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  • Re: Improving Imperian

    I already idea'd this but I'm putting it here too. Give us a new command that allows any citizen of a city or council to view all shard bonuses/abilities available to them, something like SHARD POWER… (View Post)
  • Re: Improving Imperian

    Allow market stall owners to set up an alternate path find for their market stall's current location, similar to the current ability to path find to areas (PATH FIND SEVEN LAKE BASIN, for example). S… (View Post)
  • Re: Help Files

    Something that I've never ever seen in a help file is the fact that plate helms have a special ability to mitigate asphyxiation damage (and muffle the wearer's speech) via CLOSE BEVOR. At first, I th… (View Post)
  • Re: Improving Imperian

    I idea'd this already, but I figured I'd post here too. A new command for guilds, cities, councils, clans, and cults/sects. <org type> LASTLOGIN LIST 0 [1-6]. This would give a list of every pe… (View Post)
  • Re: Improving Imperian

    Add some sort of indicator on GWHO and probably NWHO for when a newbie is registering their character. That way novice aides and newbie helpers in general might have a better idea of whether the newb… (View Post)