Someone's mad! Oh dear, I'd better log in immediately and rally magick to glory and victory! Wait. Waaaaait. I still don't care, and magick still sucks. I'm not saying that me or Risca or Ziat or wh… (View Post)
From Iron Realms Facebook: In Lusternia, Eritheyl won the Challenge of Nature! Second place went to Morshoth, third to Ushaara, fourth to Tridemon and fifth to Svorai! Tune in next weekend for the Ch… (View Post)
I have a rather large sword and knife collection and really wish some of the intricacies of bladed weapons and combat were integrated. :( Another thing about 1v1 functionality is simply how it looks… (View Post)
Here's the great thing about current history-- Back in the day, many things were pre-written, and we had to roll our RP around it. Now, in the Age of Mortals, it's a new world, and everything can be … (View Post)