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  • Re: City Novicehood

    While I love the idea of making a formal city novicehood and devolving the power from the Guilds entirely (which in my opinion serve little to no function for Imperian as it is now) I would be agains… (View Post)
  • Re: Why Imperian?

    If you do decide to try out Imperian, roll and play a in each circle/city to see which you are most comfortable, and is most comfortable with you. Nothing like sinking 100 hours into a character to … (View Post)
  • Re: I HEART

    I always figured it was a racial (or cultural or whatever) memory, that evolved into a mythos that became the story of how our three moons came to be what they are. (View Post)
  • Re: Quotes

    Calm down, not everyone is able to cling to the tails of Azefel and Septus to the nirvana of Great Combat Knowledge. (View Post)
  • Re: Death Changes

    Personally, I'd like to see this as an overhaul of the City Defence system than anything else. Guards should become non-valuable commodities if they are going to remain easy to kill. Let us place bar… (View Post)