If you want RP, Khandava is a great bet. It was magick the last time you played, now it's demonic, and so the people who remain from that magicky time are super messed up, complex, and fun, if that's… (View Post)
It would also be nice to have antagonist cults spring up that aren't player-generated, to make cults relevant in future storylines. For example, a cult of Filth, comprised of dirty, stinky goblins th… (View Post)
Would it be possible to allow the 'junk monsters' (humgiis, Nils, etc.,) to devour multiple items of the same type at once? Something like GIVE 50 STONE TO NILS, which could read like 'Nils slowly ch… (View Post)
I already idea'd this but I'm putting it here too. Give us a new command that allows any citizen of a city or council to view all shard bonuses/abilities available to them, something like SHARD POWER… (View Post)