Howdy fellas. I stopped playing IRE games about 7 or so years ago, and I'm interested in coming back. Somebody posted a similar thread recently here (, but I had a few specific questions not answered there.
1. Like the OP from that thread, I'm very interested in joining someplace with a community. The Demonic circle was suggested as the most active and involved with newbies back then. Is this still true? Has it shifted? I know it's somewhat cyclical, but I'd have the best intro experience joining a circle that's currently doing well.
2. With autocuring released (and me knowing how to code after college, hooray) I'm very interested in joining the PvP scene. I'm not looking to make a big investment (yet?) just to be competent though. So with that in mind, I'd like to play a class that won't require omni-trans + 20 artifacts to stand a chance at winning in PvP. Which classes does that rule out?
3. Are Wytchen puppets gone? I never played one, but I liked the idea of puppets.

4. I love the idea of a class with a companion, like a wyrm, ouroboros, or hound. However, I've read threads about staying away from afflcition- and limb-oriented classes at the moment. Which of these "companion classes" is doing fine/is easy to get into?
5. I'm assuming leveling through PK won't be available whenever I want. So I'd like to know who is good at bashing relatively early. I remember with the old DEADEYES BLEED BLEED I used to be an absolute monster back in the day.

I'm excited about returning, and I'm glad to see the game's still alive and doing just fine.
2. All classes will require you to put in at least a small investment towards your skills, but mileage may vary. Knight classes are always a safe, great starting choice because they only really require one skill for you to contribute heavily in a team, not to mention the great utility and team support abilities (defend, block, etc.). If you're not looking to put in a big artifact investment then affliction classes are probably going to work out better for you, but their contribution in teams is tricky to manage and easy to mess up. Knights, assassins/renegades have the cheapest barrier to entry, but in terms of sheer effectiveness for your team, Summoner and Druid can also be a great choice. They just benefit from more skill investment, whereas knights and assassins really only require 2 of their 3 class skills.
3. Vodun dolls are gone, long live vodun dolls. Wytchen now have Shamanism, which lets you spray glitter all over your enemies to various effect. They're a bit more of a RNG-guided affliction/damage hybrid class now - always fun, sometimes effective, never tanky.
4. Outriders with Wyrmriding fit this bill, and their kill routes are relatively easy to chase compared to other affliction/damage classes. Stab with cold spear, repeat until they're really cold, shatter. Alternatively, stab til they bleed a lot, and then freeze their blood. There's a lot of timing and coordination required on top of that, however, with the numerous pets, traps and throwing axes that supplement their strategies. Diabolist (ouroboros) is a pretty terrible choice all around and likely wont' be changing any time soon - long gone are the days of deadeyes/nightmare spam overloading systems, and now diabolists work towards special afflictions called infirmities that require you to stack individual herb trees. Speaking as someone who routinely plays diabolist, it's not really fun or interesting.
Knights still have their falcons/kestrels/hounds, though they play a much more minor role in combat now that their balance knocks have been removed.
Assassins/renegades have lamias/phantoms and wormholes - those are kind of like pets!
5. As above, diabolists are pretty low tier in terms of bashing potential now. You'll find most of the 'good' bashing classes on AM (predator, priest come to mind) and to a lesser extent magick; demonic has Summoner as their top bashing class due to innate survivability and a very strong bashing attack.
Welcome back! Please don't let my jaded opinions drive you away. There's pretty much a way to make any choice work, just to different levels of effectiveness.
(Really though, don't choose diabolist, you will just feel sad.)
Odd as it sounds, there is no better time to go any circle you want than now. I think that when Demonic has its ducks in a row, it does a great job at conflict points like shardfalls, and the other circles likewise do very well for themselves. Magick and AM just have more active people at the moment, which makes the 'ducks in a row' a lot easier to complete. Each circle has great sects (Magick: Primal and Enigma are good, as are their entities @Svorai and @Lazal , AM: Storms is growing day by day and @Xuli is amazing, Demonic: Jackals is an awesome concept and @Nyrohi is the bomb) which leave plenty of cool places to tap for RP.
If you end up coming to AntiMagick, Antioch is a pretty great place to be as a new player because we tend to be very concerned with getting people what they need to do what they want and then not forcing them to go outside of their comfort zone until they want to. We have a Predator and Outrider guild and both of them could always use new people, especially combat-oriented players. Ithaqua is a little more quiet, but has a lot of quality people I have really come to appreciate having around and respect.
You can pick up your class and probably get in to large scale PVP somewhere in your earlier levels. Your health pool will make you fragile but you will still be useful in plenty of ways if you are attentive and any death of an enemy will be a lot of XP.
Outrider bashing is slower and less powerful in terms of defense and offense. It is a strict downgrade from Predator in that department. Both will generally want the same run of the mill defensive artifacts if you are REALLY serious, but you do get a free sip bonus as Outrider scaling off your Trailblazing rank! You can forge a quality spear or trident (I have plenty), and a sitara from a quality mob is a request away. Sitaras are a little harder to get higher quality stats on but it is possible. A lot of artifacts both classes want are in the range of defensive upgrades and putting your offense somewhere over the top. You will want tri-trans as either class, but you can get away with not transcending Trailblazing right away.
On the plus side, these are all strong professions that bash well and have crazy amounts of team viability while also being strong in 1v1 combat, and they can all build tanky while remaining effective. On the downside, there's nothing particularly complicated about them, offensively. No afflictions to track or the like.
The easy ones to get into are Priest, Outrider, Defiler for the 'major' pet classes. For the 'minor' pet classes, look at Runeguard, Templar, Deathknight, Druid.
I would honestly avoid Predator. It's a powerhouse bashing class, but I find it lackluster in PvP. PvPwise, the thing you need to realize is that you're not a fedaykin with a bone crysknife; the knife does lackluster damage without an absolutely perfect setup. Your best attack is throwing darts at enemies to afflict them and tracking these afflictions client-side to push them towards an affliction kill, which is not really viable in groups.
Outrider is a strong choice. Always useful in groups, strong solo PvP, and decent bashing.
You cannot expect to level primarily through PK, because you'll start with like 50 health compared to my 550 and you will be literally one-shot throughout the entire game. However, dying in PK causes no experience loss in this game; if you are proactive about jumping into group fights at every chance you get and you managed to survive long enough for the group to earn even a single kill, you can get some pretty large experience gains from it."On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Find a class that is interesting. Play that class.
Team fights, you will always find a place and do something productive. Who gives a rats bum if someone doesn't like it? That's their issue, not yours. Most of the classes are balanced and fun. There are outliers in both pvp and pve. Some of them even have trades where you rock at 1v1, but you're not a very good basher. The game is such that you can bash up aspect with any class and participate in combat and have fun doing so.
Diabolist is crap. (I may have lied. This class sucks. Avoid it.)
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
E: what I'm trying to say is that encouraging people from the get go to use a simple class encourages participation, but actively discouraging them from trying/learning/crying through an affliction class will have long term consequences.
So I definitely agree that you should pick what you want, not what others want for you.
Iluv: Plays Summoner in teams
Risca: Plays Druid or Defender RG
Shou: Would be more effective as literally any other AM class, spams damage in teams, notably ineffective in groups aside from cover(as has been noted by virtually everybody on the Demonic Ring).
Vivianne: One Diabolist is good
Gabriel: Plays Druid
Um, those people may not be the best examples.
More effective arguments would have been the useful assassin/renegades in teams(Ahkan), the useful Hunters in teams(???), and the useful Wytches(Kanthari, whose main use is Runelore utility; he repeats damage combos in the actual fight).
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."