Khizan didn't fight in Achaea(didn't make my first system until just before Imperian opened), but back then you'd type "HELP PK" in Achaea and get "Type MORE to continue reading. (2% shown)".
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Just want to say, I've been around about twenty four hours at this point, having tried playing imperian once way back when, and I'm loving just the game as a whole. I'm a Lusternia refugee (thanks retirement!) and I have to say that everyone I've come across so far has been super awesome and just good people. What's up with that, evil demon city? :P
Imperian has a reputation as the "worst" IRE property, but from what I've seen that's definitely not the case. I'll be applying pressure to friends to come play as well. Keep up the awesome.
Special shoutout to Sharatar. You're awesome.
Agreed with 100%. You guys have been awesome to us so far, and I'm having a blast. There are a ton of people who are happy to talk to me about combat, explain IC things, and help invest me into the game as a whole. Right now a lot of my time on seems to be idle as I go through and figure out how I'm going to kill people (in time, in time), but I'm getting invited to tag along with bashing, inducted into a Sect, and encouraged to learn. Imperian's got a great basis here. I'm intending to recommend it more!
Just want to say, I've been around about twenty four hours at this point, having tried playing imperian once way back when, and I'm loving just the game as a whole. I'm a Lusternia refugee (thanks retirement!) and I have to say that everyone I've come across so far has been super awesome and just good people. What's up with that, evil demon city? :P
Imperian has a reputation as the "worst" IRE property, but from what I've seen that's definitely not the case. I'll be applying pressure to friends to come play as well. Keep up the awesome.
Special shoutout to Sharatar. You're awesome.
Agreed. I've had more fun just going through the newbie quests and feeling like a true noob than I've had in years. People are friendly. My only complaint is that Magick gets the short stick when it comes to classes. Couldn't pass up Outrider, even if I came in wanting to play Magick.
Outrider almost drew me in too. But I'm loving summoner so much. Just the feel of the class, and the whole demon enslaving process turned what could've been drudgery into a pretty fun experience.
Outrider is interesting. I loved the look of Mage (I understand it's not -that- great though). I was very nearly drawn in by Druid too. Defiler was fascinating. I love the ideas behind Berserker.
...but I'm really happy with Wytch so far, even if I'm hoping to see some RP stuff behind it.
Outrider almost drew me in too. But I'm loving summoner so much. Just the feel of the class, and the whole demon enslaving process turned what could've been drudgery into a pretty fun experience.
I've definitely been complaining about every possible thing because I want to hate 2016 as much as 2015 in a fraction of the time. but
I really want to holler out to the admin for this event.
The event that kicked off the year was clearly made with a conscious mind towards allowing all players to be involved - akin to the shrine war complaints where PK was where it boiled down to, this event had a beautiful overlap of PvE and PvP and I am impressed with the admin caring about it and then applying it. Even though I'm still coping with my abandonment issues per all of my friends (and no, @Khizan, I won't, and yes, Khizan, I know I can, and no, Khizan, it's not the same and you know it) I am really stoked over the numbers we've had in game lately
and don't even talk to me about the influx of newbies(/transplantswithretirementcreds) because I can't even stand how much I love newbies.
You say, "This is much harder than just being a normal person."
And for as much as I whinge, this game. Without it, I would not have generated a half-clone with @Krysaliss that will be spawning sometime in May or June.
You forgot the final part of that log, where I admired the nice suntan your meteor gave me, removed my sunglasses, and calmly crushed you like the sand bug you are.
“We abjure labels. We fight for money and an indefinable pride. The politics, the ethics, the moralities, are irrelevant."
Also an Achaean transplant. Didn't retire my main, but came back to this character recently. It's an older character, but I had never really done much with it. Recently sat down and really set things up so that I could play and I'm loving it. I have been playing IRE games (almost entirely Achaea) since 2001 and I haven't felt excited to log onto one for a couple of years. AM, Antioch and people that have been allowing me to jump into combat with them.
Also appreciate the Demonics that I've dueled a few times each. Both so far were very encouraging and relaxed.
Imperian poetry battles with Vasharr, over shouts.
A chill sets in the air as the voice of Vasharris carried upon a frigid breeze,"I once met the most awful fox. She was very
gross, so we locked her in a box. She tried to escape one day. So a nasty little fox we did slay. And then yetis ruled the world."You shout,"I knew a yeti named Vasharr, he loved to raid and roam. But when he faced resistance, he'd order pathfinder home."
A chill sets in the air as the voice of Vasharris carried upon a frigid breeze,"I met a Vyurdrag named Khizan, and he was
partially right. But not quite all the way, so it seems I'll bite. Pathfinder home is truly a useful tool. But how would you know,
with your head stuck in Urzog's pool?"You shout,"Since he's not so hot at fighting, he turned his hand to verse. The odds were against it, but at that he's even worse."
A chill sets in the air as the voice of Vasharris carried upon a frigid breeze,"One last one now, so lets make it count. Even
though we all know, my wit is an endless fount. Ladies, really, it's been a pleasure. But I daresay now I've your measure. No
match for the yeti were you this day. But do keep trying to best me, okay?"You shout,"After failing at two things, he tried for number three! But the only thing he was good at, was turning tail to flee!"
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
*********************************[ Kinsarmar ]********************************* Member Name City Rank Positions Profession ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mercer Baron Erege Bard Ichimoru Courtier Erege Runeguard Katinel Chevalier Erege Bard Ivellios Baron Mage Curran Baroness City Aide Druid Aakrin Baron City Aide Mage Ruga Baron City Aide Druid Oystir Vidame General of Defense Druid Skifleure Courtier Druid Fifinia Vassal City Aide Mage Kasa Denizen Bard Nyla Denizen Bard Cardilya Denizen Mage *******************************************************************************
***********************************[ Bards ]*********************************** Member Guild Title Profession Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oystir The Soul of Music Druid Guildmaster Ivellios a Blessed Voice of Harmony Mage Litany of Agony Mercer a Blessed Voice of Harmony Bard Robynn a Paramour of Lore Bard Bringer of Song Katinel a Master of Dissonance Bard Circle Director Fifinia a Bard Mage Kasa a Minstrel Bard Nyla a Minstrel Bard Favrielle a Minstrel Bard Ivi a Student Bard *******************************************************************************
You say, "This is much harder than just being a normal person."
*********************************[ Kinsarmar ]********************************* Member Name City Rank Positions Profession ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mercer Baron Erege Bard Ichimoru Courtier Erege Runeguard Katinel Chevalier Erege Bard Ivellios Baron Mage Curran Baroness City Aide Druid Aakrin Baron City Aide Mage Ruga Baron City Aide Druid Oystir Vidame General of Defense Druid Skifleure Courtier Druid Fifinia Vassal City Aide Mage Kasa Denizen Bard Nyla Denizen Bard Cardilya Denizen Mage *******************************************************************************
***********************************[ Bards ]*********************************** Member Guild Title Profession Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oystir The Soul of Music Druid Guildmaster Ivellios a Blessed Voice of Harmony Mage Litany of Agony Mercer a Blessed Voice of Harmony Bard Robynn a Paramour of Lore Bard Bringer of Song Katinel a Master of Dissonance Bard Circle Director Fifinia a Bard Mage Kasa a Minstrel Bard Nyla a Minstrel Bard Favrielle a Minstrel Bard Ivi a Student Bard *******************************************************************************
This hat has been knit from a soft cotton fiber and dyed a mix of white, orange, and black to form a calico print. The hat itself fits snugly around the head when worn, making it ideal for blocking out the wind and chill of cold weather. Two black beads have been sewn to the front of the hat, creating a pair of eyes. A small black button has been stitched to the front of the hat, creating a nose. A few whiskers made of white thread have been attached to the nose, completing the face. Two small ears peek out from the top of the hat to complete the look.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
I miss Eldreth and his amazing tentacles.
Election #298657 Results
Date: 1/19/2016 at 1:56
To : Everyone
Subj: Election #298657 Results
Jules Vladin has just replaced Celestine Vrothar as Mukhtar of Antioch of Antioch.
I really want to holler out to the admin for this event.
The event that kicked off the year was clearly made with a conscious mind towards allowing all players to be involved - akin to the shrine war complaints where PK was where it boiled down to, this event had a beautiful overlap of PvE and PvP and I am impressed with the admin caring about it and then applying it. Even though I'm still coping with my abandonment issues per all of my friends (and no, @Khizan, I won't, and yes, Khizan, I know I can, and no, Khizan, it's not the same and you know it) I am really stoked over the numbers we've had in game lately
and don't even talk to me about the influx of newbies(/transplantswithretirementcreds) because I can't even stand how much I love newbies.
I am pretty sure he made Antioch's colective day.
Imperian poetry battles with Vasharr, over shouts.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
I still hate Outrider.
Member Name City Rank Positions Profession
Mercer Baron Erege Bard
Ichimoru Courtier Erege Runeguard
Katinel Chevalier Erege Bard
Ivellios Baron Mage
Curran Baroness City Aide Druid
Aakrin Baron City Aide Mage
Ruga Baron City Aide Druid
Oystir Vidame General of Defense Druid
Skifleure Courtier Druid
Fifinia Vassal City Aide Mage
Kasa Denizen Bard
Nyla Denizen Bard
Cardilya Denizen Mage
***********************************[ Bards ]***********************************
Member Guild Title Profession Info
Oystir The Soul of Music Druid Guildmaster
Ivellios a Blessed Voice of Harmony Mage Litany of Agony
Mercer a Blessed Voice of Harmony Bard
Robynn a Paramour of Lore Bard Bringer of Song
Katinel a Master of Dissonance Bard Circle Director
Fifinia a Bard Mage
Kasa a Minstrel Bard
Nyla a Minstrel Bard
Favrielle a Minstrel Bard
Ivi a Student Bard
That is TWO awesome hates that Ultrix has made.
You are wearing:
"hat60220" a fuzzy kitten hat
This hat has been knit from a soft cotton fiber and dyed a mix of white, orange, and black to form a calico print. The hat itself fits snugly around the head when worn, making it ideal for blocking out the wind and chill of cold weather. Two black beads have been sewn to the front of the hat, creating a pair of eyes. A small black button has been stitched to the front of the hat, creating a nose. A few whiskers made of white thread have been attached to the nose, completing the face. Two small ears peek out from the top of the hat to complete the look.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."