Curing/misc changes (I'm going to possibly cover ones you were active for, I forget when some of these came in). No particular order: - Burning nerves got added. Does minor fire damage when you use c… (View Post)
For some thoughts on bleeding: This is something I've fought about a fair bit when trying to make longswords less bad against good curing. My conclusion basically comes down to this: classes without … (View Post)
Shackles were bad for combat because if I bring two friends and have five minutes to work something out there is noone in imperian past or present who isn't going to die. Its a licence for a free kil… (View Post)
To be honest I think the comparrison is irrelevant anyway. Assassin and shaman play very differently (assassin is arguably far more of an attrition aff class whereas shaman is a lot more bursty). It … (View Post)
Fanglor giving Dyun temp arties. Fanglor flashes Dyun a joyous smile. Alpha Pup Fanglor says, "There's another one." A great weight seems to have been lifted from Cyr. Cyr rubs some salve o… (View Post)