Honestly, automation causes so much gold generation that credit prices for the general population skyrockets. Further, people who can code auto-bashers can easily code twist rings or escape on attack… (View Post)
I generally don't like the collection mechanics What would have been cooler is if the reflections spawned bosses. Or mini-quests or showed you some more flavor. Right now it is just like shardfalls. (View Post)
So mage is in a very weird position right now as far as combat is concerned. - Resources - Apart from mana and health - you are managing FIVE other resources (4 attunements and crystal). These resour… (View Post)
With professions being dissociated from guilds ... what's the end game for guilds? Do they serve any practical purpose? I see some awesome guilds - the Bards & Oystir are doing very well. But the… (View Post)