Hrm. Juran just moved to AM. If he remains mostly dormant, I guess it just doesn't matter, but the last thing we need is a restacking of AM with arties, high skill level, and top tier leadership when… (View Post)
I hope Jeremy just listens to Juran's last post (and it looks like he did). There are even more reasons we need to keep the orgs (but possibly merge a circle), but his post is a great example of why … (View Post)
As a veil owner, I'd like my allies to just be able to PATH TRACK JULES, even if they are not veil owners. It seems like them not being able to do so is a relic/holdover, and as things stand, it's a … (View Post)
@Juran, partly because wormholes are more factional, but quite frankly also partly because reasons, people here are pretty hostile to the idea of wormholes as a common mode of travel. It just is. Tha… (View Post)