An alternative would be to limit the number of flips per x amount of time, or some similar compromise to lower the boots' ridiculous effect on the battlefield without removing them altogether. I feel… (View Post)
You're wrong. When someone is sitting outside my organization for four hours defending a plague or screwing around with a boneyard, it has nothing to do with pride. It's basically declaring that area… (View Post)
Could we maybe restrict the areas where you can summon/bind a plague to places where shardfalls happen? That is, areas that don't have any particular affinity? More than anything, I really don't want… (View Post)
The story was about Legion. Because he is, as it turns out, the first God after Avasyu, learning his origin required hearing about at least one other God for reference sake. And honestly, if you're i… (View Post)
A titanium saddle - This powerfully-built, mystical saddle secures its user to their mount, so as to prevent dismounting when conventionally afflicted with prone. Mount startle skills will still work… (View Post)