PvP used to generate gold when people dropped gold upon death. For better or worse, that got changed. But I don't think PvP should be a source of "income" more than what it already is - you… (View Post)
Whatever you do, please keep the cartwheel, frontroll, and backhandspring skills. The exit/enter messages on these are too cute. And streamers for pompoms. :) (View Post)
Only L3 morpher up for auction? Would be nice if there was an L2 morpher up for auction as well. Edit: to be clear, my statement was based on the fact that in the past, there was typically more than … (View Post)
That's clearly because the horde all finished the 100k caravan lot achievement. The problem that we are currently having is that with the 5% chance, some orgs will go an entire RL day without seeing… (View Post)