I don't really have a horse in this race anymore, but this all seems very complicated to me. It sounds like the problem is being able to opt out of being raided (that seems fine) while still being ab… (View Post)
Rg is amazing and I'm not sure how anyone can seriously claim otherwise. The gap is narrower now, but I still can't conceive of a world in which an rg is considered the weakest knight. Teeth probably… (View Post)
Deathknight gets a bad rep because people compare it to the other knights. It typically plays somewhat differently and has a harder optimal playstyle for people to get their head around (combining sa… (View Post)
1. Go in with reasonable expectations. I don't know any blind players that have had an easy time starting out in pk, but there are several that are very competetive after getting past that period. It… (View Post)