Oh, forgot to give one of the specific reasons WHY Infestation is awesome. It was appealing to our leaders (Septus), who liked the shifting tactical style I think. BUT, not only did it allow us to in… (View Post)
The neutral classes should help a lot with that. I really hope they eventually make ALL of classes neutral, for that exact reason. Imperian has a HELL of a lot going for it in so many areas. It's why… (View Post)
Well. I feel 95% sure that I was remembering the wrong set of numbers. How embarrassing. Sadly though, I actually don't have a recent log where I did RETIREMENT VALUE, and even if I did, at some poin… (View Post)
I think the lack of excitement is actually exacerbating another problem, and it's so important that we get out of this rut... I think a good number of people log on out of habit, but are not remotely… (View Post)
It really needs the "At Your Cervix" suffix, both because there is always a pun in Dr. titles, and so that the gynecology part doesn't come off so bluntly :3 (View Post)