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Mage and Summoner revamps



  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have you ever considered just dialing back the grating tone and trying not to smother the points you have in over the top douchebaggery? This isn't a MOBA, nor is it Call of Duty. If you've got points, great, make them, but try and keep it civil.

    However, when you sit there and drop the DRIPPING SARCASM diatribe, coupled with 'mad cuz bad' rhetoric, it's incredibly irritating and makes me just want to downvote posts you make, which is sad because I feel like you do have points, and I tend to agree with the core of your arguments, that being in this case, lust is avoidable, and the answer isn't to just nerf everything that causes you problems.
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • KalonKalon Member Posts: 124 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2013

    Menoch said:
    Things that stop empress:

    -Shield tattoo and parallels.
    -Monolith sigil and parallels, including disruptor (engineering is available to everyone (and you can go to Caanae shops, they are always there)).
    -Reject player, and being smart about it. Something I'm not going into detail about, because I look forward to using it. Basically don't be silly with your balance.
    A skill having preventative measures does not make it balanced. This has been proven time and time again, but if you care to contest this point I will happily cart out the examples for you.

    Furthermore, skills that succeed only by the incompetence of their victims are not fun, for either the user or the victim. The only players who should feel any sense of accomplishment by getting a kill employing tactics that fall under this category are lowbies, as it is not an expression of your skill, but rather one of the inadequacy of your competition. Perhaps I'm alone in this belief, but other people being small doesn't make me feel big.

    Menoch said:

    Lust/Empress times as Intelligent (neutral balance):
    -Lust - 4.2 seconds. Yes. It is over 4 seconds. If you can code one echo, and not mindlessly go OH NO NOT A DEMON THAT LOOKS LIKE MENOCH then you'll NEVER fail to reject in time.

    This assumes that the player was on balance when the doppleganger appeared. There are plenty of actions that take more than 4.2 seconds of balance, and conditions in which there are other important considerations which take priority over rejecting lust, in which case the target will be left vulnerable.

    Menoch said:
    -Empress - 3.2 seconds. Yes. That means with one summoner, if you are somehow newbed up and caught offbal, 3.2 seconds for hangedman. In a group fight I realize engage/gravehands/tentacles and the like will be there... but I get a wholllllle lot of 1v1 kills against 'good' players from continually empressing them back into my room.
    In the group conflict-driven environment of Imperian, 1v1 is not the primary concern. As you yourself admitted, group holding invalidates this point.

    Menoch said:
    Reasons why Lust/Empress are in no way whatsoever however way you want to ever look at it in any way like radiance, let alone a global one:
    -Empress doesn't work at all for any but allies without Lust. Radiance has a prerequisite of a mindlock... which unless you are permanently keeping telesense on (lol why, who plays monk) gives no message. If I could mask doppie lust, you'd all know it by now. Well. Yeah gonna leave that one alone.
    I am not the one who drew the comparison to radiance, but I will attempt a counter-point for this anyway. In the case of empressing someone who is out of the area, you yourself have stated that the fact that they're still lusted has nothing to do with the summoner, and everything to do with the competence (or incompetence) of the target. By this line of thinking, the requirement of lust on the target is no more arduous than that of achieving a mindlock.

    That last one is mostly an exorcise in rhetoric, so so help you if it's the one thing from this post you decide to tear apart.

    Now, it's your turn to answer my points bullet by bullet: ( * signifies an actual conclusion, - is reasoning leading to it)

    - Empress is a remnant of a deprecated model of group combat found in many of the Achaea holdover classes, in which two parties camped on opposite sides of the area and attempted to summon single members from the opposing side.
        --- Evidence that this model is being actively discouraged exists in the removal and toning down of many skills that were previously a part of this process, and in the addition of the hood tattoo, which severely limits the most common strip-and-summon techniques.
         * Reducing the range of empress would cause demonic to more closely conform to changes which have been observed in other circles.

    - While summoning is a legitimate tactic against opponents in the same area who either have recently or are imminently planning to engage in combat, there are relatively few cases where an out of area target falls into either of these categories.
        --- Though one can claim that a person who has left the area while fleeing remains a valid target, if you are truly close enough to consider this the case it is not a significant imposition for you to walk into the new area your target has entered.
        * Limiting empress to in-area summons only would not represent a significant imposition on the skill's ability to hold those attempting to flee.

    - Most often, the victims of global empress are players new to combat who were lusted in a group context, and are empressed later while engaged in completely unrelated activity. This can be disorienting and demoralizing for new players who do not understand how lust and empress function.
       --- Imperian seeks to foster an environment that encourages new players to enter combat.
       * The removal of lust-empress would promote fair combat and remove the opportunity for potentially abusive behavior

    EDIT: upon reflection, those last three are a bit non-sequitur, but I've spent long enough on this post already, and I feel there are two and a half good arguments in there if you try to pick them out.
  • DiceneDicene Member Posts: 913 ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2013
    You really get riled up easy, don't you. I really get tired of having to explain every post of mine because you like to assume and read between the lines, but here we go.

    1.) My whole point was that Lust isn't that bad. It's annoying in certain situations, but it's something that you get used to, like all similar skills.

    2.) Don't assume that every time anyone mentions summoner, they're talking about you. You're not that important.

    3.) Eldreth is better at doing it in the middle of combat. Other summoners(again, not specifically talking about you) seem to always just start with lust or stop attempting it once combat gets heavy. Doing it mid combat while the spam is going hard and heavy is sneakier and more effective.

    4.) Didn't say that people were magically empressing past monolith. Said that lust was being used during raids and that it's the only skill I can think of that lets you pull someone back into a city while you're raiding, even if they leave. Also, it requiring you to use eq to remedy is annoying coupled with pinching. Regarding novice and idle killing, I'm fairly certain the novice wasn't participating in anything, and the person idling hadn't participated in raid defense recently, and, as far as I know, hasn't at all since he came to Kinsarmar.

    5.) You saying that Summoner isn't annoying is like if Sarrius started claiming(and to his credit, he doesn't) that Wardancer isn't annoying. I find it annoying, and I'm sure that plenty of other people do as well. I'm not claiming that it's OP, I'm claiming that it is annoying. That's an entirely subjective statement, and one that(as I just said) I'm sure a lot of people will agree with.

    Also, I think part of Garryn's purpose in even making these threads is to encourage feedback, questioning, and speculation regarding the upcoming revamps. It gives him things to pay special attention to while the Beta's are in progress.

    Edit: Also, I can only think of like, three times I've let myself get empressed in the past few months, not that bad of a record. And I've been attacking your demons because I thought you paid Sanguis to resummon ents, and I was hoping to punish you to whatever limited degree is possible by making you resummon a few times.

    Edit 2: Feel the need to restate my position one last time. Even if I don't love them personally, I don't think Lust and Empress are particularly overpowered or anything. I could go for a reduction in REJECT eq time or in range, but that's because I don't like having to deal with them. I've only died to Empress twice that I can think of, and both times was with Eldreth LUSTing me off-bal during combat, me not noticing, then him pulling myself(and usually others) into a prepped room I wasn't ready for(looking at you, innocuous tent) or EMPRESSing me right when I walked into the shardfall area to cause my team to lose a few seconds figuring out WTH just happened.
    Post edited by Dicene on
  • KalonKalon Member Posts: 124 ✭✭✭
    Yes, which is why I am not saying to remove lust completely. My argument has never been that empress needs to go away and be replaced by a generic flavor ability... I am pointing towards one unnecessary aspect of the mechanic, out of area summons, with a high potential for abuse that provides nearly no additional practical benefit.

    Lust empress would continue to work just as well for all those things you just mentioned, while no longer having the stupid deaths that happen hours or days later because a lowbie was unlucky enough to not check their allies list and went out bashing.
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2013
    Kalon said:
    Lust empress would continue to work just as well for all those things you just mentioned, while no longer having the stupid deaths that happen hours or days later because a lowbie was unlucky enough to not check their allies list and went out bashing.

    Also, potential for unending 'abuse' has never really been a balancing factor that was considered. Why? Because there's the issues system. In a blast to the past, cruel lament had this problem and you were a fan of it.
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2013
    Kalon said:
    Lust empress would continue to work just as well for all those things you just mentioned, while no longer having the stupid deaths that happen hours or days later because a lowbie was unlucky enough to not check their allies list and went out bashing.
    Edited in bold after I submitted my post.: Note, I am not strictly against making lust area only.  However, I don't think the goal of the beta should be to get that changed.  The goal of the beta should be to make sure the essentially 2  new classes with all new mechanics go out relatively sound so we don't end up with Bloodfreeze or Treeyelling for huge damage right out of the gate.

    Note, I haven't been able to login much lately.  But if they are dying after the fact for a shardfall due to being lusted, then they should issue.  Or bring it up with someone who can discuss it with the person lusting them for the newbie.  What they need to not do is mouth off. 

    Now, if they're dying later for defending their city without doing offensive actions outside of city defense or shardfalls, that's lame and again should not be happening.   

    A lot comes down to people keeping a cool head and not getting worked up when they die.  I know its tempting to get angry when you die, trust me.  I fight the urge quite a bit sometimes. But feeding into  the situation isn't going to make it better.

    Also note that this is partially the responsibility of the fighters on your side when you see newer players enter combat  for shardfalls and city defense.  Every time, mention on ct or ring or whatever "Hey guys, check your allies to make sure you're not lusted" "Hey guys, shield if you're standing somewhere inattentive, and don't do it outdoors". Repetition is the key to teaching people safe habits, especially now that you have more people dipping their toe into combat.  

    Hell, make a chelp file for it "CHELP POSTFIGHT" or something.   It could contain a valuable list  of tips like:
    Check herb stocks 
    Check elixir stocks
    Check ally list 
    Clear enemy list if relevant
    Make sure you're wearing your armor, make sure you've got a fist/writststraps on your weapons. 
    Make sure you clear your target variable so you're not targetting man and then accidently hit your attack macro while standing at the guard clot.  

    All of these little things are good habits to get the youngsters into, even if they aren't dyed in the wool fighters.
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2013
    Lust is fine as is. Learn to reject. This is coming from the circle with the technical least access to monolith clones, sans tuning fork.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You forgot the tuning forks older, better brother! Shame on you, Meatpuppet. SHAME.
  • LionasLionas Member, Historian Posts: 765 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ranged lust and ranged pinchaura are both doppleganger channeled actions, which means they both run up against the doppelganger cooldown. Effectively, this means the same person will be doing both, and have the eq restrictions making abusing both simultaneously difficult.
    I am the righteous one... 
    the claims are stated - it's the world I've created 
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    One thing to keep in mind going into this beta is that each class is balanced uniquely, and that even classes in the live version of the game have problems.

    Don't expect either class to be balanced against Druid, because not even Druid should be balanced against Druid.
  • TherysTherys Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2013
    While I may still largely be insignificant (or rather, completely insignificant) in Imperian combat currently, I have experienced Lust elsewhere as it pretty much exists across IRE in general.

    With monoliths and forks, which everyone should have for their respective side, I don't really have a problem with Lust. The only thing I've ever had a problem regarding Lust was the length of balance taken with the act of rejection itself, since it can usually count as another form of psuedo-entangle. By itself though, it's pretty easy to counter.

    Source: I've manually rejected lust in group fights and have a disruptor fork.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Did this today to help with visualization, decided to share because I'm a nice guy. I have some more testing tools and theoretical models that I might release the results from once the beta starts and I get some real numbers.
  • DyrrenDyrren Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2013
    My problem with lust is not connected to duels or even massive teamfights.

    It's the 2v2s and 3v3s where there's not a lot of organization and speed is vital.

    Rejection and a lot of other basic defensive measures are going to get you left behind, so there's a bit of pressure to not check allies and reject.

    As I told Eldreth, it's nervewracking.  Not only is it used as a delay in combat, but refusing to allow it to delay you opens the way to never curing it because you can't reject in Dis when you have those 10 seconds of relaxation before RUSHING back into combat.

    So, remove lust after death.  Seriously, remove lust after death.  Finally, remove lust after death.

    Eldreth doesn't lust midcombat because it's sneaky, he does it because it is nearly gauranteed to stick after death, and he can preemptively empress people HE HAS ALREADY KILLED with a flimsy PK justification.

    In addition, a way to rubberband after allies if you get left behind or just a PATH FOLLOW <ally> command would be greatly appreciated.
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2013
    If your allies can't wait for 4-5s (long time since I have had to reject), specially when you are going back into combat, there is something wrong with your team. Rushing mindlessly into combat without making sure you are fully prepared is what gets you killed.

    I say this as someone that some times forgets to renounce grace just because of the pressure on going back to battle. GRACE :(
  • DyrrenDyrren Member Posts: 35
    So you're saying an affliction should last after death?


    Funny sad, not funny haha.
  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I feel like that'd be a reasonable change.
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    I consider it funny that apparently no one noticed that most of hunter's curing blocking lasted indefinitely.
  • DyrrenDyrren Member Posts: 35
    Cure blocking does not deliver an enemy straight to you.

    Even so, kill it I say.  Kill it.

    Just let lust die first.
  • ZiatZiat Member Posts: 119 ✭✭✭
    Labil said:
    I consider it funny that apparently no one noticed that most of hunter's curing blocking lasted indefinitely.
    Haven't you been beating on that for like, ages? Its gone. Get over it. They fixed it because it was stupid
  • KryssKryss Member Posts: 426 ✭✭✭✭
    Checking your ally list is not hard.

    Rejecting lust is not hard.

    Detecting masked lust is not hard.

    If you do not wish to take the time to do a simple allies check after being defeated in a fight involving summoners then it is your own fault.
  • DyrrenDyrren Member Posts: 35
    I did, I did!

    It was just in Dis, where it did not matter.

    That constitutes a layer of protection that few other afflictions have.

    Let lust die.
  • MenochMenoch Member Posts: 594 ✭✭✭
    @Dyrren - The inability to properly defend against a skill through your own oversight does not necessitate its removal or alteration. When you rez, you have grace. What you really -should- be campaigning for here, is for lusts to show even when target is offplane. We all have had newb moments and died to something utterly avoidable. It happens. But just because you hit my rebounding more than you hit me does not mean rebounding needs altered. Just because you can't reject doesn't mean lust should either.

    tl;dr - Totes for lust showing people offplane. Who lists do this already, this should too.
  • EldrethEldreth Member Posts: 430 ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2013
    Lust is also a useful tool for ally management. Why should I have to relust allies when they die pking, bashing, etc to accommodate the fact that people don't treat lust like they would lack of mass, cloak, accidental removal of armour, or any other vital condition that is going to get you killed before rushing headlong into battle? If I forget to take all of thirty seconds and do the aforementioned, I deserve whatever horrible fate I have coming my way. Especially since I am usually milling around for more than 5 minutes waiting anyway (see:Springs or Desert, as in Dyrren's case of sadness).

    You lust mid-fight because if they come back to say..the Shardfall or've upped your chance of leaving with more shards or the monolith. But that's the whole point, right?

    The only valid takeaway that I have from pages of people complaining because they are too lazy, or because GBot doesn't hold their hand through the lust removal process is the global summoning: I've walked the grey area where I have lusted people because I see them sprinting across the world and I am making a determination they are coming (back) to me. I am sure there are times when I am wrong. But if I can see you on my enhanced spyglass, I should be able to lust you if provided you aren't doing one of a half dozen counters as has been discussed in detail. But even then now I have nerfed my ability to quickly grab/save allies because of the refusal of a small number of people to treat lust like it needs to be treated. Maybe remove "global" if they are not same circle...
    “We abjure labels. We fight for money and an indefinable pride. The politics, the ethics, the moralities, are irrelevant."
  • TherysTherys Member Posts: 9
    If you're looking to code a means to check whether or not you've been lusted, it doesn't take balance to check your allies here. Create a function in your system for when you're subjected to a hidden tarot throw, your system will check allies automatically for you in regards to lust and reject accordingly if it spots it. 

    When on a monolith or disruptor fork, you can turn rejection off as they're using it as another form of entangle at that point.

    Really, there's counters to Lust in mid-combat. The only real argument someone could have is if multiple people were lusting while trying to move around in an area, it therefore becomes unavoidable since you'll be off equilibrium to drop a monolith or rap a disruptor fork. For example, Menoch has his doppleganger throw Lust, target rejects him and then Eldreth throws after him, chances are pretty great that Eldreth will succeed in his Empress because of the equilibrium cost to reject someone you're lusted to. 

    Regardless, I don't think there's anything wrong with Lust. Just code something to go along with autocuring for it. Always have monoliths or a disruptor fork.
  • EldrethEldreth Member Posts: 430 ✭✭✭✭
    And I think the built-in multiple dopple cooldown would even prevent the one scenario you suggested lust could still happen
    “We abjure labels. We fight for money and an indefinable pride. The politics, the ethics, the moralities, are irrelevant."
  • MenochMenoch Member Posts: 594 ✭✭✭
    Eldreth you beat me to it. Therys you're on point, but doppies have an ICD here that makes that impossible.
  • CaelyaCaelya Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2013

  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2013

    Ziat said:
    Labil said:
    I consider it funny that apparently no one noticed that most of hunter's curing blocking lasted indefinitely.
    Haven't you been beating on that for like, ages? Its gone. Get over it. They fixed it because it was stupid
    They fixed because -I- classleaded it.

    @Caelya: the intelligent part, as it with pinch, would be to check wether it was really Lust or not, by your allies list. I don't remember offhand an equivalent to astralwarp mask to mask your next tarot in the revamped version, so that part won't be even necessary soon.
  • TherysTherys Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2013
    Menoch said:
    Eldreth you beat me to it. Therys you're on point, but doppies have an ICD here that makes that impossible.
    Then yeah, I don't see a problem.

    Not directed at Menoch but in general: Lust is pretty strong, yeah, but from what I've seen/heard, there are mechanical restrictions to restrain it from becoming too powerful. Remember, there's a difference between something that is strong and annoys you versus something that is too blatantly powerful. Generally speaking, if the ability is infamous to your side, it's strong. If the ability is infamous and has a disproportionate ratio of effort used to difficulty in countering, then you have a legitimate argument that the ability in question is too powerful. Currently, I would say Lust's effort is proportionate in the ease of which it is countered. However, it remains annoying in certain situations and circumstances, thus making it a viable, strong, and in my opinion: balanced ability for Demonic. I'm going to work now.

    Edit: Oh, Hangedman can die in a fire though. Or at least spammable hangedman in the sense that a Noctu is losing momentum and decides to spam the card repeatedly so they can recover. Otherwise, it's a strong group ability.
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