The idea is not to put in automated win buttons. The idea is to make fighting more newbie friendly with buttons to press, in order to get people to enjoy combat enough to want to build their own syst… (View Post)
The Mind of a Chef, Brew Masters, Jiro: Dreams of Sushi, Sushi: The Global Catch, Ramsay's Best Restaurants, Somm, are a few that I really enjoy, for those who like food. Also, The Great Happiness Sp… (View Post)
Also, there's many different schools of thoughts for each profession, and people like to hate on each other for thinking differently. So. There's that too. (View Post)
PvP is cool and all, but the niche of MUDs is the roleplay that can happen because it's text based, and thus is significantly less costly to create awesome storylines. Any regular game would have to … (View Post)