Hi there, and welcome to Imperian! What is your current level and where are you trying to bash? As an outrider, your primary class-based defenses are going to come from being mounted on your icewyrm … (View Post)
I'm just going to say three things: 1. Use reasonable judgment. This goes in line with @Jeremy's statement of "Don't be a jerk." Remove yourself from the situation (and the game) if you nee… (View Post)
Caravans are meaningless now, imo. AM finished the extra shard/beacon trees nearly a RL year ago; Magick finished earlier this year, and Demonic doesn't seem to really have any interest in pursuing i… (View Post)
PvP used to generate gold when people dropped gold upon death. For better or worse, that got changed. But I don't think PvP should be a source of "income" more than what it already is - you… (View Post)
This still doesn't solve the problem of gating mechanisms the game has for things like shard skills. The number one complaint about people not being able to go "rogue" is the lack of access… (View Post)