Shou and Tikal are also very knowledgeable on old quests, so you might try reaching out to them if you have a specific quest or qhonour that is bugging you. Pro-tip: You can pay Tikal for her time in… (View Post)
There were several points made in the Beta threads that seemed valid to me but never really got acknowledged. Not sure if y'all purge those posts entirely or just hide them, but you could look back t… (View Post)
Would love to see your artistic rendition of Yasyolon. Also, Caelya's lizard mascara really makes her eyes pop in that one. For reference, Yasyolon description: (View Post)
Re: Automation conversation If you've ever manually beaten someone at memory match who says they automate it, either A.) They're lying, B.) They're bad at automation, or C.) They're not automating it… (View Post)