Honestly, the breakdown of cities as roleplay and trade hubs over time can be directly attributed to raiding, even from the opening of the game. Totems existed to protect cities from raiders, so we n… (View Post)
I heart all of demonic for sacrificing the bulk of their day in the conquest of the egg, and for not giving up despite buggy implementations, poor odds and battle fatigue (I have been logged in for l… (View Post)
[172] Knife (Runeguard Chivalry) duration increased to 4 seconds. Hey, there's your new toy, knife now persists into the next combo, increasing your effective damage. If only there were a way to cap… (View Post)
I think the worry about people freaking out and leaving en masse is overblown, for a few reasons: - Imperian is supposed to be a dynamic world, and refusing to ever delete anything obsolete gives the… (View Post)
I would love it if I could do something with charms other than litter the floor in exasperation after long hunting trips. Possible ideas could include: - Expand your bracelet into a full gown, reduci… (View Post)