I've been trying to use multiple sessions in mudlet. Works great. Except I cannot adjust the widths of the actual profiles themselves as they appear in mudlet. I can change the wrapwidth to make it all appear properly in the given space, but I'd like for Imperian to dominate 2/3rds of the mudlet space, with othermud smaller?
You say, "This is much harder than just being a normal person."
Ok hoping someone can help me out with just a spacing issue.
So set up doppleganger to seek, look and return with a clantell saying location of the target and their room num.
However between <player><vnum> there is no spacing in the clan tell.
send("clt1 Target Location: " ..tar ..vnum)
I'm sure the spacing is messed up somewhere and wasted so much time last night trying to fix it.
Other issue is when it reports it is giving the wrong vnum the first time but if you repeat the command it correct's itself.
Is this possibly because there is a vnum loop issue in some other trigger, alias, etc?
This latter problem isn't my own. Just trying to help my sister out but without being able to sit down and go all the way through her system just going on best guess that is the problem.
Lastly very new to trying to learn to code so I'd appreciate any input.
I've been trying to use multiple sessions in mudlet. Works great. Except I cannot adjust the widths of the actual profiles themselves as they appear in mudlet. I can change the wrapwidth to make it all appear properly in the given space, but I'd like for Imperian to dominate 2/3rds of the mudlet space, with othermud smaller?
If you haven't found it yet, you could use 'Multiview' but that only splits the windows in half on the screen, rather than a 2/3 ratio.
Ok hoping someone can help me out with just a spacing issue.
So set up doppleganger to seek, look and return with a clantell saying location of the target and their room num.
However between <player><vnum> there is no spacing in the clan tell.
send("clt1 Target Location: " ..tar ..vnum)
I'm sure the spacing is messed up somewhere and wasted so much time last night trying to fix it.
Other issue is when it reports it is giving the wrong vnum the first time but if you repeat the command it correct's itself.
Is this possibly because there is a vnum loop issue in some other trigger, alias, etc?
This latter problem isn't my own. Just trying to help my sister out but without being able to sit down and go all the way through her system just going on best guess that is the problem.
Lastly very new to trying to learn to code so I'd appreciate any input.
Without looking at the rest of code:
send("clt1 Target Location: " ..tar ..vnum)
you can try this:
vnum = " "..vnum -- this will force vnum to have a space in front of it
send("clt1 Target Location: " ..tar ..vnum)
About the vnum being wrong the first time, maybe just try a different variable name altogether; this_room or my_room or roomNumber
send("clt1 Target Location: " .. tar .. " " .. vnum)
Easier to stuff up for people not used to concatenating in Mudlet... that's why I did it on a separate line. Harder to eff up. Why doesn't it work? I put in exactly 400 apostrophes!
Ario - Kinsarmar Crossroads - Aurin - Merchant's Circle next t - Baasche - The Redwood Path - the Underworld Khandava Blanvo - The Celidon Threshold - Caelbrook - Monarch Square - the Khandava Council
? If this requires updating the map, I need somebody to lay out step by step, idiot instructions for me please cause this stuff always stumps me.
You say, "This is much harder than just being a normal person."
if target:lower():match("locust")then send(stuff)end
In my experience, Mudlet sometimes doesn't like string comps, so I try to use string.match(<string 1>, <string 2>) or <string 1>:match(<string 2>) whenever possible.
Edit: Just to clarify, this modification attempts to compare(with the match function that is built into all strings) a lowercase version of the target variable(with the built in lower function). If you were using this to compare two variables, it'd look like:
if target:lower():match(target2:lower())then stuff()end
Yeah, that's almost certainly it. String equality should almost always be handled with string fuctions.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Alright. I need a bit of help, here. I just cold-downloaded Mudlet, picked up Demonnic's tabbed chat, and I'm trying (and failing) to get a half-decent bashing setup.
I looked through the thread, and I...got lost when I saw the first set up scripts. I am not a programmer, I don't know programming language. I have -literally- no aptitude for any of it. I have to read what these things are supposed to do to get an idea -of- what they do, and I'm still left scratching my head trying to figure it out. So, I thought I'd post what I'm looking to do here.
1) Numkey movement. I get to a bashing area, activate all of my bonuses, and want to go 'Alright, here's what we've got.'
2) Eyeball whether or not there are mobs and if starting a fight would be a survivable prospect.
3) Press a button to bash them down. Lather, rinse, repeat, if possible, on the first button-press.
Alright. I need a bit of help, here. I just cold-downloaded Mudlet, picked up Demonnic's tabbed chat, and I'm trying (and failing) to get a half-decent bashing setup.
I looked through the thread, and I...got lost when I saw the first set up scripts. I am not a programmer, I don't know programming language. I have -literally- no aptitude for any of it. I have to read what these things are supposed to do to get an idea -of- what they do, and I'm still left scratching my head trying to figure it out. So, I thought I'd post what I'm looking to do here.
1) Numkey movement. I get to a bashing area, activate all of my bonuses, and want to go 'Alright, here's what we've got.'
2) Eyeball whether or not there are mobs and if starting a fight would be a survivable prospect.
3) Press a button to bash them down. Lather, rinse, repeat, if possible, on the first button-press.
4) Go back to step 1.
If no one posts a response to this soon, I can help you IG. Just contact me. What you're wanting to do seems pretty simple. Someone might post the exact aliases and triggers you need here, though.
(Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people." (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Firstly: My mudlet mapper is invisible.
Like, I can still GOTO vnums (but curiously I can't GOTO [area name]),
but the visual componant of the mudlet mapper is invisible no matter
what I do. It's not hyper zoomed out or in, and the small mapper menu is still visible (see image: http://imgur.com/hkum0AV).
Secondly is aforementioned goto area name issue. I was told updating my mapper should help with it, but, no dice.
If the direction is based on the rooms around you...
math.random(table.size(gmcp.Info.Room.exits)) to generate a random number, which you can then compare to the table of exits. As one option. Otherwise, draw it into a table and run it down one at a time.
send("clt1 Target Location: " .. tar .. " " .. vnum)
send("clt1 Target Location: " .. tar .. " " .. vnum)
Easier to stuff up for people not used to concatenating in Mudlet... that's why I did it on a separate line. Harder to eff up. Why doesn't it work? I put in exactly 400 apostrophes!
Ario - Kinsarmar Crossroads -
Aurin - Merchant's Circle next t -
Baasche - The Redwood Path - the Underworld Khandava
Blanvo - The Celidon Threshold -
Caelbrook - Monarch Square - the Khandava Council
? If this requires updating the map, I need somebody to lay out step by step, idiot instructions for me please cause this stuff always stumps me.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
In my experience, Mudlet sometimes doesn't like string comps, so I try to use string.match(<string 1>, <string 2>) or <string 1>:match(<string 2>) whenever possible.
Edit: Just to clarify, this modification attempts to compare(with the match function that is built into all strings) a lowercase version of the target variable(with the built in lower function). If you were using this to compare two variables, it'd look like:
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Alright. I need a bit of help, here. I just cold-downloaded Mudlet, picked up Demonnic's tabbed chat, and I'm trying (and failing) to get a half-decent bashing setup.
I looked through the thread, and I...got lost when I saw the first set up scripts. I am not a programmer, I don't know programming language. I have -literally- no aptitude for any of it. I have to read what these things are supposed to do to get an idea -of- what they do, and I'm still left scratching my head trying to figure it out. So, I thought I'd post what I'm looking to do here.
1) Numkey movement. I get to a bashing area, activate all of my bonuses, and want to go 'Alright, here's what we've got.'
2) Eyeball whether or not there are mobs and if starting a fight would be a survivable prospect.
3) Press a button to bash them down. Lather, rinse, repeat, if possible, on the first button-press.
4) Go back to step 1.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Firstly: My mudlet mapper is invisible. Like, I can still GOTO vnums (but curiously I can't GOTO [area name]), but the visual componant of the mudlet mapper is invisible no matter what I do. It's not hyper zoomed out or in, and the small mapper menu is still visible (see image: http://imgur.com/hkum0AV).
Secondly is aforementioned goto area name issue. I was told updating my mapper should help with it, but, no dice.
Help is appreciated.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
function saveTable(name)
table.save(getMudletHomeDir().."/"..name..".lua", name)
cecho("\n<dark_slate_gray:dim_grey>"..name.." saved!")
function loadTable(name)
table.load(getMudletHomeDir().."/"..name..".lua", name)
cecho("\n<dark_slate_gray:dim_grey>"..name.." loaded!")
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."