Would it be possible to add a toggleable option to display the remaining number of sips in a vialbelt after you refill an empty? It would look something like: You drink the last drop of an elixir of … (View Post)
Given that the balance cost was taken off of path finding, could the balance cost be taken off of emotes? If spamming or some kind of combat manipulation was ever a problem, replace it with a cooldow… (View Post)
I'm not sure if double-posting is a no-no on this thread, but I just had another idea I'd really like to see implemented somehow: condensed quest turn-in spam. We're already able to get rid of vermin… (View Post)
To fix that earlier 'say to' issue: Make it sayto (or something similar, assuming it's not someone's name or something). So like 'sayto Bob blah'. If there's no Bob, you can do that 'You say to no on… (View Post)