I don't really have a horse in this race anymore, but this all seems very complicated to me. It sounds like the problem is being able to opt out of being raided (that seems fine) while still being ab… (View Post)
Rg is amazing and I'm not sure how anyone can seriously claim otherwise. The gap is narrower now, but I still can't conceive of a world in which an rg is considered the weakest knight. Teeth probably… (View Post)
There is some fantastic irony going on here. Well done. (Also if people are hunting down same-circle city/council defenders after the fact they are bad and should feel bad.) (View Post)
Arise, dead thread. I imagine there won't be classleads anymore, but I figure it can't hurt to post these. These are basically thoughts regarding the last lot of major changes over the last couple of… (View Post)
Any chance some of the achievement rewards could be reevaluated? Not sure if that's on the table, but wraith slayer and cross streams in particular seem really underwhelming reward wise (wraith slaye… (View Post)