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Mage and Summoner revamps



  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ahkan said:
    And which determinate stat does fast have that increases it's damage output?

    You're right in that fast/intelligent is comparing apples to oranges. You're just mistaken in the comparison. 

    The apples to oranges comparison is the caster classes favoured by intelligent to the affliction classes favoured by fast. Your caster class eq-based offenses tend to be damage based, not affliction based, and so their statpacks favour damage. Since balance-based offenses almost all carry afflictions, whether it be instead of damage or in addition to damage, the Fast statpack favours affliction rates and gets the extra speed bonus.

    Both statpacks give up tankiness in order to gain an otherwise unattainable offensive boost. The offensive boosts just take different forms.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • MenochMenoch Member Posts: 594 ✭✭✭
    My only point was I shouldn't be tankier in a burst damage caster statpack with intelligent than clever. I survive longer as well as do far better damage in summoner with intelligent over clever, and imo, that's not right. Utility advantages of clever should include higher survivability than the damage build for the same class.
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Intelligent has 1 more con than clever and a sipping penalty on top of that. I imagine that any notable increase in tankiness is due more to external factors than to the difference between intelligent and clever.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @juran @khizan You both forget the point of my comment.

    Intelligent sacrificed tanky to do high damage.
    Fast sacrificed tanky to do high afflictions.

    Only one of these received a +2 to con because of the reason "I can't tank when I'm in this statpack."  Other than that, you did a magnificent job helping explain apples to oranges. Kudos.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2013
    e: I'm circle 93, no arti hp 340 as fast, 365 as int. I sip at 45-64 range.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Iniar said:
    e: I'm circle 93, no arti hp 340 as fast, 365 as int. I sip at 45-64 range.
    Really what it comes down to is that statpacks don't really 'fit' the game anymore (or ever).
    -Intelligence is the best scaling statistic. This is probably a virtue of, simple(r) damage determination and fewer resistances.
    -Strength scaling is rumored (like Nessy) to be equal to int, but you never really see this. Most of the time, you're looking at str for shields.
    -Constitution determines your health pool, which in turn determines your sip and regens. Low con? Low sip. High con? High sip.
    (Aka: Low con + low sip = double bad sipping) It's not rocket surgery here.

    What I was snarking about (that was glossed over) was that historically, 100% offensive stat packs were 'balanced' by sacrificing hp or some cases both (this is dumb). This worked for years. Then came the great tragedy of the casters, who've had it so bad (This is 180% sarcasm.) The little casters who couldn't lamented how unfair it was that they could nuke people for 150 damage, but only had 400 health and would die. They would also die in teams. Clearly, no one else died in teams. What it boiled down to is you had Jurzan saying "100% offensive statpacks need to be balanced around not having high health, high sip" while the other side, also Jurzan, argued that the intelligent (a 100% offensive statpack) didn't have enough constitution to be viable. To be fair, they do have a legitimate point. Sadly this is lost in the self buffing context of my statpack = fix, the statpack I don't use = same (personally, I use clever/strong/sturdy). The game is gearing up for burst affliction and supreme dps. Anything that can't buy into a fight with a certain health threshold is toast (See: The 1v1 in this ToA).  In one of the great D&D power gaming upgrades, the intelligent sacrificed 2 strength, that it never used anyways, for 2 constitution, thus breaking the historical trend of the glass cannon nuke bot. Fast remained the same, despite the unanimous opinion that afflictions have been nothing but nerfed the past 3 years.

    Many people who use the intelligent statpack will say, "hooblahblah, I am not tanky" but will fail to mention that their glass cannon class has access to all of the general buffs, which carry a 10-25% damage resistance for a wide variety of damage types, as well as class specific buffs that absorb damage (Simulacrum, numb), emulate armor (stoneskin, terrais), extra regen (boosting, harmony/energize, restoration/songbird), burst heals (priestess, kai heal, llan?) or outright function as fullplate (fullplate).

    Tl;dr: I snarked at the terrible upgrade to intelligence. I snarked at the lack of change to fast. I snarked at the obvious bias in both sides of the argument. Here's some history. Statpacks are blah.

    I'd honestly remove:
    -Eq malus
    -Sip malus
    -Bal malus
    Then I'd re-balance all of the stat distributions.

    And honestly, I'd remove level 2 balance, make it level 1 and balance from there. 2 Fast (2 furious?) adds a level of variance that is too hard to accommodate for skill wise. It's possible if you're constantly making very small, fine changes, but our classlead/upgrade system works  like this.
  • DevimDevim Member Posts: 57 ✭✭
    Just saying as mage with out arties Its hard to even bash Direwolf level of combat at level 92 with having trans evasion and stoneskin/terrais up. My physical resists are on the best of days with runes barely scratching 50%. Making bashing next to an intolerably slow paced grind to get exp or gold. Let alone in even low tier combat It's next to impossible to tank any damage with out retardation to slow the incoming damage. So combat sums up to I walk in room I get hit with 2-3 combos and whelp I'm dead from straight damage and that is after the +2 con that Intel received
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    50% aint bad, really. As a DK when I'm trolling into combat I can pull 64/64 armor and 45/45 resists.

    The clincher is I have something like 760h.
  • DevimDevim Member Posts: 57 ✭✭
    When i say 50%it is total. Mage has no armor usage except for buckler shield that can give like 4% unless you got artifact.
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2013
    The intelligent changes happened after a thread I started, in which I asked for a new statpack for caster classes. The problem was not "intelligent needs to be tankier." 

    The problem was that Mages and Bards were pigeonholed into statpacks that had something like 336 health as an aspect and tanked like crap, in a world where the physical classes have statpacks like strong/athletic, that don't end up sacrificing all tankiness to gain damage.

    My ideal change was to add a Wise statpack that had something like 11/15/12/14 for stats, so that there was an option that had both decent health and decent intelligence, without the same offensive kick that intelligent has. This would make intelligent for people like us who have the artifacts to help mitigate the squishiness, or people confident in their ability to control the fight.

    What we got was a buff to Intelligent, which was absolutely not what I asked for. It wasn't 'Jurzan' thinks intelligent needs a buff. It was 'Khizan' thinks that Mages and Bards shouldn't be forced into 10 con with a sip penalty, because it made being a non-artifact Mage miserable. They just chose to address the problem with a buff to intelligent rather than a new statpack, probably to avoid another wave of free reincarnations. This is a thing I intend to address in the beta.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Khizan said:
    The intelligent changes happened after a thread I started, in which I asked for a new statpack for caster classes. The problem was not "intelligent needs to be tankier." 

    The problem was that Mages and Bards were pigeonholed into statpacks that had something like 336 health as an aspect and tanked like crap, in a world where the physical classes have statpacks like strong/athletic, that don't end up sacrificing all tankiness to gain damage.

    Potatoe. Potatoh. These are the same problem.

    The stat packs need a solid looking over due to the accumulation of changes over time.  The :effort: intelligent change ended up being a have your cake and eat it to buff.  The idea of wise stat-pack is a pretty solid discussion topic. Someone should probably start it!  I'd be a fan of more middle ground stat-packs and less "this is the best." But, as I've said already before on other topics, we're big on "This is the clear and obvious best. Enjoy" 
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I did start it. Back in November. :p

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    Yeah, I plan to do some changes to the intelligent statpack as a part of this project, as the premises behind its current version will no longer apply. Nothing is decided yet, but I'll probably split it in two, one with +eq, 13-14 int, and the sip malus, the other with 16 int and no +eq / sip malus. Will be sorted out in the beta.
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Garryn said:
    Yeah, I plan to do some changes to the intelligent statpack as a part of this project, as the premises behind its current version will no longer apply. Nothing is decided yet, but I'll probably split it in two, one with +eq, 13-14 int, and the sip malus, the other with 16 int and no +eq / sip malus. Will be sorted out in the beta.
    Is that drawing closer? Any new info to share?
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin

    Sarrius said:
    Garryn said:
    Yeah, I plan to do some changes to the intelligent statpack as a part of this project, as the premises behind its current version will no longer apply. Nothing is decided yet, but I'll probably split it in two, one with +eq, 13-14 int, and the sip malus, the other with 16 int and no +eq / sip malus. Will be sorted out in the beta.
    Is that drawing closer? Any new info to share?
    Not close yet, but I should have a progress update report later this week, or early next.
  • MenochMenoch Member Posts: 594 ✭✭✭
    Khizan said:
    Intelligent has 1 more con than clever and a sipping penalty on top of that. I imagine that any notable increase in tankiness is due more to external factors than to the difference between intelligent and clever.
    As I said, with MY class. With summoner, int is tankier than clever, especially in teams. With the way it works now, everything is burst damage or massive afflictions into immediate burst damage. EHP only matters on sustained damage, your maxhealth is what is important during critical bursty moments, and as Ahk pointed out, you barely feel the sip malus when your overall sip % is higher due to higher maxhealth. Sure you can priestess .3 seconds faster, sure you sip for a little more, and sure, that being able to sip for more and heal yourself for more means less than nothing when you are being focus fired by a group that is large enough, whereas having more max means you lived to warp another round of combat. Or aeon. Or cc. What have you.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Much love, Garryn. Much love.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    Details on Pyroglacia spells:

    Pyroglacia - Freeze

    Syntax: CAST FREEZE AT <target>
    Type: Secondary

    This spell freezes your opponent, or strips the caloric defence.

    Pyroglacia - Waterwalking

    Type: Single

    Allows you to walk on water as if it were normal ground.

    Pyroglacia - Bloodboil

    Syntax: CAST BLOODBOIL AT <target>
    Attunement: Fire
    Type: Primary

    Causes the target's blood to burn and boil, causing fire damage. Damage against players is modified by the fire attunement (see AB PYROGLACIA ATTUNEMENT).

    This spell can be used against mobiles.

    Pyroglacia - Waterbreathing

    Type: Single

    Provides a defence that allows you to breathe underwater.

    Pyroglacia - Purify

    Syntax: CAST PURIFY
    Type: Single

    Through the purifying power of water, this spell cures a random affliction.

    Pyroglacia - Attunement

    This passive effect automatically enhances your targetted spells to increase the target's attunement to the spell's element.

    There are four types of attunement, each cured by a different curative plant.

    Fire: orphine
    Water: kelp
    Air: mandrake
    Earth: nightshade
    Additionally, the Focusing ability in Survival can also cure attunement.

    Elemental attunement is cured as any other affliction, with the important difference that each curing method only cures attunement if you don't have any other affliction cured by it.

    Each type of attunement can stack up to 5 times, with increasing severity. Each successful curing attempt reduces the corresponding affinity by one level.

    Attunement is increased -after- the actual effects of the spell are applied. If any functionality of the spell requires a particular attunement level, it is checked before this increase.

    Attunement has two effects. First, it increases the damage of all spells of its element by 10% per level. Second, many spells have a different effect depending on the attunement of their target.

    Only primary and single spells increase attunement, unless stated otherwise (see AB PYROGLACIA COMBINE).

    Pyroglacia - Disrupt

    Syntax: CAST DISRUPT AT <target>
    Attunement: Water
    Type: Primary

    This spell disrupts the equilibrium of its target. If the target's water attunement is 4 or higher, the spell additionally afflicts with confusion.

    Pyroglacia - Hasten

    Syntax: CAST HASTEN AT <target>
    Type: Secondary

    This spell afflicts its target with impatience.

    Pyroglacia - Flood

    Syntax: CAST FLOOD
    Type: Single

    This spell allows you to flood your current location with water, making it more difficult to enter or leave.

    Pyroglacia - Part

    Syntax: CAST PART <direction>
    Type: Single

    This spell allows you to part the water at your current location, as well as the chosen direction, negating its effects.

    Pyroglacia - Combine

    Syntax: CAST <spell 1> <spell 2> [options]
            CAST <spell 1> <spell 2> AT <target> [options]

    This passive ability allows you to cast two spells at once. It is automatically in effect.

    Not all combinations of spells are permitted, however. Every available spell is Primary, Secondary, Primary/Secondary, or Single.

    Primary and Secondary spells can be combined together - the combination must contain one Primary and one Secondary spell. The Primary/Secondary spells can act as either type, determined by the type of the spell that it is used with. Primary/Secondary spells can also be cast twice in a row, with the first spell being considered primary and the second being secondary.

    Secondary spells cannot be used as primary, however - you can't combine two secondary spells.

    The Primary/Secondary spells only increase the attunement of its target if they are used as primary ones.

    Single spells can only be cast alone - this cannot be combined with any other.

    If the primary spell takes any arguments, these should be appended at the end of the command. None of the secondary spells take any arguments.

    Pyroglacia - Firewall

    Syntax: CAST FIREWALL <direction>
    Type: Single

    This spell raises a wall of fire in the chosen direction. The wall will ignite anyone passing through it, as well as increase their fire attunement by 1 level.

    Additionally, the wall has a chance to ignite arrows flying through it in either direction, increasing their damage somewhat.

    Pyroglacia - Heat

    Syntax: CAST HEAT AT <target>
    Attunement: Fire
    Type: Secondary

    This spell increases the fire attunement of its target.

    Pyroglacia - Suffuse

    Syntax: CAST SUFFUSE AT <target>
    Attunement: Water
    Type: Primary/Secondary

    This spell afflicts its target with lethargy.

    If the spell is used as a primary one, it also does damage, modified by water attunement level. If the target's water attunement is 4 or higher and the spell is used as a primary one, it also afflicts with addiction.

    As with other such spells, water attunement is only increased if the spell is used as a primary one.

    Pyroglacia - Scorch

    Syntax: CAST SCORCH AT <target>
    Attunement: Fire
    Type: Primary

    This spell inflicts damage based on the target's fire attunement, strips the mass defence, and afflicts with sun allergy.

    Pyroglacia - Heatsap

            CAST HEATSAP AT FIREWALL <direction>
    Type: Single

    This spell can be used to extinguish firewalls, or to freeze the ground with a layer of ice.

    Pyroglacia - Spray

    Syntax: CAST SPRAY AT <target>
    Attunement: Water
    Type: Secondary

    This spell increases the water attunement of its target.

    Pyroglacia - Dehydrate

    Syntax: CAST DEHYDRATE AT <target>
    Attunement: Fire
    Type: Primary

    This spell inflicts damage based on the target's fire attunement, and afflicts with healthleech. If the target's fire attunement is 4 or more, it additionally causes dizziness.

    Pyroglacia - Flamewhip

    Syntax: CAST FLAMEWHIP AT <target>
    Attunement: Fire
    Type: Primary/Secondary

    This spell afflicts its target with recklessness. If it's used as a primary spell against a target with fire attunement at 3 or more, the affliction will hit again after 3 seconds. The second hit does not increase fire attunement.

    As with other such spells, fire attunement is only increased if the spell is used as a primary one.

    Pyroglacia - Icewall

    Syntax: CAST ICEWALL <direction>
    Type: Primary

    This spell allows you to summon a wall of ice over an exit of your choice, preventing most forms of movement and ranged attacks in that direction.

    Pyroglacia - Ignite

    Syntax: CAST IGNITE AT <target>
    Attunement: Fire
    Type: Primary/Secondary

    This spell causes damage based on fire attunement, and puts the target on fire. If the target already is on fire, it afflicts with asthma. Note that the spell is a Primary/Secondary one, and as such can be used twice in the same combo.

    As with other such spells, fire attunement is only increased if the spell is used as a primary one.

    Pyroglacia - Icicles

    Syntax: CAST ICICLES AT <target>
    Attunement: Water
    Type: Primary

    This spell hits the target with hundreds of little icicles, inflicting damage based on water attunement and afflicting with sensitivity or stripping the deafness defence.

    If the target's water attunement is 2 or more, the effect (both damage and affliction) hits again after 2 seconds, and once again after another 2 seconds if the water attunement is 4 or more. The secondary hits do not increase water attunement.

    Pyroglacia - Whirlwind

    Syntax: CAST WHIRLWIND AT <target>
    Type: Single

    If your target is in an adjacent room and both yours and the target room contain water, you can summon a whirlwind to bring the target to you.

    Pyroglacia - Firestorm

    Attunement: Fire
    Type: Single

    This spell causes a storm of fire to fall down at your location, causing damage to all present enemies. The damage is affected by the target's fire attunement, and the attunement is increased by 1 level on each affected target.

    A short immunity applies after being hit by this spell to prevent stacking the effect.

    Pyroglacia - Displace

    Type: Single

    After a short delay during which you may do nothing, this spell transports you to a location thematically tied to the chosen element.

    Pyroglacia - Flamebolt

    Syntax: CAST FLAMEBOLT AT <target>
    Attunement: Fire
    Type: Primary

    This spell causes damage based on the target's fire attunement and afflicts with the burnt nerves affliction, which causes damage when the target attempts to use the Focusing (Survival) or Purge blood (Antidotes) ability. This damage does not prevent the curative effect from working.

    Pyroglacia - Flamepillar

    Type: Single

    This spell allows you to raise a pillar of flames, which lasts for several minutes, triggers the effect of sun allergy, as well as causes the affliction to advance three times faster than it normally would.

    A flamepillar cannot be raised in watery locations, and flooding a location extinguishes the pillar.

    Pyroglacia - Firecircle

    Syntax: CAST FIRECIRCLE AT <target> <affliction>
    Attunement: Fire
    Type: Primary

    Affliction can be one of: recklessness, dizziness, ignorance, weariness

    This spell causes damage based on target's fire attunement and afflicts with the chosen effect. As long as the target suffers from this affliction, the spell will keep hitting every 3 seconds, giving periodic damage and increasing the fire damage on each tick. Once the affliction is cured, the effect ends.

    Pyroglacia - Shrapnel

    Syntax: CAST SHRAPNEL <direction> [PUSH|PULL]
    Type: Single

    This spell allows you to destroy a wall of ice in the chosen direction. Optionally, you may choose to either PULL or PUSH on the resulting shrapnels, sending them flying either towards you or to the adjacent room, causing significant damage to everyone present, ally or not. Only you and those shielded from harm will be safe from the effect.

    Pyroglacia - Lavablast

    Syntax: CAST LAVABLAST AT <target>
    Attunement: Fire
    Type: Primary

    This slow spell causes significant damage based on target's fire attunement, which is enhanced further if the attunement is at maximum (5).

    Pyroglacia - Scourge

    Syntax: CAST SCOURGE AT <target>
    Attunement: Fire
    Type: Primary

    This spell negates the effects of the fire damage protection offered by the frost elixir. The effect lasts for 4 seconds per level of target's fire attunement.

    Pyroglacia - Submersion

    Syntax: CAST SUBMERSION AT <target>
    Type: Single

    After a delay during which you may do nothing else, this spell submerges the target in water, slaying him or her instantly. The speed of this spell is based on the target's water attunement.
  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    Details on Terratheria spells:

    Terratheria - Gust

    Syntax: CAST GUST
            CAST GUST AT <target> [direction]
    Type: Single

    When used without a target, this spell allows you to blow away several types of lingering clouds and fumes.

    When targetted at a player, it attempts to move then in a direction of your choice, or to the skies if none is provided. Movement is prevented by the mass defence.

    Terratheria - Reflection

            CAST REFLECTION AT <target>
    Type: Single

    This spell allows you to create an identical reflection of yourself, or of another individual. The reflection will protect from one attack and then be destroyed.

    The reflection is also destroyed when you attack, except when it's used to project a spell (AB TERRATHERIA PROJECTION).

    Terratheria - Stoneskin

    Type: Single

    This spell increases your resistance to physical damage.

    Terratheria - Tremors

    Syntax: CAST TREMORS AT <target>
    Attunement: Earth
    Type: Secondary

    This spell increases the earth attunement of its target.

    Terratheria - Erode

    Syntax: CAST ERODE AT <target>
    Attunement: Earth
    Type: Single

    This spell strips a random defence from its target, or the protective shield if one is present.

    Terratheria - Wind

    Syntax: CAST WIND AT <target>
    Attunement: Air
    Type: Secondary

    This spell increases the air attunement of its target.

    It can be used with the Project effect by appending a direction at the end of the command.

    Terratheria - Flight

    Syntax: CAST FLIGHT
    Type: Single

    This spell lifts you into the air and allows you to fly. The effect lasts as long as you remain airborne.

    Terratheria - Sonicportal

    Syntax: CAST SONICPORTAL AT <target>
            ENTER PORTAL
    Type: Single

    This spell allows you to open a portal to a target of your choice, anywhere on the same continent. Monolith sigils and similar effects can prevent you from entering it.

    Terratheria - Toxicsplash

    Syntax: CAST TOXICSPLASH AT <target>
    Type: Secondary

    This spell affects its target with the formaldehyde toxin.

    Terratheria - Windveil

    Type: Single

    This spell reduces damage that you take from elemental damage.

    Terratheria - Batter

    Syntax: CAST BATTER AT <target>
    Type: Secondary

    Inflicts a small amount of damage.

    This spell can be used against mobiles, along with Bloodboil.

    Terratheria - Shake

    Syntax: CAST SHAKE AT <target>
    Type: Secondary

    This spell causes its target to fall to the ground. If the target's earth attunement is 3 or more, the spell also breaks both legs. If the earth attunement is 2, it breaks one.

    Terratheria - Windscribe

    Syntax: CAST WINDSCRIBE <word>
    Type: Single

    This spell allows you to scribe floating letters into the air, forming a single word of your choice. The words last for one Imperian day (a RL hour).

    If the word that you form is the name of an existing player, you will instead be told where this player is located.

    Terratheria - Sandling

            BURROW ABOVE
    Type: Single

    This spell allows you to burrow underground. It does not allow you to move around, you can only BURROW ABOVE to get out again.

    Terratheria - Fog

    Syntax: CAST FOG
    Type: Single

    This spell conjures a magickal fog, preventing glancing into the room.

    Terratheria - Lightning

    Syntax: CAST LIGHTNING AT <target>
    Attunement: Air
    Type: Primary

    This spell inflicts damage based on the target's air attunement and causes the vertigo affliction.

    It can be used with the Project effect by appending a direction at the end of the command.

    Terratheria - Howl

    Syntax: CAST HOWL AT <target>
    Attunement: Air
    Type: Primary

    This spell inflicts damage based on the target's air attunement and causes one of: agoraphobia, loneliness, or claustrophobia. If the target's affinity is 4 or more, two afflictions are given.

    It can be used with the Project effect by appending a direction at the end of the command.

    Terratheria - Drain

    Syntax: CAST DRAIN AT <target>
    Attunement: Air
    Type: Primary

    This spell takes a portion of target's health and mana, based on air attunement, and gives them to the Mage.

    It can be used with the Project effect by appending a direction at the end of the command.

    Terratheria - Lightningwall

    Syntax: CAST LIGHTNINGWALL <direction>
    Type: Single

    This spell raises a wall of lightning in the chosen direction. The wall will paralyse anyone passing through it, as well as increase their air attunement by 1 level.

    Terratheria - Sidesmash

    Syntax: CAST SIDESMASH AT <target>
    Attunement: Earth
    Type: Primary

    This spell inflicts damage based on target's earth attunement and afflicts with clumsiness. If the target is already clumsy, the damage is increased by 50%.

    Terratheria - Blink

    Syntax: CAST BLINK <direction>
    Type: Single

    This spell allows you to move in a chosen direction, bypassing many obstacles.

    Terratheria - Project

    You are now able to project your reflection in a line-if-sight range and use it to cast a few air spells.

    To project a spell, you need to have a reflection of yourself active, and you need to append the desired direction to the command - CAST <spell> AT <target> <direction>. Walls and similar obstacles will prevent this from working.

    The following spells can be projected: Lightning, Transfix, Drain, Howl, and Wind. Projected spells cannot be combined - only one at a time can be used.

    Terratheria - Transfix

    Syntax: CAST TRANSFIX AT <target>
    Attunement: Air
    Type: Single

    This spell strips the blindness defence, or transfixes the target's mind, preventing him or her from attacking and moving until writhing out.

    It can be used with the Project effect by appending a direction at the end of the command.

    Terratheria - Shimmer

    Syntax: CAST SHIMMER
    Type: Single

    This spell conceals your exact health from abilities such as Assess or Trueassess - the value will be somewhat randomised.

    Terratheria - Knockout

    Syntax: CAST KNOCKOUT AT <target>
    Attunement: Earth
    Type: Primary/Secondary

    This spell afflicts with the stupidity affliction. If used as primary, it also causes damage based on the target's earth attunement. If the target's earth attunement is 4 or more, the primary spell will additionally cause a short blackout.

    Terratheria - Earthsense

    Type: Single

    This effect allows you to detect all movements within your area. The effect requires you to remain at the same location - if you move, it will be lost.

    Flying individuals and individuals hidden by a veil are not be detected by this spell.

    Terratheria - Calcify

    Syntax: CAST CALCIFY AT <target>
    Attunement: Earth
    Type: Primary

    This spell increases the target's plant balance by 0.2 seconds per level of earth attunement at the time of casting. The effect lasts for 20 seconds, and cannot be refreshed until it ends.

    Terratheria - Windtrack

    This is a passive effect. If you use the Windscribe ability to write a word that you have already written elsewhere, you will be instantly transported to the location of the first word.

    Monolith sigils and similar effects on either end will prevent this spell from working.

    Terratheria - Earthspirit

    Syntax: CAST EARTHSPIRIT AT <target> <1-10>
    Attunement: Earth
    Type: Primary

    This spell invokes an earthen spirit that remembers one random affliction per earth attunement level above 2 (meaning it will remember 1-3 afflictions) that the target is afflicted with, and after the provided delay, which can range from 1 to 10 seconds, will afflict the target with these afflictions again.

    If the target's earth attunement is 2 or less, this spell has no effect.

    Terratheria - Decompose

    Syntax: CAST DECOMPOSE AT <target>
    Type: Single

    If the target is attuned to the earth element and one other at level 4 or more, this spell will slay him or her instantly.

    Terratheria - Windbrace

    Type: Single

    After a brief delay during which you may do nothing, this spell allows you to embrace the worm of the wind, rendering you immune to harm and detection. Effects that force individuals back to corporeality will still affect you, however.

    This form can only be sustained for 20 seconds, after which you will automatically return back to corporeality. You can also use the HUMAN command to become corporeal before the 20 seconds are up.

    After a successful completion, Windbrace cannot be used again for one minute.

  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    And thirdly, details on Crystalbinding:

    Crystalbinding - Crystal

    Requires: (TO BE DETERMINED)

    This ability allows you to conjure a crystal, which forms the core of most other Crystalbinding abilities. You can only have one crystal at a time.

    Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Spin

    Syntax: SPIN CRYSTAL
            CAST <effect> <spell>
            CALL CRYSTAL

    To use the conjured crystal, you need to spin it in a room. The crystal will then periodially (every 8 seconds) absorb the latent magicks from its surrounding, storing 1 charge each time. The crystal can store a maximum of 5 charges.

    Should you move to a different location, the crystal will not follow immediately, but rather will move to you on the next tick, using the magick to transport to you instead of absorbing it.

    The charges stored in the crystal can then be used to enhance your spells in various ways. Each such enhancement costs one charge, and only one can be used per spell. As spellcasting is much faster than the buildup of charges, it is up to you to decide whether to use up all the charges in a single burst, or use them more sparingly.

    You can use CALL CRYSTAL to bring the crystal back to your inventory, This will cause the accumulated charges to be lost. Note that the crystal will automatically return to you if you quit the game.

    Crystalbinding - Fist

    Syntax: CONJURE [1-10] FIST
    Requires: 1 silver, 1 piece of stag's horn

    Usage: ATTACH FIST TO <item>

    You are now able to conjure a fist sigil, which can be attached to items, preventing them from being knocked out of your grasp.

    You can conjure up to 10 sigils at once if you have the necessary items. Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Nausea

    Syntax: CAST NAUSEA <spell> ...

    Once you have spun your crystal in a roo, and it has accumulated at least one charge, you can use the crystal to cast your spells through it, enhancing them with various effects.

    This ability enhances your spell to afflict with nausea in addition to its usual functionality. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Regenerate

    Once your spinning crystal has accumulated full charges, subsequent ticks will cause it to leak its magick towards you, restoring 5% of your health and mama per tick. This only occurs if the crystal is fully charged - as using the crystal to enhance spells consumes charges, regeneration will not occur if you do that.

    This ability is automatically in effect.

    Crystalbinding - Loneliness

    Syntax: CAST LONELINESS <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell to afflict with loneliness in addition to its usual functionality. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Flame

    Syntax: CONJURE [1-10] FLAME
    Requires: 1 silver

    Usage: ATTACH FLAME TO <item>

    You are now able to conjure a flame sigil, which can be attached to items, preventing them from being picked up.

    You can conjure up to 10 sigils at once if you have the necessary items. Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Shock

    Syntax: CAST SHOCK <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell to afflict with epilepsy in addition to its usual functionality. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Infuse

    Syntax: CAST INFUSE <spell> ...

    This effect enhances the spell to heal the caster for 1/3 of the raw damage that it inflicted. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Key

    Syntax: CONJURE [1-10] KEY
    Requires: 1 gold commodity

    Usage: Put it on the ground

    You are now able to conjure a key sigil, which automatically closes and locks (if possible) nearby doors whenever someone passes through them.

    You can conjure up to 10 sigils at once if you have the necessary items. Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Masochism

    Syntax: CAST MASOCHISM <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell to afflict with masochism in addition to its usual functionality. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Eye

    Syntax: CONJURE [1-10] EYE
    Requires: 1 obsidian


    You are now able to conjure an eye sigil, which will bring phased, blackformed and windformed individuals back to corporeality when thrown at the ground.

    You can conjure up to 10 sigils at once if you have the necessary items. Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Hallucinations

    Syntax: CAST HALLUCINATIONS <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell to afflict with hallucinations in addition to its usual functionality. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Robes

    Requires: a pair of regular robes, 1 orichalcum ingot

    Usage: wear them

    You are now able to conjure a pair of elementally infused robes, on which a single etching can be used. Only their creator can wear them.

    You can conjure one pair of elemental infused robes at a time. Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Mirroring

    Syntax: CAST MIRRORING <spell> ...

    This enhancement causes the spell to increase your mana by its cost, instead of costing mana.

    Crystalbinding - Cube

    Syntax: CONJURE [1-10] CUBE
    Requires: 2 silver


    You are now able to conjure a cube sigil. When thrown at the ground, this sigil will part waters in the location, if there are any.

    Properly activating this sigil requires knowledge of Runelore - as such, only those trained in the Runeguard profession can do so.

    You can conjure up to 10 sigils at once if you have the necessary items. Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Icewreathe

    Syntax: CAST ICEWREATHE <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell to increase the target's water attunement by one more level in addition to its usual functionality. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Anorexia

    Syntax: CAST ANOREXIA <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell to afflict with anorexia in addition to its usual functionality. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Penetration

    Syntax: CAST PENETRATION <spell> ...

    This enhancement increases the damage caused by the spell by 50%, but also reduces its speed by 25%. If used with a dual-spell combo, both spells will be affected.

    Crystalbinding - Knife

    Syntax: CONJURE [1-10] KNIFE
    Requires: 1 pinch of diamond dust

    Usage: THROW KNIFE AT <target>

    You are now able to conjure a knife sigil, which can negate several defences that would prevent the detection of the target's present location. Once thrown, this effect will last for several minutes.

    You can conjure up to 10 sigils at once if you have the necessary items. Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Earthwreathe

    Syntax: CAST EARTHWREATHE <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell to increase the target's earth attunement by one more level in addition to its usual functionality. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Meteor

    Syntax: CONJURE [1-10] METEOR
    Requires: 1 wooden arrow, 1 pinch of diamond dust

    Usage: SHOOT <target> WITH METEOR

    You are now able to conjure a meteor arrow, which can be shot by someone capable of using a bow at anyone in the same area and outdoors. After a delay, the arrow will descent upon its victim, causing damage or shattering protective shields.

    Learning this ability allows you to shoot meteor arrows with a bow, even if you otherwise are not capable of using a bow.

    You can conjure up to 10 meteor arrows at once if you have the necessary items. Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Etherpunch

    Syntax: CAST ETHERPUNCH <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell to cause a short balance lost in its target. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Monolith

    Syntax: CONJURE [1-10] MONOLITH
    Requires: 1 gold commodity, 1 silver commodity

    Usage: Drop it on the ground, or THROW MONOLITH AT GROUND

    You are now able to conjure a monolith sigil, which has two different uses. When dropped in a room, it will prevent most forms of teleportation and fast travel into and out of the location. When thrown at the ground, it will explode, weakening or destroying Devotionist consecrations.

    You can conjure up to 10 sigils at once if you have the necessary items. Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Airwreathe

    Syntax: CAST AIRWREATHE <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell to increase the target's air attunement by one more level in addition to its usual functionality. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Orb

    Syntax: CONJURE [1-10] ORB
    Requires: 1 diamond dust

    Usage: THROW ORB AT <demon>

    You are now able to conjure an orb sigil, which can weaken or destroy many types of summoned demons.

    You can conjure up to 10 sigils at once if you have the necessary items. Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Quickcast

    Syntax: CAST QUICKCAST <spell> ...

    This enhancement increases the speed of the spell by 25%.

    Crystalbinding - Mushroom

    Syntax: CONJURE [1-10] MUSHROOM
    Requires: 1 elemental ice

    Usage: ATTACH MUSHROOM TO <item>

    You are now able to conjure a mushroom sigil, which can destroy many types of items that it is attached to.

    You can conjure up to 10 sigils at once if you have the necessary items. Conjuring can only be performed in conjuring rooms.

    Crystalbinding - Firewreathe

    Syntax: CAST FIREWREATHE <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell to increase the target's fire attunement by one more level in addition to its usual functionality. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Expansion

    Syntax: CAST EXPANSION <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell to affect two more random enemies in the room (if there are any) in addition to its chosen target. If used with a dual-spell combo, both spells will be affected. Only targetted spells can be enhanced with this effect.

    Crystalbinding - Crosstune

    Syntax: CAST CROSSTUNE <spell> ...

    This ability enhances your spell's damage to be modified by both the primary spell's attunement and its opposite one. For example, a fire-based spell enhanced by this spell will gain a 10% bonus to damage for each level of fire attunement, and also a 10% bonus for each level of water attunement.

    Fire is opposite to water, air is opposite to earth.


  • DiceneDicene Member Posts: 913 ✭✭✭✭
    Question: Does Burnt Nerves go away after a period of time, or is it curable? If curable, how?

    I want to Beta this so hard. =/
  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    It's a nightshade aff.
  • ZiatZiat Member Posts: 119 ✭✭✭
    Goodbye Retardation. I will miss you and always remember the easy kills we shared

  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Syntax: CAST SHIMMER
    Type: Single
    This spell conceals your exact health from abilities such as Assess or Trueassess - the value will be somewhat randomised.

    What is the randomization factor?  +/- how much? Does it work on mana or is it only on health? Is there a way to mitigate the randomization? Trans perception or something to reduce the variance or  something like that? Since there is no syntax for casting on others, I assume this is a self buff only.  

    Basically, how screwed are clerics and malignists?
  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    15%. It's a clone of the existing AB ALCHEMY TRINKET, so clerics and malignists won't be affected any more than they already are.
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am... unenthused, really.

    Turning one of the simplest and easiest classes into what's basically a straight up eq-based affliction class is already something I am iffy about. Add in the crazy high fire resistance that people get and I'm even iffier about it.

    Most all those issues will depend on timing and damage, though, and have to wait for the beta. Right now, the main problem I see is that I can't actively summon the crystal without losing the charges, so that I have to wait on an 8 second tick before using its abilities whenever I take the fight to somebody.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • XeronXeron Member Posts: 83 ✭✭✭
    I'm moderately worried about the group implications of a comboable disrupt, but the rest of Pyroglacia is all testing-required stuff to further comment on.

    I'm pretty sure I just read it wrong, but can you use all 5 charges on a crystal at once? So add 5 additional effects on top of the spell you're casting? That would obviously require some kind of set-up and utilization as a finisher individually, but a lot of the affs presented in the crystal part are mental, and that would suck hard to basically have a mage able to ensure an immediate brainmelt for enormous damage the moment you walk in on an entrenched mage.
  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    Disrupt is a primary spell, so while you indeed can combo it, none of the combinations is particularly powerful.

    Only one crystal charge at a time.
  • DiceneDicene Member Posts: 913 ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2013

    @Xeron I thought that at first, but rereading what he said, I'm thinking by "single burst" he means using them in a 10-15 second period of time(assuming a 2-3 second balance time per combo, so that they don't regenerate much while you're using them. Although, that 8 second tick means you could time your burst to use up 7 or 8 charges if you started it immediately before a tick hit.

    As far as the disrupt goes, I'm assuming it can't be confusioned or lethargied, and that it will be less attractive than most of your other options. I guess we'll see when the beta rolls out.

    Edit: Another question for @Garryn. How do rebounding and shield effect the skills? I'm assuming the same as they did before, but I don't know how they effect a Mage currently, either.

    Edit 2: I'm late.

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