If anyone was curious, it looks like a new build of Mudlet is almost up which should have all the Windows sound problems fixed(since it's moving to a more recent version of QT). Yay! (View Post)
I'll reiterate something I brought up a while back(I think someone acknowledged it would happen eventually, but pretty much just waved it off for the immediate future). Imperian would really, really … (View Post)
For anyone using my voting script for Mudlet, you'll need to make a slight change since they changed their form again. There will be a line like: local s = io.read("*all") and a line like: … (View Post)
Even though it would give me a significant advantage if it weren't the case, I'm very glad that the bashing challenges have been made to work in a way that allows even people without bashing systems … (View Post)
@Gurn I think you were using some oldschool client(ALclient or something?) last I spoke to you. That's possibly what is making it take so long. Mine isn't really the most feature-rich basher around, … (View Post)