GMs or City leaders can impliment a tithe on all residents. These could be coded in as democratic if some cities would rather not take the risk. Impliment an upper limit for a tithe, for example 20% … (View Post)
1) No one believes that you will be able to reign in Menoch,Kryss, Brishi et al. 2) Not one of us would trust that Kryss, Menoch, Brishi et al would stop even if they said they would. 3) No one beli… (View Post)
Lending artifacts, can we actually get some commands for this now? If I'm AFKing and someone wants to borrow my crop/saddlebags, could we get an option to set a time for which the artifacts work for … (View Post)
How about a new type of artifact - these are, for want of a better phrase slottable onto an animal of your choosing, granting them upgraded or new abilities in taming which they do not already posses… (View Post)