I'd like for the non-essential craft skills, those being toxins, concoctions, smithing, engineering, and taming to be hidden from a new character until they've mastered their first profession, or som… (View Post)
This has probably been requested before, but a separate honours from qhonours called bhonours, for bosses. It would just break up the list so that qhonours shows actual quests/misc achievements, and … (View Post)
For the record, I do not have a walker. I use path find area, path go, and then when I get to an area I manually walk through every room, which is prone to user error (I often run into walls, or skip… (View Post)
I just finished what I'm assuming is the last daily quest, and I got an item that lets me relive all the memories all over again, forever. :O This aspect of the ToA has been amazing. Yes, there were … (View Post)
These daily quests are sort of blowing my mind. I cannot stress enough how much I love that they're not only unfolding a story, but giving us new and unique things to do every single day. Like, I -wa… (View Post)