Not sure why you'd delete two organisations to be honest. Making each circle have three orgs instead of two is the least intrusive, preserves a lot of potential 'politics', and has pretty much the sa… (View Post)
Possibly unpopular opinion, but here goes: I personally don't believe there's a compelling reason for professions to be tied to circles anymore - I have enough mirrors I could probably play as any pr… (View Post)
While I respect your right to have an opinion, I have to say (because this stance frustrates me to no end): The only person stopping someone from going out to be the next solo badass is that person. (View Post)
You have slain Vasharr. You gain 10,000 faith for killing Vasharr. Vasharr's spine falls from his dead body. A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Vasharr in a nimbus of white light. Vasharr quickly e… (View Post)