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Behaviour Suggestions

VerexaVerexa Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
edited November 2014 in New Ideas
Hello! I figured I would make a new thread to share suggestions to changes in the newly released behaviours. I have only worked on Summoner's behaviours as it is the only class I play, but all are welcome to submit their ideas or comment on others'.

Invoke Combustion
The problem I find with most of the behaviours is that they don’t reference the fact that Combustion is essentially a fire skill. Despite the behaviours being “forestal” or “frosty”, they should still be true to their original design. Here are some of the behaviours I have worked on so far. I'd be glad to work on some more if these are well-received. I invite you to offer some constructive criticism.

First person message:
You curl a finger at $(name$) who begins to shriek in agony as $(his$) internal organs are set ablaze, the fiery ruptures causing blood to trickle from $(his$) eyes and mouth.

Second person message:
$(name$) curls a finger at you and you begin to shriek in agony while your internal organs are set ablaze, the fiery ruptures causing blood to trickle from your eyes and mouth.

Third person message:
$(caster$) curls a finger at $(target$) who begins to shriek in agony as blood trickles from their eyes and mouth.

First person message:
As you point at $(name$), fire-touched vines rise from the ground to snake around $(his) body only to quickly burst into scorching hot flames leaving $(his) flesh horribly charred.

Second person message:
As $(name$) points at you, fire-touched vines snake around your body and quickly burst into scorching hot flames, leaving your flesh horribly charred.

Third person message:
As $(caster$) points at $(target$), fire-touched vines snake around $(his$) body and quickly burst into scorching hot flames, leaving $(his$) flesh horribly charred.

First person message:
Your piercing gaze falls upon $(name$) and $(he) claws at $(his$) throat, choking on the blistering volcanic lava filling $(his$) lungs and throat.

Second person message:
You begin to claw helplessly at your throat as blistering volcanic lava flows from your lungs and throat, $(name$)’s piercing gaze trained upon you.

Third person message:
$(caster$)’s piercing gaze falls upon $(target$) and steam begins to escape from $(his$) nostrils as $(he) helplessly claws at $(his$) throat.

First person message:
You narrow your eyes at $(name$), $(his$) flesh hissing in response as blistering sores suddenly begin to form and $(his$) bones splinter and snap with audible cracks.

Second person message:
$(name$) narrows $(his$) eyes at you, your flesh hissing in response as blistering sores suddenly begin to form and your bones splinter and snap with audible cracks.

Third person message:
$(caster$) narrows $(his$) eyes at $(target$) whose flesh hisses in response as blistering sores suddenly begin to form and whose bones splinter and snap with audible cracks.

Edit: I'm most definitely doing the scripting portion wrong. Can we possibly get a list of syntaxes we should be using?


  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not a fan of your gory. If you want gory combustion think raiders of the lost ark and faces melting. I don't see the obsession with internal organs.

    Brutal is a hard one to pull off with fire, I dunno. It's hard. what about making their blood boil and blisters? (the bone thing threw me)

    Volcano is my favorite, because holy wow. That's just a scary graphic.

    (Hire Verexa to write these. Also hire Ixielle, because she's the princess of nightmare fuel)
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Think she was shooting for heating up the bones of the body.  Which would probably have the effect of blisters forming externally and bones will crack when heated through as the marrow boils. Maybe focus on the bones snapping from the pressure and then the blisters appearing and flesh sloughing off or something.

    Maybe for gory the body could burst from the boiling liquids. Blah blah, pops like a water balloon but red and chunky.
  • AleutiaAleutia Member, Historian Posts: 363 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I assume the scripting is the same as deathglories (but I could be wrong!)

    The following strings exist. Each section below will note which of these strings they support.
    $(caster$)                       - This is the person doing the movement, performing the attack, etc
    $(name$)                        - Like caster, but used instead of it in emotes.
    $(his$)/$(him$)/$(he$)      - Gender specific pronouns for the caster.
    $(target$)                        - This is the person being killed (for deathsight).
    $(lname$)                        - Like target, but used instead of it in emotes.
    $(lhis$)/$(lhim$)/$(lhe$)    - Gender specific pronouns for the target.
    $(enter_direction$)            - The direction from which caster is entering
    $(leave_direction$)            - The direction to which caster is leaving.
  • VerexaVerexa Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭

    How is this for gory:

    You jab a finger at Selthis and he begins to shriek in agony as his skin is overtaken by pus-filled sores that burn and blacken around the edges to reveal portions of his skeletal frame, chunks of his hair and flesh melting away like butter.

  • AleutiaAleutia Member, Historian Posts: 363 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Verexa said:

    How is this for gory:

    You jab a finger at Selthis and he begins to shriek in agony as his skin is overtaken by pus-filled sores that burn and blacken around the edges to reveal portions of his skeletal frame, chunks of his hair and flesh melting away like butter.

    I'll be in my room scrubbing that terrifying image out of my brain :(
  • MenochMenoch Member Posts: 594 ✭✭✭
    Just my $.02 but in my own head I was really hoping summoner brutal would have something about bones snapping and like instantly carbonized magma like pockets of people-meat bursting into slag.
  • DiceneDicene Member Posts: 913 ✭✭✭✭
    Your gory makes me think of this:

    Also, please find a way to make the word slough fit in some of the gory behaviors? It was in the text for some old Summoner skill that I loved back when I first made a Summoner alt years ago.
  • MathiausMathiaus Member Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    I wish I could stab mobs eyes out instead of generically stabbing them
  • MathiausMathiaus Member Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    Pfft. You guys get to make eyes bleed. I get:

    Blood and gore flying, you repeatedly stab a rabid ghoul with a scourgebone daegger.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    First pass, don't take this too seriously, aka, only for people who can take a joke:

    [proposed]: decrepit, ancient, wizened, elderly

    (1) Wheezing, you snugly fold your whip around (target)'s neck and pull. Hard.
    (2) (caster) wheezes slightly as he manages to wrap (gender) whip around your neck, pulling tightly with surprising strength.
    (3) (caster) shuffles over to (target) with surprising agility and cleverly folds (gender) whip around (target)'s neck, garroting (them) with expert hands.

    Voice Shaite:
    (1) Your mellow voice crumples (target) into the dirt.
    (2) A quiet sound crescendos into a thrumming pain and you crumple to the ground.
    (3) (target) crumples to the ground, grasping their ears.

    Voice Rubait:
    (1) Your sonorous voice drains (target)'s vitality, renewing your sense of aptitude.
    (2) You find yourself plunging into the depths of (caster)'s voice, and your very soul begins to shred with the resonance.
    (3) (target) screams in pain as (caster) hums quietly, a knowing smile on (their) face.

    Ravage (targeted):
    (1) Your limbs blur in unexpected fury, smashing [weapon] into (target)'s [limb].
    (2) Faster than your eye can follow, the wizened (caster) smashes [weapon] into your [limb].
    (3) Faster than one/you would expect, (caster) smashes [weapon] into your [limb].

    (1) Your limbs blur in unexpected fury, smashing [weapon] into (target).
    (2) Faster than your eye can follow, the wizened (caster) smashes [weapon] into you.
    (3) Faster than one/you would expect, (caster) smashes [weapon] into (target).

    Daegger Stab:
    (1) (caster)'s wrinkly hands struggles with [weapon] briefly, before flashing down and plunging into your body.
    (2) Concentration mars (caster)'s face as (gender) struggles with (gender) [weapon] briefly, before (they) smile wickedly and plunge it deep into your body.
    (3) With wizened hands, (caster) briefly struggles with (gender) [weapon] before (they) smile wickedly and plunge it into (target)'s body.

    Quarterstaff Stab (targeted):
    (1) The arthritis in your fingers flare as you stab your [weapon] viciously into (target)'s [limb].
    (2) (caster) winces briefly as (gender) steps forward and stabs (gender) [weapon] viciously into your [limb].
    (3) (caster) winces briefly as (gender) steps forward and stabs (gender) [weapon] viciously into (target)'s [limb].

    Quarterstaff Stab:
    (1) The arthritis in your fingers flare as you stab your [weapon] viciously into (target)'s throat.
    (2) (caster) winces briefly as (gender) steps forward and stabs (gender) [weapon] viciously into your throat.
    (3) (caster) winces briefly as (gender) steps forward and stabs (gender) [weapon] viciously into (target)'s throat.

    Wyvern Claw:
    (1) You lazily lash out at (target), your ancient talons rending deep swathes through (their) body.
    (2) (caster) reaches towards you, powerfully dragging ancient talons through your body.
    (3) (caster) reaches towards (target), powerfully dragging ancient talons through (their) body.

    Cast Batter:
    (1) You flick a stone in (target)'s direction, striking (gender) in the head as punishment for (their) impudence.
    (2) (caster) flicks a stone in your direction, the pebble striking you in the head. Ow.
    (3) (caster) flicks a stone in (target)'s direction, the pebble striking (gender) in the head.

    Cast Bloodboil:
    (1) You wipe the spittle from your mouth before mutter the arcana that causes (target)'s veins to burst open and sizzle.
    (2) With a backhand wipe across (gender) mouth, (caster) mutters in your direction causing your veins to burst open and sizzle with superheated blood.
    (3) With a backhand wipe across (gender) mouth, (caster) mutters in (target)'s direction causing (their) veins to burst open and sizzle.

    (1) You smile inwardly as your trained eye enables you to dart between (target)'s defences, launching a swift uppercut to (their) unprotected jaw.
    (2) With uncanny precision, (caster) steps inside your defences and punches your jaw.
    (3) With uncanny precision, (caster) steps inside (target)'s defences and launches a vicious uppercut into (their) jaw.

    (1) Your bones creak as you pivot harshly on your degenerative hip, lashing a masterful side kick at (target).
    (2) An audible 'creak' accompanies (caster) as (gender) lashes a masterful side kick at you.
    (3) An audible 'creak' accompanies (caster) as (gender) lashes a masterful side kick at (target).

    (1) You grapple (target)'s free arm before pummelling your pent up fury into (their) [limb].
    (2) Snarling, (caster) locks up your free arm before pummelling into your [limb].
    (2) Snarling, (caster) locks up (target)'s free arm before pummelling into (their) [limb].

    Spear Stab (targeted):
    (1) You roar defiantly, puffing out your craven chest before stabbing down hard onto (target)'s [limb] with [spear].
    (2) (caster) roars defiantly, drawing (gender)self to full height before stabbing down hard onto your [limb] with [spear].
    (3) (caster) roars defiantly, drawing (gender)self to full height before stabbing down hard onto (target)'s [limb] with [spear].

    Spear Stab:
    (1) You roar defiantly, puffing out your craven chest before driving [spear] hard into (target).
    (2) (caster) roars defiantly, drawing (gender)self to full height before driving [spear] hard into you.
    (3) (caster) roars defiantly, drawing (gender)self to full height before driving [spear] hard into (target).

    Smite (targeted):
    (1) With a weary sigh, you sidestep (target)'s defences and deal a nasty blow to (their) [limb].
    (2) With a weary sigh, (caster) sidesteps your defences and deals a nasty blow to your [limb].
    (3) With a weary sigh, (caster) sidesteps (target)'s defences and deals a nasty blow to (their) [limb].

    (1) With a weary sigh, you sidestep (target)'s defences and deal a nasty blow to (their) temple.
    (2) With a weary sigh, (caster) sidesteps your defences and deals a nasty blow to your temple.
    (3) With a weary sigh, (caster) sidesteps (target)'s defences and deals a nasty blow to (their) temple.

    Sitara Lateral:
    (1) With practiced ease, you draw your sitara across (target)'s torso.
    (2) With practiced ease, (caster) draws (gender) sitara across (your torso.
    (3) With practiced ease, (caster) draws (gender) sitara across (target)'s torso.

    Sitara Vertical:
    (1) You lumber forward, your deceptive slowness masking a powerful downward stroke onto (target).
    (2) (caster) ploughs (gender) sitara downwards through your body with incredible strength.
    (3) (caster) ploughs (gender) sitara downwards through (target)'s body.

    Sitara Jab:
    (1) You flick your arthritic wrist, snapping your sitara through (target)'s [limb].
    (2) (caster) flicks their wrist almost casually, stabbing (gender) sitara through your [limb].
    (3) (caster) flicks their wrist almost casually, stabbing (gender) sitara through (target)'s [limb].

    Sitara Lowhook:
    (1) Bending as low as your back allows, you ravage (target)'s [limb] with [weapon].
    (2) Swooping low with surprising agility, (caster) ravages your [limb] with [weapon].
    (3) Swooping low with surprising agility, (caster) ravages (target)'s [limb] with [weapon].

    Sitara Crescentcut
    (1) Hefting your sitara quickly, you balance all your weight through to your attack, slicing the naive (target) apart.
    (2) (caster) quickly hefts (gender) sitara before incredible pain flares through your body as (gender) slices the deadly weapon through you.
    (3) (caster) quickly hefts (gender) sitara before nearly slicing (target) apart with a single stroke.

    Sitara Spinslash
    (1) Weaving from memory more than thought, you out-turn (target) and slash him twice with [weapon].
    (2) In mesmerising fashion, (caster) twists beyond your reach and slashes you twice with [weapon].
    (3) In mesmerising fashion, (caster) twists beyond (target)'s reach and slashes (them) twice with [weapon].

    Sitara Wolfcharge
    (1) You leap from your wolf but your ageing limbs fail you, and you land just in front of (target). Taking advantage of (their) surprise, you leap up and stab [weapon] into (their) face.
    (2) (caster) leaps from (gender) wolf but flops short in front of you. As you suppress a chuckle, (gender) leaps up and stabs you in the face with [weapon].
    (3) (caster) leaps from (gender) wolf but flops short in front of (target). As (target) stands akimbo, (caster) takes the opportunity to leap up and stab (them) in the face with [weapon].

    Warding Tipslash (targeted):
    (1) You groan quietly as you overstretch your shoulder into the attack, slashing (target)'s [limb] with the tip of [weapon].
    (2) (caster) nearly loses (gender) balance with a faltering attack, but not before slashing your [limb] with the tip of [weapon].
    (3) (caster) nearly loses (gender) balance with a faltering attack, but not before slashing (target)'s [limb] with the tip of [weapon].

    Warding Tipslash:
    (1) You groan quietly as you overstretch your shoulder into the attack, slashing (target) with the tip of [weapon].
    (2) (caster) nearly loses (gender) balance with a faltering attack, but not before slashing you with the tip of [weapon].
    (3) (caster) nearly loses (gender) balance with a faltering attack, but not before slashing (target) with the tip of [weapon].

    Warding Qjab1 (targeted):
    (1) With efficient precision, you step past (target)'s defences and strike (their) [limb].
    (2) With eerie precision, (caster) steps past your defences and strikes your now unprotected [limb].
    (3) With eerie precision, (caster) steps past (target)'s defences and strikes (their) [limb].

    Warding Qjab1:
    (1) With efficient precision, you step past (target)'s defences and strike (them).
    (2) With eerie precision, (caster) steps past your defences and strikes you.
    (3) With eerie precision, (caster) steps past (target)'s defences and strikes (them).

    Warding Qjab2 (targeted):
    (1) Consummate balance from years of practice enables you to swivel and jab [weapon] into (target)'s [limb].
    (2) (caster) swivels and jabs [weapon] into your [limb] with an air of practiced ease.
    (3) (caster) swivels and jabs [weapon] into (target)'s [limb] with an air of practiced ease.

    Warding Qjab2:
    (1) Consummate balance from years of practice, you swivel and jab [weapon] into (target).
    (2) (caster) swivels and jabs [weapon] into you with an air of practiced ease.
    (3) (caster) swivels and jabs [weapon] into (target) with an air of practiced ease.

    Warding Shieldbash:
    (1) You shake off your malaise before slamming your shield into (target)'s body.
    (2) (caster) gives (gender)self a brief shake before slamming [shield] into your body.
    (3) (caster) gives (gender)self a brief shake before slamming [shield] into (target)'s body.

    Warding Thrust:
    (1) Unconvinced by (target)'s defences, you easily thrust [weapon] into (their) side.
    (2) (caster) flicks the end of (gender) [weapon] before following through with a thrust into your side.
    (2) (caster) flicks the end of (gender) [weapon] before following through with a thrust into (target)'s side.

    Warding Thrust_spot:

    Warding Buttstrike:
    (1) You hack up a ball of phlegm and spit it at (target)'s face, distracting (them) as you thrust [weapon] into (their) gut.
    (2) (caster) hack up a ball of phlegm and spit it at your face, blurring your vision as (gender) thrusts [weapon] into your gut.
    (3) (caster) hack up a ball of phlegm and spit it at (target)'s face, distracting (them) as (gender) thrusts [weapon] into (their) gut.

    Warding Rake:
    (1) Muttering, you rap the ankles of (target) with the butt of [weapon], bringing (them) to (their) knees.
    (2) Nattering, (caster) raps your ankles with the butt of [weapon], the sharp pain bringing you to your knees.
    (3) Nattering, (caster) raps (target)'s ankles with the butt of [weapon], bringing (them) to (their) knees.

    Warding Groinkick:
    (1) You scowl darkly at (target) before bringing your weathered knee to meet (their) groin.
    (2) (caster) scowls darkly at you before kneeing you in the groin with one weathered but extremely solid knee.
    (3) (caster) scowls darkly at (target( before kneeing (them) in the groin.

    Warding Scar:
    (1) You reach over and mar (target)'s face with [weapon]. Now it's like looking in a mirror!
    (2) (caster) draws [weapon] across your face, destroying your incredibly good looks!
    (3) (caster) draws [weapon] across (target)'s face. Ahh, life is just after all!

    Warding Piercelimb:
    (1) You smile in mirthless humor as you rend (target)'s [limb] apart with your [weapon].
    (2) Agony fills your brain as (caster) destroys your [limb] with [weapon].
    (3) (caster) nods and smiles quietly as (gender) steps in and rends (target)'s limb apart with [weapon].

    Warding Fend1:
    (1) You natter angrily at (target), distracting him before stabbing his gut with [weapon].
    (2) As (caster) natters angrily at you, (gender) sneakily stabs you in the gut!
    (3) As (caster) natters angrily at (target), (gender) stealthily stabs (them) in the gut!

    Warding Fend2
    (1) Turning now to (target), you yammer at (them) angrily before punting (their) face with the butt of [weapon].
    (2) (caster) turns to you and yammers angrily at you before punting your face with the butt of [weapon].
    (3) (caster) turns to (target), yammering angrily at (them) before punting (their) face with the butt of [weapon].

    Warding Footsmash:
    (1) Scolding (target) angrily, you viciously plant the butt of [weapon] into (their) toes.
    (2) Scolding you angrily, (caster) viciously plants the butt of [weapon] into your tender, tender toes.
    (3) Scolding (target) angrily, (caster) slams the butt of [weapon] into (target)'s poor toes.

    -- 41

    Warding Lockup:
    (1) Grunting, you smash [weapon] into (target)'s knees, laughing as your suffering becomes commonly shared with your foe.
    (2) (caster) grunts before smashing [weapon] into your knees, making them feel wholly unreliable.
    (3) (caster) grunts before smashing [weapon] into (target)'s knees.

    Warding Headbutt:
    (1) You mash your noggin' into (target)'s face, giving (them) a nose as broken as yours.
    (2) A sickening crunch fills the air as your nose breaks when (caster) slams (gender) head into your once-gorgeous face.
    (3) A sickening crunch signals (target)'s nose breaking as (caster) shows (them) how it is done.

    Invoke Combustion:
    (1) You furrow your brow and ignite (target). <maroon>Heathen</maroon>.
    (2) (caster) furrows (gender) brow and flame leaps from (gender) finger onto you, setting you alight!
    (2) (caster) furrows (gender) brow and flame leaps from (gender) finger onto (target), setting (them) alight!

    (1) With a wily smile, you curse (target) with [curse].
    (2) With a knowing smile and crinkled crow's feet, (caster) curses you // with [curse].
    (3) With a knowing smile and crinkled crow's feet, (caster) points at (target) and curses (them).
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Weapon slash (targeted): & Wardancer & Basic
    (1) You groan in apathy before turning to slash (target)'s [limb].
    (2) (caster) groans in apathy before turning to slash your [limb].
    (3) (caster) groans in apathy before turning to slash (target)'s [limb].

    Weapon slash (targeted): & Wardancer & Basic
    (1) You reverse the direction of your blade and slash deeply into (target)'s [limb].
    (2) (caster) deftly reverses the direction of (gender) blade and slashes your [limb] deeply.
    (3) (caster) deftly reverses the direction of (gender) blade and slashes (target)'s [limb] deeply.

    Weapon slash (targeted): & Wardancer & Basic
    (1) With a resigned sigh, you bring [weapon] down onto (target)'s [limb], cursing (them) for their youthful foolishness.
    (2) With a resigned sigh, (caster) brings [weapon] down onto your [limb].
    (3) With a resigned sigh, (caster) brings [weapon] down onto (target)'s [limb].

    Weapon slash: & Wardancer & Basic
    (1) You groan in apathy before turning to slash (target).
    (2) (caster) groans in apathy before turning to slash you.
    (3) (caster) groans in apathy before turning to slash (target).

    Weapon slash: & Wardancer & Basic
    (1) You reverse the direction of your blade and slash deeply into (target).
    (2) (caster) deftly reverses the direction of (gender) blade and deeply slashes you.
    (3) (caster) deftly reverses the direction of (gender) blade and deeply slashes (target).

    Weapon slash: & Wardancer & Basic
    (1) With a resigned sigh, you bring [weapon] down onto (target), cursing (them) for their youthful foolishness.
    (2) With a resigned sigh, (caster) brings [weapon] down onto you.
    (3) With a resigned sigh, (caster) brings [weapon] down onto (target).


    Weapon Shield (targeted):
    (1) You spit out a bloody tooth before spinning and smashing (target) in the [limb] with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) spits out a bloody tooth before spinning and smashing your [limb] with [weapon].
    (3) (caster) spits out a bloody tooth before spinning and smashing (target)'s [limb] with [weapon].

    Weapon Shield (targeted):
    (1) You give (target) a toothy smile before bringing the weight of [weapon] down onto (target)'s [limb].
    (2) (caster) gives you a toothy smile before bringing the weight of [weapon] down onto your [limb].
    (3) (caster) gives (target) a toothy smile before bringing the weight of [weapon] down onto (their) [limb].

    Weapon Shield (targeted):
    (1) You flick up [weapon] into your freehand, spinning deftly as you do so and smashing it into (target)'s [limb].
    (2) (caster) flicks up [weapon] into (gender) free hand, spinning deftly before smashing it into your [limb].
    (3) (caster) flicks up [weapon] into (gender) free hand, spinning deftly before smashing it into (target)'s [limb].

    Weapon Shield:
    (1) You spit out a bloody tooth before spinning and slapping (target) across the face with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) spits out a bloody tooth before spinning and slapping your face with [weapon].
    (3) (caster) spits out a bloody tooth before spinning and slapping (target)'s face with [weapon].

    Weapon Shield:
    (1) You give (target) a toothy smile before bringing the weight of [weapon] down onto (target)'s shoulder.
    (2) (caster) gives you a toothy smile before bringing the weight of [weapon] down onto your shoulder.
    (3) (caster) gives (target) a toothy smile before bringing the weight of [weapon] down onto (their) shoulder.

    Weapon Shield:
    (1) You flick up [weapon] into your freehand, spinning deftly as you do so and smashing it into (target)'s side.
    (2) (caster) flicks up [weapon] into (gender) free hand, spinning deftly before smashing it into your side.
    (3) (caster) flicks up [weapon] into (gender) free hand, spinning deftly before smashing it into (target)'s side.

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    Weapon Shield Hack (targeted):
    (1) With viciousness only attributable to increasing age, you hack at (target)'s [limb] with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) hacks away at your [limb] with [weapon], each stroke increasing the feverish look in (gender) eyes.
    (3) (caster) hacks away at (target)'s [limb] with [weapon], each stroke increasing the feverish look in (gende) eyes.

    Weapon Shield Hack (targeted):
    (1) Your wizened limbs are yet to fail you, as you spin effortlessly and chop at (target)'s [limb] with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) croaks briefly at the weight of [weapon], before using it to hack into your [limb].
    (3) (caster) croaks briefly at the weight of [weapon], before using it to hack into (target)'s [limb].

    Weapon Shield Hack:
    (1) With viciousness only attributable to increasing age, you hack at (target) with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) hacks away at your body, each stroke increasing the feverish look in (gender) eyes.
    (3) (caster) hacks away at (target)'s body with [weapon], each stroke increasing the feverish look in (gende) eyes.

    Weapon Shield Hack:
    (1) Your wizened limbs are yet to fail you, as you spin effortlessly and chop at (target) with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) croaks briefly at the weight of [weapon], before using it to hack into you.
    (3) (caster) croaks briefly at the weight of [weapon], before using it to hack into (target).

    Weapon Jab (targeted):
    (1) You squint as you make out (target)'s form, jabbing [weapon] in the general direction of (their) [limb] and rewarded with a resounding squelch.
    (2) (caster) squints before vaguely jabbing [weapon] in your general direction, somehow managing to hit your [limb].
    (3) (caster) squints before vaguely jabbing [weapon] in (target)'s general direction, managing to strike (their) [limb].

    Weapon Jab (targeted):
    (1) With questionable flourish, you jab (target)'s [limb].
    (2) With a feeble attempt at flourishing (gender) [weapon], (caster) jabs your [limb].
    (3) With a feeble attempt at flourishing (gender) [weapon], (caster) jabs (target)'s [limb].

    Weapon Jab:
    (1) You squint as you make out (target)'s form, jabbing [weapon] in (their) general direction and rewarded with a resounding squelch.
    (2) (caster) squints before vaguely jabbing [weapon] in your general direction, somehow managing to hit you!
    (3) (caster) squints before vaguely jabbing [weapon] in (target)'s general direction, somehow managing to hit (them)!

    Weapon Jab:
    (1) With questionable flourish, you jab (target).
    (2) With a feeble attempt at flourishing (gender) [weapon], (caster) jabs you.
    (3) With a feeble attempt at flourishing (gender) [weapon], (caster) jabs (target).

    Weapon Stab (targeted):
    (1) You give (target) a wily smile as you sidle right up close and stab (them) in the [limb].
    (2) (caster) gives you a seedy looking smile as (gender) sidles up to you and stabs you in the [limb].
    (3) (caster) gives (target) a seedy looking smile as (gender) sidles up to (them) and stabs (them) in the [limb].

    Weapon Stab (targeted):
    (1) You pop a few of your arthritic knuckles before stabbing (target)'s [limb] with strange alacrity.
    (2) (caster) cracks a few of (gender) malformed knuckles before stabbing your [limb] with disturbing glee.
    (3) (caster) cracks a few of (gender) malformed knuckles before stabbing (target)'s [limb] with disturbing glee.

    Weapon Stab:
    (1) You give (target) a wily smile as you sidle right up close and stab (them) in the chest.
    (2) (caster) gives you a seedy looking smile as (gender) sidles up to you and stabs you in the chest.
    (3) (caster) gives (target) a seedy looking smile as (gender) sidles up to (them) and stabs (them) in the chest.

    Weapon Stab:
    (1) You pop a few of your arthritic knuckles before stabbing (target) with strange alacrity.
    (2) (caster) cracks a few of (gender) malformed knuckles before stabbing you with disturbing glee.
    (3) (caster) cracks a few of (gender) malformed knuckles before stabbing (target) with disturbing glee.

    Weapon Crush (targeted):
    (1) You scratch your head, trying to remember which limb to hit before you swing [weapon] at (target) and pulverize (their) [limb].
    (2) (caster) scratches (gender) head briefly, before pulverizing your [limb] with [weapon].
    (3) (caster) scratches (gender) head briefly, before pulverizing (target)'s [limb] with [weapon].

    Weapon Crush (targeted):
    (1) You groan in pain as your poorly back limits your upswing, finally settling instead on sideswiping (target)'s [limb] with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) raises [weapon] briefly, before reconsidering and sideswiping your [limb].
    (3) (caster) raises [weapon] briefly, before reconsidering and sideswiping (target)'s [limb].

    Weapon Crush (targeted):
    (1) You squint warily at the blurring form of (target), before deciding to throw caution to the wind and smashing (their) [limb] with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) squints warily at you, before deciding to throw caution to the wind and smashing your [limb] with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) squints warily at (target), before deciding to throw caution to the wind and smashing (target)'s [limb] with [weapon].

    Weapon Crush:
    (1) You scratch your head, trying to remember whom to hit before you swing [weapon] at (target) and pulverize (them).
    (2) (caster) scratches (gender) head briefly, before pulverizing you with [weapon].
    (3) (caster) scratches (gender) head briefly, before pulverizing (target) with [weapon].

    Weapon Crush:
    (1) You groan in pain as your poorly back limits your upswing, finally settling instead on sideswiping (target) with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) raises [weapon] briefly, before reconsidering and sideswiping you with [weapon]'s face.
    (3) (caster) raises [weapon] briefly, before reconsidering and sideswiping (target).

    Weapon Crush:
    (1) You squint warily at the blurring form of (target), before deciding to throw caution to the wind and smashing (them) with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) squints warily at you, before deciding to throw caution to the wind and smashing you with [weapon].
    (2) (caster) squints warily at (target), before deciding to throw caution to the wind and smashing (target) with [weapon].

    Weapon Whip (targeted):
    (1) You flick [weapon] towards (target), whipping (their) [limb] while you berate (them) endlessly.
    (2) (caster) flicks [weapon] towards you, whipping your [limb] while (gender) continues to berate you ceaselessly.
    (2) You suppress a chuckle as (caster) chases and whips (target)'s [limb] intermittently, all the while berating (them).

    Weapon Whip (targeted):

    Weapon Whip:
    (1) You flick [weapon] towards (target), whipping (their) soft flesh while you berate (them) endlessly.
    (2) (caster) flicks [weapon] towards you, whipping your nubile flesh while (gender) continues to berate you ceaselessly.
    (2) You suppress a chuckle as (caster) chases and whips (target) intermittently, all the while berating (them).

    Weapon Whip:

    Weapon Throw (targeted):
    (1) In a fit of infantile rage that comes with senility, you hurl [weapon] at (target)'s [limb].
    (2) (caster) yells a string of profanities before hurling [weapon] at your [limb].
    (3) (caster) yells a string of profanities before hurling [weapon] at (target)'s [limb].

    Weapon Throw:
    (1) In a fit of infantile rage that comes with senility, you hurl [weapon] at (target).
    (2) (caster) yells a string of profanities before hurling [weapon] at you.
    (3) (caster) yells a string of profanities before hurling [weapon] at (target).

    (1) You slam [weapon] down onto (target)'s [limb], cursing the day (they) was ever born.
    (2) (caster) slams [weapon] down onto your [limb], cursing the day you were born.
    (3) (caster) slams [weapon] down onto (target)'s [limb], cursing the day (they) was ever born.

    (1) You slam [weapon] down onto (target), cursing the day (they) was ever born.
    (2) (caster) slams [weapon] down onto you, cursing the day you were born.
    (3) (caster) slams [weapon] down onto (target), cursing the day (they) was ever born.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Aleutia said:
    I assume the scripting is the same as deathglories (but I could be wrong!)

    The following strings exist. Each section below will note which of these strings they support.
    $(caster$)                       - This is the person doing the movement, performing the attack, etc
    $(name$)                        - Like caster, but used instead of it in emotes.
    $(his$)/$(him$)/$(he$)      - Gender specific pronouns for the caster.
    $(target$)                        - This is the person being killed (for deathsight).
    $(lname$)                        - Like target, but used instead of it in emotes.
    $(lhis$)/$(lhim$)/$(lhe$)    - Gender specific pronouns for the target.
    $(enter_direction$)            - The direction from which caster is entering
    $(leave_direction$)            - The direction to which caster is leaving.
    This is close. For these we actually use a + or = sign to force capitalization. For example, we do:

    $+(target$)  to capitalize the target's name. Normally this is only needed at the beginning of a message. Player names are auto capitalized, but not mob descriptions. 

    $=(target$) means that it is not capitalized (except player names which are always capitalized).

    More examples:
    You point at $=(target$).
    $+(caster$) points $=(his$) finger at you.
    $+(caster$) points $=(his$) finger at $=(target$).

  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Here is a list of all the attacks with some basic messages and variables already in place for those of you that are interested. All the extra commands are in there just for my ease of cutting and pasting the commands for creating new behaviour messages and setting the flags on them. The only thing that would need to be edited are the msg1, msg2, and msg3 lines.



    bmatch new simple smite
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You smite $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) smites your $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) smites $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true

    bmatch new simple smite
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You smite $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) smites you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) smites $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple garrote
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You garrote $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) garrote you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) garrote $=(target$).


    bmatch new simple curse
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You point at $+(target$) giving $=(lhim$) the $=(curse$) curse.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) points at you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) points at $=(target$).


    bmatch new simple daegger stab
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You stab $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) stabs you with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) stabs $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).


    bmatch new simple voice shaite
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 $+(target$) howls in pain.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 You howl in pain.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(target$) howls in pain.


    bmatch new simple voice rubait
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 $+(target$) holds $=(his$) torso in pain.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$)'s voice fills your torso with pain.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(target$) holds $=(his$) torso in pain.


    bmatch new simple cast batter
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You batter $=(target$) with flying stones.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) batters you with flying stones.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) batters $=(target$) with flying stones.


    bmatch new simple cast bloodboil
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You point at $=(target$) and $=(lhis$) blood begins to boil.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $=(caster$) points at you and your blood boils.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $=(caster$) points at $=(target$) and $=(lhis$) blood begins to boil.


    bmatch new simple invoke combustion
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You point at $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) points at you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) points at $=(target$).


    bmatch new simple quarterstaff batter
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You batter $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) batters your $=(limb$) with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) batters $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true

    bmatch new simple quarterstaff batter
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You batter $=(target$) with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) batters you with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) batters $=(target$) with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple quarterstaff stab
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You stab $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) stabs your $=(limb$) with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) stabs $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true

    bmatch new simple quarterstaff stab
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You stab $=(target$) with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) stabs you with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) stabs $=(target$) with $=(staff$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple wyvern claw
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You claw $=(target$) with your talons.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) claws you with your talons.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) claws $=(target$) with your talons.


    bmatch new simple spear stab
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You stab $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(spear$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) stabs your $=(limb$) with $=(spear$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) stabs $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(spear$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true

    bmatch new simple spear stab
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You stab $=(target$) with $=(spear$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) stabs you with $=(spear$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) stabs $=(target$) with $=(spear$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple ucp
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You uppercut $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) uppercuts you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) uppercuts $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option combo$ !

    bmatch new simple ucp
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) uppercuts you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) uppercuts $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option combo$ combo


    bmatch new simple sdk
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You side kick $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) side kicks you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) side kicks $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option combo$ !

    bmatch new simple sdk
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) side kicks you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) side kicks $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option combo$ combo


    bmatch new simple sitara lateral
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You slash $=(target$)'s torso.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) slashes your torso.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) slashes $=(target$)'s torso.


    bmatch new simple sitara jab
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You jab $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) jabs your $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) jabs $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).


    bmatch new simple sitara vertical
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You slash $=(target$)'s with a vertical cut.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) slashes you with a vertical cut.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) slashes $=(target$) with a vertical cut.

    bmatch new simple sitara lowhook
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You hook $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) hooks your $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) hooks $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).


    bmatch new simple sitara crescentcut
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You slice $=(target$) with a long cut.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) slices you with a long cut.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) slices $=(target$) with a long cut.


    bmatch new simple sitara spinslash
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You spin as slash $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) twice.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) spins as slashes your $=(limb$) twice.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) spins as slashes $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) twice.


    bmatch new simple sitara wolfcharge
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You leap at $=(target$) from the back of your wolf and stab $=(lhim$) with your blade.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) leaps at you from the back of $=(his$) wolf and stab you with your blade.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) leaps at $=(target$) from the back of $=(his$) wolf and stab $=(lhim$) with your blade.


    bmatch new simple weapon slash 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You slash at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) slashes at your $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) slashes at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true

    bmatch new simple weapon slash 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You slash at $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) slashes at you with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) slashes at $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).


    bmatch new simple weapon jab
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You jab $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) jabs your $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) jabs $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true

    bmatch new simple weapon jab
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You jab $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) jabs you with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) jabs $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple weapon stab
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You stab at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) stabs at your $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) stabs at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true

    bmatch new simple weapon stab
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You stab at $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) stabs at you with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) stabs at $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple weapon crush
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You crush $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) crushes your $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) crushes $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true

    bmatch new simple weapon crush
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You crush $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) crushes you with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) crushes $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple weapon shield
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You crush $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) crushes your $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) crushes $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true

    bmatch new simple weapon shield
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You crush $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) crushes you with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) crushes $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple weapon shield hack 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You hack at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) hacks at your $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) hacks at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true

    bmatch new simple weapon shield hack 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You hack at $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) hacks at you with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) hacks at $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple weapon whip 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You lash $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) lashes your $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) lashes $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true

    bmatch new simple weapon whip 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You lash $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) lashes you with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) lashes $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple weapon throw
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You throw $=(weapon$) at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) throws $=(weapon$) at your $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) throws $=(weapon$) at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true 

    bmatch new simple weapon throw
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You throw $=(weapon$) at $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) throws $=(weapon$) at you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) throws $=(weapon$) at $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple weapon ravage 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You ravage $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) ravages your $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) ravages $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true 

    bmatch new simple weapon ravage 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You ravage $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) ravages you with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) ravages $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false  


    bmatch new simple weapon 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You attack $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) attacks your $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) attacks $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true 

    bmatch new simple weapon 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You attack $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) attacks you with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) attacks $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false


    bmatch new simple warding tipslash
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You slash $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with the tip of $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) slashes your $=(limb$) with the tip of $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) slashes $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with the tip of $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true 

    bmatch new simple warding tipslash
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You slash $=(target$) with the tip of $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) slashes you with the tip of $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) slashes $=(target$) with the tip of $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ fals 


    bmatch new simple warding shieldbash
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You bash $=(target$) with your shield.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) bashes your with $=(his$) shield.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) bashes $=(target$) with $=(his$) shield.


    bmatch new simple warding thrust
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You thrust $=(weapon$) into $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) thrusts $=(weapon$) into your $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) thrusts $=(weapon$) into $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).


    bmatch new simple warding thrust_spot 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You thrust $=(weapon$) into $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) thrusts $=(weapon$) into you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) thrusts $=(weapon$) into $=(target$).


    bmatch new simple warding qjab1
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You jab $=(weapon$) at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) jabs $=(weapon$) at your $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) jabs $=(weapon$) at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true 

    bmatch new simple warding qjab1
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You jab $=(weapon$) at $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) jabs $=(weapon$) at you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) jabs $=(weapon$) at $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false 

    bmatch new simple warding qjab2
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You stab $=(weapon$) at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) stabs $=(weapon$) at your $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) stabs $=(weapon$) at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true 

    bmatch new simple warding qjab2
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You stab $=(weapon$) at $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) stabs $=(weapon$) at you.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) stabs $=(weapon$) at $=(target$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ false 


    bmatch new simple warding buttstrike
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You strike $=(target$) with the butt end of $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) strikes you with the butt end of $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) strikes $=(target$) with the butt end of $=(weapon$).


    bmatch new simple warding rake
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You rake $=(target$)'s shins with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) rakes your shins with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) rakes $=(target$)'s shins with $=(weapon$).


    bmatch new simple warding groinkick
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You kick $=(target$) in the groin.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) kick you in the groin.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) kick $=(target$) in the groin.


    bmatch new simple warding scar
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You slice $=(target$)'s face with your weapon.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) slices your face with your weapon.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) slices $=(target$)'s face with your weapon.


    bmatch new simple warding piercelimb
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You pierce $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) pierces your $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) pierces $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set option limb$ true 


    bmatch new simple warding fend1
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You slash $=(target$)'s with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) slashes you with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) slashes $=(target$) with $=(weapon$).


    bmatch new simple warding fend2
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You follow up and thrust it into $=(target$)'s gut.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) follows up and $=(he$) thrusts it into your gut.
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) follows up and $=(he$) thrusts it into $=(target$)'s gut.


    bmatch new simple warding footsmash
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You smash $+(target$)'s foot is with $=(weapon$). 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) smashes your foot is with $=(weapon$). 
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) smashes $=(target$)'s foot is with $=(weapon$). 


    bmatch new simple warding lockup
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You strike $=(target$)'s knees with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) strikes your knees with $=(weapon$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) strikes $=(target$)'s knees with $=(weapon$).


    bmatch new simple warding headbutt
    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 You headbutt $=(target$)'s $=(facewhere$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 $+(caster$) headbutts your $=(facewhere$).
    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 $+(caster$) headbutts $=(target$)'s $=(facewhere$).
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    One other thing I will mention, is that I was purposely trying to keep messages shorter, which is why they are not super descriptive. Most of these are bashing messages and you would see over and over. 

    Do you like longer, more descriptive messages, versus shorter, less spammy ones?
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    I have edited the gory and volcanic combustion messages.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I personally like really short messages: it's all turned off and gagged on my end. More importantly, the colors are subdued.

    That said, because it is configurable, and optional, it's probably OK to give them some length to allow for more expression. Perhaps some rule of thumbs like: if it is the class' main attack, keep it shorter, otherwise it can be up to 180? chars. IDK, I just turn em all off. :D
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • RaziyaRaziya Member Posts: 22 ✭✭
    I don't think the messages should be limited to coding needs, they should have a little length (100 chars or something) for some unique and meaningful attack lines. If some people want to gag everything to defeat the purpose of the trinkets that's their prerogative but some of us would like to see these difference in real-time use.  With really short lines, there's no real advantage at buying them to begin with (especially if the lines are shorter than the originals).
  • OzreasOzreas Member, Beta Testers Posts: 235 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2014
    Attempting to reduce the length of the rest of the water messages I've written accounts for about 75% of why I haven't posted the rest of them. :(

    Edit: water diabolist suggestion
    Daegger Stab
     1p: As you scrawl a pentagram upon $=(target$)'s flesh with $=(weapon$), water suddenly bursts from beneath $(lhis$) skin, slicking the ground with foamy, pink-tinged spray.
     2p: $+(caster$) quickly carves a small pentagram into your flesh with $=(weapon$) and suddenly a torrent of water bursts forth, coating the ground with pink seafoam.

     3p: $+(caster$) quickly sketches a pentagram upon $=(target$)'s flesh with $=(weapon) and a geyser of gore-laden saltwater bursts forth, leaving behind a slick of pink-tinged seafoam.

  • VerexaVerexa Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2014
    I am working on Gory exclusively, and I have this for wyvern claw:

    bmatch @bmatch set msg1 Flexing your wicked talons, you savagely rake $=(target$) across the face leaving only shredded traces of $(his$) complexion from which hang slivers of gore-soaked tissue. 

    bmatch @bmatch set msg2 Flexing $(his$) wicked talons, $=(caster$) savagely rakes you across the face leaving only shredded traces of your complexion from which hang slivers of gore-soaked tissue.

    bmatch @bmatch set msg3 Flexing $(his$) wicked talons, $=(caster$) savagely rakes $=(target$) across the face leaving only shredded traces of $(lhis$) complexion from which hang slivers of gore-soaked tissue.

  • VerexaVerexa Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
    @Ozreas, is there a specific reason why you use synonyms/change the wording for your second and third person messages? The messages are well written, just a personal preference issue since it kind of bothers me that they're all slightly different.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think it's pretty cool, especially for more abstract concepts like Brutal - perception makes a huge difference, so having that reflected in 1,2,3p views is fantastic.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • OzreasOzreas Member, Beta Testers Posts: 235 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2014
    Verexa said:
    @Ozreas, is there a specific reason why you use synonyms/change the wording for your second and third person messages? The messages are well written, just a personal preference issue since it kind of bothers me that they're all slightly different.
    I write each message individually instead of copy/pasting them with a perspective change. The differences aren't as apparent after they've been trimmed down, making it seem as though the words have just been replaced with synonyms.

    As Iniar said, perspective is pretty important. The target, in particular, is likely to have a vastly different experience than an observer.
    Wyvern Claw
    1p: Calling upon your reserves of fire and ice as you leap forward, you unleash a blast of steam at $(tar$), easily dragging your talons through $(lhis$) poached flesh in the confusion.
     2p: Inhaling, $(caster$) propels $(him$)self towards you, unleashing a blast of withering steam. As you writhe in agony, you feel unseen claws tearing at your flesh.

     3p: $+(caster$) takes a deep breath and leaps at $(target$), steam erupting from $(his$) maw to obscure them from view. As the cloud dissipates, $(target$) is left with horrible lacerations.

     1p: The power of your words increases the atmospheric pressure around $=(target$)'s head drastically, causing $(lhim$) to cry out as $(lhis$) ears begin to bleed.
    2p: Your head spins as $(caster$)'s words wash over you, the weight of the depths crushes away your very thoughts as your ears begin to bleed.
    3p: $+(target$) cries out and clutches $(lhis$) bleeding ears at the sound of $(caster$)'s voice, stumbling under some unseen burden.

     1p: $+(target$)'s features freeze in a silent scream as your voice causes $(lhis$) organs to swell with additional fluid, a slow stream of blood-laced saliva dripping from $(lhis$) chin.

     2p: $+(caster$) speaks and pain floods your world as extraneous water fills your organs, leaving you to do naught but stare as an overflow of blood, bile, and saliva trickles down your chin. 
    3p: Frozen in agony at the sound of $(caster$)'s words, $=(target$) stares vacantly as rivulets of bloody saliva stream from $=(lhis$) mouth.
     1p: Whipping of $=(weapon$) into a whirling maelstrom of pain, you strike brutally at $=(target$), the force nearly dragging $(lhim$) to $(lhis$) knees.
    2p: As $(caster$) deftly spins the spheres of $=(weapon$) into a blur before bringing it to bear against you, the underlying current of the blow nearly dragging you to your knees.
    3p: With the roar of a tidal vortex, $(caster$) spins the spheres of $=(weapon$) into a blur. As the weapon crashes into $=(target$), $(lhe$) barely manages to stay on $(lhis$) feet.

    Ravage, targetted
     1p: Whipping $=(weapon$) into a whirling maelstrom of pain, you strike at $=(target$)'s $=(limb$), the successive impact of each sphere sending a ripple through $(lhis$) flesh.
    2p: As $(caster$) deftly spins the spheres of $=(weapon$) into a blur before bringing it to bear against your $=(limb$), pain flooding your senses with the impact of each sphere.
    3p: With the roar of a tidal vortex, $(caster$) spins the spheres of $=(weapon$) into a blur. As the spheres of the weapon pummel $=(target$)'s $=(limb$) in succession, $(lhis$) flesh ripples grotesquely.

     1p: Summoning twin pillars of water, you bring your fists together and they converge upon $=(target$) suspending $(lhim$) within. With a snap of your fingers, the water boils, as does $(lhis$) blood.
     2p: $+(caster$) summons twin pillars of water to flank you, converging with crushing force to suspend you within. A muffled sound catches your attention before your senses are replaced with blistering pain.

     3p: $+(caster$) summons pillars of water to flank $=(target$), converging to trap $(lhim$) within. With a grin, $(caster$) snaps $(his$) fingers, eliciting an agonized gurgle from $(target$) as the water boils.

     1p: You mold a ball of pure elemental water and hurl it to splash harmlessly off of $=(target$), each droplet condensing into a new sphere that batters $(lhim$) viciously.

     2p: $(caster$) hurls an orb of water that splashes off of you to spray tiny droplets everywhere, your amusement replaced by pain as each condenses into a new sphere that batters your body.

     3p: $(caster$) hurls a sphere of elemental water at $=(target$) with a splash, sending tiny droplets in every direction. They abruptly condense, battering $=(target$) with countless orbs. 

    Invoke Combustion
     1p: You hold a clenched fist before you, contorting $=(target$)'s aura such that it wrings the moisture from $(lhis$) body until $(lhis$) skin dries, cracks, and bursts into flame. 

     2p: $+(caster$) clenches a fist, casting a malevolent stare at you. An odd sensation overcomes you as the moisture quickly leaves your body, drying your skin until the passage of air causes your flesh to combust.

     3p: $+(caster$) holds a clenched fist before $(him$), focusing on $=(target$). A dry hiss that might have been a scream escapes $=(target$)'s lips as $(lhis$) skin cracks and bursts into flame.

    Post edited by Ozreas on
  • MenochMenoch Member Posts: 594 ✭✭✭
    Yeah I was looking at these and they all seem so fun to make but I think going postmodern by way of word count was going to be my issue on composition too.
  • TahrirzTahrirz Member Posts: 4
    Attempting meaningful resurrection of old forum thread in 3... 2... 1...

    As a mortal, I loved behaviour messages and collected quite a variety. After fixing up some typos in them recently, I was inspired to spice up a few of them instead of just fixing the occasional errant comma or apostrophe. Then I found this thread and got even more enthusiastic about it!

    However, I was wondering if the current playerbase generally ignores them (either by way of gagging everything in their client and/or CONFIG BEHAVIOURS OFF) or if there would be a desire to see more verbose and detailed behaviour messages.

  • CordiliaCordilia Member Posts: 36 ✭✭
    @Tahrirz Oop, since no one has weighed in yet, I'll do the honours! I personally love behaviour scrolls and want to collect them all, but they're fairly hard to come by these days. I had an idea about potentially making more behaviour scrolls based on title tokens.

    I know people do gag them, but I think some more personal flavour would be very much needed in Imperian at this time. I think that if they all get released too soon, people will just buy them and move on. But it could be interesting to have them continuously released.

    As an aside, I can write & would love to be able to write some up if it's needed.
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