I'm going to go out and say that I have coded myself an autobasher, and when I'm bashing, I'm using it. It went from "oh my god I need to generate HOW much belief for my sect" and having a … (View Post)
This is correct IN THEORY. However, you don't know what astronomically large sample size you actually need in order to calculate expected value. Remember that expected value is an average of ALL spi… (View Post)
He speaks truth. I still have @Eldreth surrender message saved because I was so happy Celidon finally won a war. I will cling on to this forever. @Ohm Also, magick is plenty powerful and would wipe … (View Post)
Those of us who are really dedicated and put aside an entire day can get 400-500k with quest supplemental. Trust me though, it's not worth it. I did a calculation once with how much time I spent bas… (View Post)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVcVSEa_Ooo First google result for pig contest. Fascinating hobby you've got there. May I inquire as to how you got into it? (View Post)