Speaking of which... Svorai, the Spirit of Foreboding says, "Anyone here know how to call upon the shadows?"<580/580h 370/370m 0e 0w 0x <ebpp> <bd>> Svorai grins mischievo… (View Post)
I enemied everyone five seconds before it started, and he ran into the snare five seconds before it started. You're right though. I should've done it .000001 seconds before it started. (View Post)
If it's done before, it's because you're nice to your partner and want to make sure you aren't giving them anything you've caught from your various adventures. If it's eaten afterwards, you think th… (View Post)
You're absolutely right. That's because I haven't been logging onto Imperian because of work and school. Wow! Imagine that! (P.S) I can kill you with a rupture without a problem. (View Post)