The trick is to sneak up behind it with a shotgun. A properly placed shotgun to the back of the skull kills the witch in one shot on all difficulties. Even so, it's completely possible to fire off tw… (View Post)
Therian wins the "most afraid of death in a game" award by a long stretch, I think. I've never, ever seen someone be so pants-wettingly terrified of dying in any game. I mean, I bet a decen… (View Post)
Here's the great thing about current history-- Back in the day, many things were pre-written, and we had to roll our RP around it. Now, in the Age of Mortals, it's a new world, and everything can be … (View Post)
Uh... Yes. But in all seriousness, I think we're going to end up seeing like, only a few of these artifacts in the game. If they keep it for all phylacteries even after this promotion, then I think w… (View Post)