ichimoru, Aspect of Moradeim, is
    here. He wields a mithril broadsword in his left hand and a lunar shield in his
    right. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see
    what is for sale.
    You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest,
    west, northwest, and in.
    H:418/445 374/418 [eb db] T:10:29 XP:9.56
    You notice a mounted rider approaching from the distance.
    H:418/445 374/418 [eb db] T:10:29 XP:9.56 reject iluv
    You reject the friendship of Iluv.
    Equilibrium Taken: 3.20s
    H:418/445 374/418 [-b db] T:10:29 XP:9.56
    Iluv, riding a giant bone-armoured vampire bat named Bartok, quickly enters the
    He is followed by Iluv and a pathfinder.
    H:418/445 374/418 [-b db] T:10:29 XP:9.56
    A cannon ball races in from the southwest, rips through Iluv's body, and
    streaks northeastward.
    Iluv takes a drink from a damask steel vial.
    H:418/445 374/418 [-b db] T:10:29 XP:9.56
    Iluv quickly eats a toadstool.
    H:418/445 374/418 [-b db] T:10:29 XP:9.56
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Iluv.
    H:418/445 372/418 [-b db] T:10:29 XP:9.56
    An elite Justicar of the Shah swings his sword in wide arc and clips Iluv.
    An elite Justicar of the Shah slashes into Iluv with a gleaming scimitar!
    An elite Justicar of the Shah slashes into Iluv with a gleaming scimitar!
    An elite Justicar of the Shah swings his sword in wide arc and clips Iluv.
    An elite Justicar of the Shah swings his sword in wide arc and clips Iluv.
    An elite Justicar of the Shah swings his sword in wide arc and clips Iluv.
    An elite Justicar of the Shah slashes into Iluv with a gleaming scimitar!
    An elite Justicar of the Shah slashes into Iluv with a gleaming scimitar!
    An elite Justicar of the Shah swings his sword in wide arc and clips Iluv.
    An elite Justicar of the Shah slashes into Iluv with a gleaming scimitar!
    An elite Justicar of the Shah slashes into Iluv with a gleaming scimitar!
    An elite Justicar of the Shah slashes into Iluv with a gleaming scimitar!
    An elite Justicar of the Shah slashes into Iluv with a gleaming scimitar!
    An elite Muamrite archer slices Iluv's neck with the taut string of his bow.
    An elite Justicar of the Shah swings his sword in wide arc and clips Iluv.
    An elite Justicar of the Shah has slain Iluv.

    Lolin. Look before you track. Haha

    Edit: Then he kills me while i'm posting this :(
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    Victor said:
    Sudden rememberance dawning upon you, you quickly move through the surrounding
    area to your memorised location.
    An elite Justicar of the Shah has slain Iluv.

    Lolin. Look before you track. Haha

    Edit: Then he kills me while i'm posting this :(
    From my end, it was hilarious too. :s
    20:28:55.960 You move in to engage Kalcer.
    You have gained the engage defence.
    Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
    480 480 | 552 575 <-b db> 83.01 T: Kalcer Q: ciguatoxin, hemotoxin
    You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
    You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
    480 480 | 552 575 <-b db> 83.01 T: Kalcer Q: ciguatoxin, hemotoxin
    The image of Kalcer blurs, fading to a green nebula as he vanishes to the ether.
    480 480 | 552 575 <-b db> 83.01 T: Kalcer Q: ciguatoxin, hemotoxin
    You relax your engagement as your foe is no longer present.
    You have lost the engage defence.
    480 480 | 552 575 <-b db> 83.01 T: Kalcer Q: ciguatoxin, hemotoxin
    Iluv leaves to the east.
    480 480 | 552 575 <-b db> 83.01 T: Kalcer Q: ciguatoxin, hemotoxin
    (Ring): Iluv says, "Bat-Mobile: Tracking to Kalcer."
    20:28:57.218 480 480 | 552 575 <-b db> 83.01 T: Kalcer Q: ciguatoxin, hemotoxin
    You have regained your mental equilibrium.
    480 480 | 552 575 <eb db> 83.01 T: Kalcer Q: ciguatoxin, hemotoxin
    -- Dramatic pause --
    [ EDEN ] Rebounding going up on Iluv.
    You feel your density return to normal.
    You have lost the density defence.
    480 480 | 552 575 <eb db> 83.01 T: Kalcer Q: ciguatoxin, hemotoxin
    Autocuring: apply mass
    20:28:59.976 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
    20:28:59.976 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
    You have gained the density defence.
    480 480 | 552 575 <eb db> 83.01 T: Kalcer Q: ciguatoxin, hemotoxin
    Iluv has been bludgeoned to death by an elite Justicar of the Shah.

    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    06:43:51.231 Shou throws a red shard against the ground and an intimidating ghastly figure slowly emerges, almost
    06:43:51.231 visibly radiating a feeling of pure terror and oppression.
    06:43:51.231 Scolding you loudly, a muskrat scurries out to the southeast.
    06:43:51.232 A giant bone-armoured vampire bat named Bartok bolts suddenly, throwing Iluv off its back.
    06:43:51.232 The last echoes of its call fading away, an immense vampire bat vanishes to the east.
    06:43:51.232 An enormous turtle named Sheldon bolts suddenly, throwing Sam off its back.
    06:43:51.232 An enormous turtle wanders out to the north.
    06:43:51.233 An armoured battle stallion bolts suddenly, throwing you off its back.
    06:43:51.233 An armoured battle stallion gallops out to the southeast.
    06:43:51.233 A blooded warhorse bolts suddenly, throwing Auvryist off its back.
    06:43:51.233 Tossing his regal crimson mane, a blooded warhorse steps quickly out to the southeast.
    06:43:51.233 A pathfinder hums off to the southeast.
    06:43:51.234 The sound of tortured screams fade as an ouroboros departs to the east.
    06:43:51.234 Iluv leaves to the east.
    06:43:51.234 A silver-toned grulla stallion bolts suddenly, throwing
    Ander off its back.
    06:43:51.234 Kicking up the grounds behind him, a mighty silver-toned stallion departs to the southeast.
    06:43:51.234 A savage grey wolf bolts suddenly, throwing
    Shou off its back.
    06:43:51.235 Unable to withstand the presence of the apparition, Sam flees in terror.
    06:43:51.235 Unable to withstand the presence of the apparition, Auvryist flees in terror.
    06:43:51.235 You are regaining balance and are unable to move.
    06:43:51.235 Unable to withstand the presence of the apparition, Iluv flees in terror.
    06:43:51.235 You are separated from Iluv and can no longer defend him.
    06:43:51.235 [
    EDEN ] Affliction : fear.
    You are regaining balance and are unable to move.

    #boss. :D
    E: I'm too easily amused.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    ruins of Caanae: Sidartha blinked and has been eradicated by the speed of Xaarin.

    [R] Azefel : Is that your deathglory?

    [R] Xaarin : Yes.

    [R] Xaarin : Like it?

    [R] Ageranu : Shouldn't it be 'Sidartha blinked and has been eradicated by the speed of Azefel's system' ??

    [R] Sarhnak : *As Ageranu looks on jealously.

    [R] Azefel : :(.

    [R] Ageranu : Pretty much.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    (Ring): Eldreth says, "Lartus, whi is your steed a cow?"

    (Ring): Lartus says, "I'm not riding a cow."

    (Ring): Eldreth says, "Suki enters from the west following Lartus, riding a ruddy cow."

    (Ring): Lartus says, "You did not see a cow."

    (Ring): Eldreth says, "No self respecting cleaver would ride a cow into battle."

    (Ring): Lartus says, "No self respecting cow would let a cleaver near her."

    -- :> --

    (Ring): Maglust says, "Still, would you admit to dying to someone cleaving from utop a cow?"

    Post edited by Iniar on
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • MathiausMathiaus Member Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    Lartus infuriates/makes me laugh constantly. It's like watching old George Bush Jr. speeches.
  • KryssKryss Member Posts: 426 ✭✭✭✭
    22:08:48.720 Brishi swoons for a moment then rises again, flushed but strong.
    22:08:59.241 Brishi swoons for a moment then rises again, flushed but strong.

  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    This is what happens when you leave the scrub to lead the (scrub) team.
    Aglaeca, Anaya, Caitryn, Elizabell, Giselle, Maglust, Mykael, Suki, and Tethian follow you to the 
    Scrubland by hillside.
    It is raining lightly, and fat drops of rain fall pleasantly past. There are 2 partially buried blue 
    shards here.
    You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
       [ EDEN ]  [ F O R E B O D I N G ]  Hiramius.
    Aglaeca, Anaya, Caitryn, Elizabell, Giselle, Maglust, Mykael, Suki, and Tethian follow you to the 
    Wide dusty Valley.
    It is raining lightly, and fat drops of rain fall pleasantly past. A blue shard is protruding from 
    the ground here, glowing faintly. A noble kestrel is perched nearby, keen eyes gazing upon you. An 
    animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated apple root is curled here, 
    swaying slightly. Zakhar is here, giving off a truly ghastly stench. He wields a sharpened 
    quarterstaff in his hands. Heart of the Lion, Hiramius Moonaires K'ethastarii is riding on a massive 
    warhorse named Assarrai. He wields a truesilver shield in his left hand and a curved sabre in his 
    You see exits leading east and west.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    Zakhar leaves to the east following Hiramius, riding a massive warhorse named Assarrai.
    They are followed by a noble kestrel, an animated apple root, and an animated hawthorn root.
       [ EDEN ]  [ F O R E B O D I N G ]  Hiramius.
    Aglaeca, Anaya, Caitryn, Elizabell, Giselle, Maglust, Mykael, Suki, and Tethian follow you to the 
    west. (facepalm)
    Wide dusty Valley.
    It is raining lightly, and fat drops of rain fall pleasantly past. A blue shard is protruding from 
    the ground here, glowing faintly.
    You see exits leading east and west.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin`en
    engage Zakhar
       [ EDEN ]  [ F O R E B O D I N G ]  Hiramius.
    Aglaeca, Anaya, Caitryn, Elizabell, Giselle, Maglust, Mykael, Suki, and Tethian follow you to the 
    Lakeside hilltop.
    It is raining lightly, and fat drops of rain fall pleasantly past. You see exits leading northeast, 
    east, and west.
    You have reached your destination.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
       [ EDEN ]  [ F O R E B O D I N G ]  Hiramius.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
       [ EDEN ]  [ F O R E B O D I N G ]  Hiramius.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    Nothing can be seen here by that name.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
       [ EDEN ]  [ F O R E B O D I N G ]  Hiramius.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin

       [ EDEN ]  Rebounding going up on Tethian.
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Tethian.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    Tethian's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
       [ EDEN ]  Rebounding down on Tethian.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    Tethian takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
       [ EDEN ]  Tethian using linseed.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    Giselle rubs some salve on her skin.
       [ EDEN ]  Giselle doesn't exist in the database.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxinpfg 1105
    path find 1105 | path go
    Distance to Lakeside hilltop: 2.
    Path: w, n
    Use PATH GO to travel there.
    You start speedwalking.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    Aglaeca, Anaya, Caitryn, Elizabell, Giselle, Maglust, Mykael, Suki, and Tethian follow you to the 
    Lake amidst hills.
    It is raining lightly, and fat drops of rain fall pleasantly past. There are 2 brown spiders here.
    You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    Aglaeca, Anaya, Caitryn, Elizabell, Giselle, Maglust, Mykael, Suki, and Tethian follow you to the 
    Lakeside hilltop.
    It is raining lightly, and fat drops of rain fall pleasantly past. A blue shard is protruding from 
    the ground here, glowing faintly.
    You see a single exit leading south.
    You have reached your destination.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin`en
    engage Zakhar
    Nothing can be seen here by that name.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxinwho zakhar

       [ EDEN ]  Rebounding going up on Tethian.
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Tethian.
    A beam of prismatic light suddenly shoots into the room.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
            Zakhar - Zakhar                             - Desert Fringe nearing hi
    There are 58 players in this world.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    A brief tremor notifies you that Sumie started harvesting a shard somewhere nearby.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
       [ EDEN ]  [ F O R E B O D I N G ]  Hiramius.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
       [ EDEN ]  [ F O R E B O D I N G ]  Hiramius.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
       [ EDEN ]  [ F O R E B O D I N G ]  Hiramius.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    Tethian's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
       [ EDEN ]  Rebounding down on Tethian.
       [ EDEN ]   .| Tethian  B E H E A D | .
       [ EDEN ]   .| Tethian  B E H E A D | .
       [ EDEN ]   .| Tethian  B E H E A D | exits: s  .
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    A great weight seems to have been lifted from Elizabell.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    Elizabell rubs some salve on her skin.
       [ EDEN ]  Elizabell using salve.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin`en
    engage Zakhar
    I do not recognize anything called that here.
    606 606 | 377 418 <eb db> 95.79 T: Zakhar L: 0:0:0:0:0:0 Q: raze, ciguatoxin
    Aulani, Elrith, Lytharose, Rosalie, Seraphyne, and Tikal enter from the ether following Kryss.
    They are followed by a sketch of a Bard, a sketch of a Hunter, a sketch of a Runeguard, a small 
    black cobra, a sturdy carthorse, a translucent phantom, a white songbird, an animated apple root, an 
    animated birch root, and an animated hawthorn root.

    2013/09/16 18:06:03 - Iniar has been slain by Elrith.
    2013/09/16 18:06:15 - Maglust has been slain by Kryss.
    2013/09/16 18:06:29 - Anaya has been slain by Seraphyne.
    2013/09/16 18:06:40 - Aglaeca has been slain by Aulani.
    2013/09/16 18:06:43 - Suki has been slain by Hiramius.
    2013/09/16 18:06:44 - Zakhar has been slain by Mykael.
    2013/09/16 18:06:55 - Elizabell has been slain by Seraphyne.
    2013/09/16 18:07:27 - Tethian has been slain by Kryss.
    Magick 7. Demonic 1.


    In other news: I got @Mykael and @Elizabell to fight get face-rolled. :D

    E: Kuran has been slain in the Imperial Spire by Elizabell. Reaping the rewards already.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • IluvIluv Member Posts: 703 ✭✭✭✭
    Learning to lead well will take time and many teammate deaths! But it's an awesome experience when you field a good team to victory.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Iluv said:
     and many teammate deaths! 
    I will enjoy them all. :D
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • KryssKryss Member Posts: 426 ✭✭✭✭
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most of fighting that is knowing who to hit first.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    (Ring): Ahkan says, "If you don't have a really reliable affliction tracker."

    (Ring): Ahkan says, "Affliction noctu is like trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon."
    Oh Ahkan, you say the funniest things.

    02:17:51.536 Elizabell points an imperious finger at Cassius.
    02:17:51.537 The Mark of Cadmus on Cassius's body flares briefly.
    02:17:51.538 Elizabell throws some red bone dust straight into Cassius's face, causing him to choke on it as he
    02:17:51.538 inhales.
    02:17:51.539 Cassius backs away and eases off.
    02:17:51.540 Cassius produces a choking sound and collapses to the ground, overwhelmed by the bone dust.
    02:17:51.541 Elizabell has slain Cassius.
    02:17:51.543 You gasp with the realization that Elizabell has reached the pk level of Illustrious.

    All hail, the mighty Zerg.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • OzreasOzreas Member, Beta Testers Posts: 235 ✭✭✭✭
    2:07:31.371p  The crystal floating around Kryss turns sickly green.
    Kryss conjures a stream of elemental water and sends it streaking towards you. You lose your equilibrium and your mind feels vacant as you stare absentmindedly into the myriads of reflections forming upon the surface.
    You are afflicted with disruption.
    You are afflicted with confusion.
    You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
    Kryss conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
    You are afflicted with lethargy

    2:07:33.929 Kryss focuses her gaze upon you and a look of utmost concentration appears on her face. The sound of rushing water echoes faintly in the distance.

    2:07:39.127 As Kryss's concentration reaches its peak, the rushing of water intensifies and a violent stream of elemental water suddenly bursts into the room, and you find yourself surrounded by water and unable to breathe. Despite your valiant attempts to struggle, the relentless surge proves stonger and you succumb to it, the world around you fading into blackness.
    You have been slain by Kryss.

    2:07:41.716 You have regained equilibrium.
  • DiasDias Member Posts: 107
    Aint nothing like a 10 second, you can't stop this, instant kill!
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    More proof that attunement needs to move to the spark model, though that proof's potency is something similar to warning a corpse that his wife is planning to shoot him. We shouldn't have let attunement through, because it is an inherently unworkable system.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • KryssKryss Member Posts: 426 ✭✭✭✭
    4:07:36.107 Final affliction attack.
    4:07:37.076 Ozreas quickly eats a nightshade root.
    4:07:39.018 Submersion.
    4:07:39.507 Ozreas quickly eats a nightshade root.
    4:07:41.227 Ozreas quickly eats an orphine seed.
    4:07:43.294 Ozreas quickly eats a wormwood root.
    4:07:43.294 Ozreas's eyes lose their focus suddenly.

    AUTOCURING PRIORITY <name> <1-20>

    You lose nothing by placing a higher priority on confusion against a Mage. Furthermore, Ozreas was curing Nausea over Impatience and thus lacked that balance all together. I have already mused on the fact that Lethargy needs a look but let's not forget that changing one's own curing to suit the situation goes a long way. You eat ginger to stop a brainmelt, mandrake to stop hypochondria, butisol before applying salves and so on and so forth.
  • DiceneDicene Member Posts: 913 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    You eat ginger to stop a rupture.

  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    And you notably do not refute the fact that attunement is nigh incurable? With confusion, lethargy, and any other present afflictions from your onslaught (I count 4 by the looks of his eating), how is he expected to reach the gooey center of afflictions that severely augment your offense? Yes, water attunement is not cured by nightshade, but in what world is it reasonable to expect a player to willingly leave high risk afflictions on themselves to cure other portions of your offense (which, by the way, sounds absolutely backward)?

    Attunement is unworkable not because of fringe cases like 'he doesn't cure right', but because once you get started, there's no way to stop you from rising meteorically in strength. This is only exacerbated in teams.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    In before post about Hunter. Don't off topic me Lionas :D
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • OzreasOzreas Member, Beta Testers Posts: 235 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    The priority is actually lethargy, to reduce the impact of this very situation, but since nausea, addiction, and lethargy all share the same cure, I can see from whence the confusion (ha) stems. Switching it up will likely help in the future, but it does not change the fact that the ability to create this type of situation using a grand total of four spells is a bit, as the kids are saying, "off the chain".

    Edit of edit of edit: nevermind me I'm a newb
    Post edited by Ozreas on
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I feel obligated to ask if you're out of mandrake.
  • ZakharZakhar Member Posts: 3
    It's not left to right, it's a random cure from that #1 prio line. Time to remake it!
  • OzreasOzreas Member, Beta Testers Posts: 235 ✭✭✭✭
    I noticed I was out before the responses loaded, so I tried to quickly cover my tracks. Too slowly, unfortunately! Thus is my ineptitude revealed to the interweb, I fall on my sword in shame. 

    @Zakhar: None of the other afflictions from priority #1 were present at the time :S
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    The design is flawed. I really think 4 levels of herb based attunements will never be balanced when you have access to all four elements. You don't even have to afflict intelligently, because the attunements will always be cured last and you can refresh them next hit and pick up the attunement bonus. 

    Inhibit (Shamanism) is a good skill. It's slow as hell (2.5-3.7s) and gives two really badass afflictions. If you don't cure that (by virtue of good planning on my part) it disrupts you. A wytch has no way to give lethargy and confusion without inhibit. To set up inhibit being good, I have to be good.

    Not for mages! Their afflictions are entirely separate and predicated on the level of attunement, which as we've already established, is kind of a moot point. High attunement isn't a big deal when you're spam trolling confusion/lethargy/disrupt. Basically, the problem here is that the balancing factor that makes inhibit workable is not present in mages. The underlying mechanism of herb based attunements (totaling 16 afflictions, haha) is flawed.

    This gets worse when you can't let yourself build up any high degree of any attunement, but you can't avoid letting it happen.

    Also, we have to factor in the "Meat Puppet Effect." This was established in late 2006 and remains true today. You present Arlith with two class options. Whichever class Arlith picks and plays, there is something wrong with it. There is an explot, an imbalance, or something that makes that class unnecessarily easy. Find it. Fix it.

    Replace Arlith with Kryss and the two classes were Summoner and Mage. Proof is in the pudding and pudding is delicious.
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