In the most recent events, Khandava actually proposed and enacted an alliance with Kinsarmar that, while it did not ultimately work out, did offer opportunities for magick and demonic to interact out… (View Post)
I'd like to also take a brief moment to say that Khandava is not now nor has it ever been against PK or PK-oriented players. What we are against are people who have a long history of psychotic breaks… (View Post)
A mini-dagger of reincarnation type artifact, ideally costing a token or two, that would allow a person to reincarnate into a stat pack/race for a brief period of time (a couple of logged hours? What… (View Post)
It wasn't simply foul language, it was player abuse. The player in question is irrelevant, it doesn't belong on the forums. Edit: It was perceived as player abuse, at any rate. (View Post)