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  • ArioArio Member Posts: 171 ✭✭✭
    Eoghan said:
    Status is used to show if they have the channel disabled.

    For cults, the Info entry notes if they are the leader (as there are no other ranks). It appears to be unused for sects at the moment, but is reserved for future use.

    Including the position name there has width issues, as we avoid creating tables wider than the default wrapwidth. We could possibly include (but truncate) the name, but I'm not sure what the original intent of the Info field was for sects so I'm not going to commit to it.
    Piggybacking off this to ask for a request: Would it be possible to add multiple people to a certain position similar to the way clan positions are handled?
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    20:17:26.341 Salish throws his palm towards your face.
    20:17:26.342 Your balance is momentarily disrupted by the power of the blow.
    Salish balls up one fist and hammerfists you.
    20:17:26.344 Painful bruises are forming on your left leg.
    20:17:26.345 He connects to the left leg!
    Damage Taken: 19 blunt, physical (raw damage: 45)
    Salish balls up one fist and hammerfists you.
    20:17:26.347 He connects to the left leg!
    Damage Taken: 19 blunt, physical (raw damage: 45)
    Salish lashes out with a quick jab at you.
    20:17:26.349 He connects!
    Damage Taken: 12 blunt, physical (raw damage: 29)
    493[90] 574[99] e- db 0 0 54.52 0 [m]: 0 (wunjo, inguz) (+0) --
    493[90] 574[99] e- db 0 0 54.52 0 [m]: 0 (wunjo, inguz) (+0) --
    493[90] 574[99] e- db 0 0 54.52 0 [m]: 0 (wunjo, inguz) (+0) --
    493[90] 574[99] e- db 0 0 54.52 0 [m]: 0 (wunjo, inguz) (+0) --
    You have recovered balance.
    493[90] 574[99] eb db 0 0 54.52 0 [m]: 0 (wunjo, inguz) (+0) --
    20:17:27.070 You caress your chameleon tattoo and assume a new identity.
    You have gained the chameleon defence.
    20:17:27.072 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a lunar shield into your left hand, with
    20:17:27.072 a shining longsword flowing into your right hand.
    20:17:27.072 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
    20:17:27.073 You rub some ether on a shining longsword.
    20:17:27.074 You slash viciously into
    Salish with a shining longsword.
    20:17:27.075 You rub some hemotoxin on a shining longsword.
    20:17:27.076 You shred
    Salish's skin viciously with a shining longsword, causing a nasty infection.
    Salish pales suddenly and slumps perceptibly.
    20:17:27.090 Balance Taken: 4.14s
    Mana Lost: 6
    20:17:27.091 You concentrate on the mannaz rune on an ornately wrought tablet, and its searing image suddenly
    20:17:27.091 flares on your skin.
    20:17:27.092 Equilibrium Taken: 4.75s
    493[90] 568[98] -- db 0 0 54.52 0 [m]: 2 (wunjo, inguz) (+1) --
    Autocuring: smoke pipe with linseed
    20:17:27.100 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
    493[90] 568[98] -- db 0 0 54.52 0 [m]: 2 (wunjo, inguz) (+1) --
    Salish quickly eats a piece of kelp.
    493[90] 568[98] -- db 0 0 54.52 0 [m]: 2 (wunjo, inguz) (+1) --
    20:17:27.145 You have recovered from the blow to your face.

    No cure? That's pretty rough.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • RennynRennyn Member Posts: 32 ✭✭
    Date: 6/30/2015 at 21:05
    From: @Jeremy
    To : Everyone
    Subj: Artifact Sale

    We are extending the artifact sale a couple more days to accommodate some people that have been asking for it. I will probably change it out Saturday or Sunday.

    Penned by my hand on the 12th of Vita, in the year 80 AM.

    Any update on this? I wanna waste money buy stuff!
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    Wysrias said:
    Because both sides are probably doing high priority afflictions to one another, unless one side is capable of ignoring afflictions entirely. If I am delivering ciguatoxin and someone on my team is hit by someone else doing ciguatoxin, either of them curing it will cure the other. This means affliction stacks on both sides will fall apart unless the affliction pools are completely separate from one another. The roughly equivalent option would be to have health sips heal everyone in the room, which would again be a hilariously bad suggestion.

    This also completely kills tracking I assume, unless there's a 3P message notifying everyone when someone's cure managed to cure another person.

    EDIT: On the plus side, I guess it would be a pretty good counter to the definitely-not-ridiculous hypothermia/deepfreeze shenanigans going on with outriders right now. All of that caloric in the room should clear up any potential shatter nice and quickly.
    Clueless seemed like the best place to put this.  Wysrias' quote is from the relic thread.  I seem to see comments about group aff tracking a fair bit, and I am wondering if group combat is moving to a place where even as a non-leader member of a group, I really should have an affliction tracker - and a group capable one at that.  I don't just mean something like "so-and-so prones, so I will impale, or so-and-so hit with ciguatoxin, so I should hit with blah".  I bet I could do that.  But I get the feeling maybe things are moving well beyond something like that.  Just as importantly, if one or more sides has completely optimized aff trackers (or are moving in that direction), and their offensive schemes don't have a single point of failure, and can take down a target as fast or faster than the crazy damage that people also find understandably frustrating, I'm guessing anyone who doesn't have completely optimized healing and defensive tactics is going to implode as well (and possibly even those who do).   

    I track my target's rebounding, whether I raze it, or whether someone else does, but that is a much, much simpler problem, and I still struggled with it.  In fact, it's not quite perfect even now.  It's not yet smart enough to reset itself if I have to leave the room, for example.  So, if group combat is moving towards a participation bar that includes "decent aff tracker", alright, and I am certainly not going to attempt to fight that trend, but I (and players like me) need to know that group combat is moving beyond what we're realistically going to be able to take part in.  If that's truly not the case, great, but I would beg people not to give false hope, either.  The amount of time I have spent pulling my hair out over tweaks...  It has taken me many years to fully understand that this stuff actually IS easy for some of you, and that's probably why it seems absolutely inconceivable that anything other than galloping sloth and idiocy could create a player who "can't even build a decent aff tracker, man, I could do that when I was 10.  Don't worry though, I know you're slow and lazy, but I bet you'll totally figure it out in another week or two".  :(

    I mostly avoid 1 v. 1 combat (and I'd include very small teams under the 1 v. 1 umbrella as well, at least in terms of style and required skill).  The only times I "1 v. 1" are bounties, humoring the occasional person who really wants to kill me, and sometimes when I am working on a specific tweak to my own defense.  The last instance is always in the interest of future group conflicts rather than in service to any ambition of becoming great at 1 v. 1.  I don't seek out lots of 1 v. 1 because it's just going to be boring for my enemy and frustrating for me.  Or, if I were to fight someone like me, it's going to be two people ineffectually beating on each other.  In contrast, group combat has usually allowed me to walk away with one or two specific things I could look at (which is what has made it so appealing).  Finally, I suppose it isn't just about whether your average group combatant would need an aff tracker per se, but the standard of knowledge and skill an aff tracker represents.  
  • KryssKryss Member Posts: 426 ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2015
    It's mostly (only) Demonic that does this kind of thing and even then it's not everyone. I encourage it fully and try to help/get people reporting together but it's not as though we say, 'report your afflictions or don't fight with us!' I mean, everyone who is skilled enough to be making the most of the infromation they're getting affliction reporting will do well even without it but you know, every little bit helps especially in a circle where afflictions are so prevalent. And bear in mind, this kind of reporting is not the same as tracking. This is just having people say 'afflicted x y' on a clan when they give an afflictions, which doesn't require tracking at all.
  • WysriasWysrias Member Posts: 410 ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2015
    If you're not playing an affliction class, having an affliction tracker is not really a high priority. Group affliction calls are mostly for the benefit (or peril) of people who are actively tracking, and are just considered a courtesy if you can manage it. Some of us like to be tricky with our offenses, or want to reduce our error margins to try and push our offenses ahead. Sharing information is really the key part of this, and calling afflictions to a clan is a way of trying to optimize that delivery as much as possible.

    As an example, it's important for Wytch because it helps you make judgment calls that are otherwise going to be prone to failure in combat. You want to track whether or not someone is jinxed, so you know whether or not you can 'safely' use swiftcurse/blight. You want to track the various lock afflictions, so that you know how well you're slowing down their curing. You want to track as many curses as you can, so that you aren't repeating afflictions and can build your curse stacks higher. You want to track the leech afflictions, because these modify your steal offense. Without a good sense of tracking, you will miss opportunities to seal your offensive route, which can result in firing off afflictions and getting absolutely nowhere.

    EDIT: Also, to explain that quote a bit, I was referring to the user's tracking, not group tracking. A lot of cure calls are based off of simple messages, like "Jules eats a maidenhair leaf." I use that message to comb through my maidenhair afflictions and predict a cure. If "Septus eats a maidenhair leaf." can also cure Jules' paralysis, and would do so in a way that wouldn't inform me otherwise (I.E. no message like "A powerful reciprocation effect purges an affliction from Jules."), suddenly things are a lot trickier for me.

  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nothing wrong with not wanting to do 1v1. I dislike pure 1v1's myself, I much prefer 2v2s.

    I don't think group combat will ever move towards 'requiring' an aff tracker. 

    The problem that you may be facing is that once your numbers dwindle, you really need to seek your edge elsewhere other than damage. For example, in maybe 80% of my time in Demonic, we had less than the other two circles, so we really had to push our classes hard to gain an edge.

    Such has not been the case with Anti-Magick since you started. Maybe it is now, maybe it isn't, but you probably won't -need- an aff tracker to participate meaningfully in combat. Just know that if you're low on numbers, you may be using a suboptimal strategy.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Jules If you want to get better at the mechanics of combat, use Outrider more. It's got a very rewarding playstyle as compared to Templar right now and it doesn't require nearly as much affliction tracking.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • RennynRennyn Member Posts: 32 ✭✭
    Necromancy - Vivisect

    Syntax: VIVISECT <player>

    Essence cost: 400 (half returned if successful)

    The pinnacle of necromantic powers, you are now able to slay your opponent after a moderate preparation time. The time slightly scales to your victim's number of broken limbs.

    What exactly is the scaling on this? Just performed one, on a target who had all four limbs broken, and it was still a 10s channel... :/
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That abfile might be wrong. In the beta that was what it did initially, but then the scaling got removed if I'm remembering correctly.
  • RennynRennyn Member Posts: 32 ✭✭
  • LuthyrLuthyr Member Posts: 123 ✭✭
    I want to say when I tested it with and without broken limbs, it starts out at a 14 second channel. 
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Anyone know what the crystals from Magglix's golems do?
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • UltrixUltrix Member Posts: 288 ✭✭✭
    Iniar said:
    Anyone know what the crystals from Magglix's golems do?
    They are part of a quest involving the table. But you don't need to do the quest to get to magglix anymore. So I guess it's a quest without a purpose.
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I wrote a smithing system, looked at it, and asked myself why I hated myself. Then I answered my own questions, which is that I hated myself because I wrote a smithing system. So writing a smithing system made me hate myself but I wrote a smithing system because I hated myself and now I am all confused.

    Somebody explain this to me? :(

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Basically, you hate smithing.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • RennynRennyn Member Posts: 32 ✭✭
    And now, you hate yourself more than smithing.

    *highfives @Iniar*
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    Your character is forged in misery.  
  • YuriiYurii Member Posts: 63 ✭✭✭
    Can layouts be made to work on artifact weapons as well, or do they absolutely have to be customized through the CUSTOMISE commands?
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The latter.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • KristosKristos Member Posts: 44 ✭✭
    edited July 2015
    Fensrun steps aboard the chariot and firmly grasps the reins.
    Fensrun rebounding down.
    Fensrun's hands briefly turn black.
    Fensrun moves her hands rapidly in front of you.
    Air moves chaotically around you and you feel your patience vanish.
     -30 [ 6.4%],  39 (23.1%)
    Fensrun unleashed Cadmus, the cursed shaman on you.
    The visage glares at you and a strange feeling descends upon you.
    Fensrun passes her hand in front of you. You feel an invisible claw brush the back of your skull.
    H:397/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:18 D:100 XP:31.77
    You find an elixir of mana too irresistible and drink it instead.
    You sip mana.
    H:397/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:18 D:100 XP:31.77
    You touch the tree of life tattoo.
    Strange voices whisper in your mind, foiling your attempt.
    H:397/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:18 D:100 XP:31.77
    Fensrun ate toadstool.
    H:397/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:18 D:100 XP:31.77
    Fensrun smoked linseed.
    H:397/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:18 D:100 XP:31.77 queue eqbal diagnose
    Your mind is able to focus once again.
    H:397/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:18 D:100 XP:31.77
    Diagnose added to your EQBAL queue.
    H:397/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:18 D:100 XP:31.77
    [] Equilibrium [] [] Equilibrium [] [] Equilibrium []
    You are:
    addicted to elixirs.
    hearing whispers of madness.
    an insomniac.
    Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
    H:397/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:18 D:100 XP:31.77
    Fensrun sipped.
    H:397/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:18 D:100 XP:31.77 queue eqbal contemplate Fensrun|kanai purification Fensrun|seraph sap Fensrun
    Contemplate Fensrun|kanai purification Fensrun|seraph sap Fensrun added to your EQBAL queue.
    H:397/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:18 D:100 XP:31.77
    [] Equilibrium [] [] Equilibrium [] [] Equilibrium []
    Fensrun's mana stands at 434/500.
    Your fanatism is not burning with sufficient intensity.
    Mana Gain: 2
    Your holy seraph casts a piercing glance at Fensrun.
    Your seraph reports that Fensrun's mana now stands at 375.
    Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
    H:397/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    H:397/467 M:352/353 <-b db> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    Fensrun steps aboard the chariot and firmly grasps the reins.
    Fensrun tarots you.
    Eerie visions float in front of your eyes, pulling at your mind. As you watch them curiously, they begin changing, opening way
    to hellish visions.
    A sense of extreme nausea washes over you.
    A sickening glow surrounds you briefly.
    The card turns an ominous, sickly red before striking you in the head.
    The card bestows the stupidity malady upon you.
    H:397/467 M:352/353 <-b db> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    Ate nightshade.
    H:397/467 M:352/353 <-b db> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    Ooh look! A lovely lake. Perhaps you'll dive in!
    You leap up and attempt a graceful swan dive...right into the solid ground.
    You are no longer mounted on a massive chocolate-coloured draught horse.
    H:397/467 M:352/353 <-b pdb> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    You may eat another toadstool.
    Ate toadstool.
    +46 (9.9%)
    Mana Gain: 1
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <-b pdb> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    [] Equilibrium [] [] Equilibrium [] [] Equilibrium []
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <eb pdb> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    You quickly light your pipes, surrounding yourself with a cloud of smoke.
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <eb pdb> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with laurel smoke.
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <eb pdb> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    Fensrun ate mandrake.
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <eb pdb> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacantly instead.
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <eb pdb> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77 queue eqbal diagnose
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <eb db> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    Diagnose added to your EQBAL queue.
    You are:
    addicted to elixirs.
    hearing whispers of madness.
    unnaturally stupid.
    an insomniac.
    Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77 queue eqbal contemplate Fensrun|kanai purification Fensrun|seraph sap Fensrun
    [] Equilibrium [] [] Equilibrium [] [] Equilibrium []
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <eb db> B:0 F:24 D:100 XP:31.77
    Contemplate Fensrun|kanai purification Fensrun|seraph sap Fensrun added to your EQBAL queue.
    Fensrun's mana stands at 377/500.
    Your fanatism is not burning with sufficient intensity.
    Mana Gain: 2
    Your holy seraph casts a piercing glance at Fensrun.
    Your seraph reports that Fensrun's mana now stands at 318.
    Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:30 D:100 XP:31.77
    You may eat another herb or plant.
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:30 D:100 XP:31.77
    You may drink another healing elixir.
    H:443/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:30 D:100 XP:31.77
    +23 (4.9%)
    H:467/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:30 D:100 XP:31.77
    Fensrun sipped.
    H:467/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:30 D:100 XP:31.77
    Caitryn reaches out and hastily scrawls the Mark of Arctar and the Mark of Belial on your body.
    H:467/467 M:353/353 <-b db> B:0 F:30 D:100 XP:31.77
    Fensrun steps aboard the chariot and firmly grasps the reins.
    Fensrun places both hands on either side of your head and stares straight into your eyes. A ghostly ochre light gleams from her
    pupils and shoots into your eyes, and your mind expands with alien and strange visions.
    You yell, "No, it cannot be true! I cannot accept it! I beg of you to make it stop!"
    You have been slain by Fensrun.

    Why is laurel curing hellsight first when madness is priority 1 for me?
  • WysriasWysrias Member Posts: 410 ✭✭✭✭
    Your priorities don't determine what affliction is actually cured. Laurel can cure both madness and hellsight, and hellsight is not a madness affliction, so both can be cured by that action.

    If you're asking why it didn't attempt to cure madness the first time, your pipes were not lit and you can't light pipes off balance or equilibrium, which you were for the duration.

  • KristosKristos Member Posts: 44 ✭✭
    So basically it was a 50/50 shot at hellsight/madness?
  • WysriasWysrias Member Posts: 410 ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2015
    Yep, and that's the case for nearly all afflictions that share the same curing pool. Priorities are important for selecting the right cure, not necessarily curing the right affliction. You don't want to waste your herb balance curing something mediocre like, say, agoraphobia, when that orphine you just chugged would have been much more useful as maidenhair to cure off that paralysis.

    Curing pools are the fundamental concept behind things like herb affliction stacking - you have an affliction that you want 'buried' (let's say, asthma or hemotoxin), and then you stack additional afflictions (clumsiness, weariness, butisol for the kelp pool) to lower their chances of curing the affliction you want to stick around.

    As a side note, this is one of the major sources of complexity in affliction tracking - you have to make a lot of 'educated guesses' about what afflictions are actually being cured off of your target, and rely on a combination of context clues (they ate kelp and immediately smoked a pipe - bet they cured asthma) and sheer luck to be as accurate as possible.

  • KristosKristos Member Posts: 44 ✭✭
    Awesome! Thanks for the quick response!
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    WIthout artifact pipes, you should just tack "light pipes" before every single attack you make, ensuring you never get caught with your pants down that way.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    Also, you could just not wear pants.  
  • KristosKristos Member Posts: 44 ✭✭

    Already added following Wysrias pointing out my failures. Thanks for the advice tho Khizan.

    Jules, if I didn't play at work so much I wouldn't wear pants..

  • UltrixUltrix Member Posts: 288 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2015
    Can someone answer this lore question for me:  How many suns are there in Aetherius? HELP SUNS says that there are 7. But former Baarites have a "bronze armband of the Six Suns". So which is it? 6 or 7?
  • AleutiaAleutia Member, Historian Posts: 363 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nemesis stole one of Baar's suns during an event and changed Ki to Argum, which was then the demonic sun.
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