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  • IluvIluv Member Posts: 703 ✭✭✭✭
    Will phylactery artifact pieces still be possible to get after the phylactery promotion is over?
  • AulaniAulani Member Posts: 199 ✭✭✭
    I feel like I am not sure of this but, the crawlers in Caanae have not always been aggressive and followed to keep attacking after they've thrown you from the room, right?

    They used to be passive but would team and after throwing you they would sleep, I thought?
  • GurnGurn Member Posts: 789 ✭✭✭✭
    No, the crawlers did not used to follow, and yes, they used to sleep. I suspect that this change has been made to make it harder to bash them, as their experience/gold was way too high for their difficulty.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You lift your leg, thrusting it at a deformed crawler.
    You connect!
    You have scored a staggering blow!
    Damage dealt: 29 Remaining: 119.66%
    Adrenaline flows in your veins and your wounds hurt less.
    Balance Taken: 4.55s

    They're also spawning with more than their max health.
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    edited January 2014
    Hi guys, if you haven't notice I've been tweaking higher level areas. Only this one seemed to get over tweaked. I already fixed the berserk/following you guys, and I'll look into the max health. If you notice any other higher areas being wonky let me know via message in game, I'll try to make sure I don't break everything!

    -With that the health problem will be fixed. This area is now on a spawner, there are 100 of them spawned - you'll have to deal with it till the new set starts spawning. 

    Happy hunting!
  • LeikaraLeikara Member Posts: 66 ✭✭✭
    I'm assuming this is a short questions thread? I can't ask questions on newbie anymore and I don't want to keep bugging Kanthari. If there is a better spot to ask random questions, please direct me!

    My questions (for now):

    - What's a "good" range for shadowveils? Is 100-ish rooms considered fairly close together?
    - Is there an overall map of the main continent anywhere? The website only seems to have zone maps.
    - How does taming protect work? Does it just dodge the next blow or does it constantly have the pet protect (I didn't see a defence line for it)
    - Is there a way to name my treant? I want to name him! :) How about customizing appearances?
    - Are there bardics/artisanals here?
    - Is there a more up-to-date version of mudbot mapper? The one I found via sourceforge wants to make me constantly dash :/
    - Is the current credit market price typical? 
    - Is there a way to see if an animal is tameable aside from trying to tame it?

    Thank you in advance for help!
  • AleutiaAleutia Member, Historian Posts: 363 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2014

    - What's a "good" range for shadowveils? Is 100-ish rooms considered fairly close together?
    100 is a good range to aim for.

    - Is there an overall map of the main continent anywhere? The website only seems to have zone maps.
    EDIT: World Map

    - How does taming protect work? Does it just dodge the next blow or does it constantly have the pet protect (I didn't see a defence line for it)
    Taming protect is a good way to get your pet killed. When a player attacks you, the animal will take a blow, and have its health reduced. It's not recommended. I think it has something like a 1/3 chance to take the hit. It was also changed due to some abuse, so I'm not sure if the current scenario laid out above is correct anymore.

    - Is there a way to name my treant? I want to name him! How about customizing appearances?
    If you want to name your treant, you need to buy a collar of taming for 100 credits. You can customize your treant through HELP CUSTOMISATION since it's a guild pet.

    - Are there bardics/artisanals here?
    We just started it. I don't recall the Announce post, but the current theme is 'newbies' to submit for.

    - Is there a more up-to-date version of mudbot mapper? The one I found via sourceforge wants to make me constantly dash
    Uncertain, someone else will know.

    - Is the current credit market price typical?
    Lately, yes. They have been hovering between 14-16k as of late.

    - Is there a way to see if an animal is tameable aside from trying to tame it?
    I have a book in Caanae or the Khandava library that has just about every known tameable animal in it. I'm in the process of updating it once more but it's a good start. Other than that, you have to petconsider/attempt tame it to find out.
  • LeikaraLeikara Member Posts: 66 ✭✭✭
    Very helpful, thank you!
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Taming Protect will block one hit and one hit only before it needs to be put up again.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • EchleruEchleru Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    @Leikara Art and Literature contest is quarterly, the current theme is "newbie" or "new player" related, and the end date is Midnight on the last day of March. Announce post #2516 and HELP 19.14.1 will tell you the details about them.
  • VerexaVerexa Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2014
    Why does this keeping happening? We're mutual allies so I'm not sure what's going on...

    H: 580/580 M: 310/310 eb XP: 7.93 0 [T:-|B|C] path find caelya
    You are unable to find a path to that location.
    Use the command LANDMARKS to see what you can speedwalk to.
    You can also try using PATH SHORTEST instead to include hostile locations.
    H: 580/580 M: 310/310 eb XP: 7.93 0 [T:-|B|C] path find caelya
    You are unable to find a path to that location.
    Use the command LANDMARKS to see what you can speedwalk to.
    You can also try using PATH SHORTEST instead to include hostile locations.
    H: 580/580 M: 310/310 eb XP: 7.93 0 [T:-|B|C] path find caelya
    You are unable to find a path to that location.
    Use the command LANDMARKS to see what you can speedwalk to.
    You can also try using PATH SHORTEST instead to include hostile locations.
    H: 580/580 M: 310/310 eb XP: 7.93 0 [T:-|B|C] path find caelya
    You are unable to find a path to that location.
    Use the command LANDMARKS to see what you can speedwalk to.
    You can also try using PATH SHORTEST instead to include hostile locations.
    H: 580/580 M: 310/310 eb XP: 7.93 0 [T:-|B|C] path find caelya
    You are unable to find a path to that location.
    Use the command LANDMARKS to see what you can speedwalk to.
    You can also try using PATH SHORTEST instead to include hostile locations.
    H: 580/580 M: 310/310 eb XP: 7.93 0 [T:-|B|C] path find caelya
    You are unable to find a path to that location.
    Use the command LANDMARKS to see what you can speedwalk to.
    You can also try using PATH SHORTEST instead to include hostile locations.
    H: 580/580 M: 310/310 eb XP: 7.93 0 [T:-|B|C] path find caelya
    Distance to Entering the gates of Stavenn: 11.
    Path: out, ne, ne, se, ne, ne, ne, se, se, se, e
    Use PATH GO to travel there.
  • VerexaVerexa Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2014

    Double post... We need a delete button.

  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hahaha, Azefel's system. (don't tell mathiaus)
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Path find hits soulmask, like sense. Need to spam it to get through.
  • LeikaraLeikara Member Posts: 66 ✭✭✭
    Is there a benefit to storing gold in the bank?
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2014
    You will never drop it when you die? After that you can autopay house/shop taxes from bank accounts.

    After that, it's just an excuse to steal your money with you withdraw it.
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    Why the **** is resists [check] something you have to learn? 

  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Quite a few questions:

    1) Can an outrider do:
    "surge badger // spear trip target"
    or does it have to be
    "spear trip target // surge badger"

    2) For an outrider stopping an instantkill, which is better?:
    "spear trip target // surge badger" or
    "spear stab target oxalis // surge butterfly"

    3) For a monk stopping an instantkill, which is better?:
    "mind terror" or 
    "mind fear // swk target"

    4) For a priest stopping an instantkill, which is better?:
    "kanai ensnare target" or
    "perform peace target" or
    "kanai knockdown target"

    5) Are there any requirements to performing "kanai ensnare target" other than fanatism > 15%?

    6) Does Warding Legsweep/Rake go through rebounding/shield?
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • IluvIluv Member Posts: 703 ✭✭✭✭
    Another Outrider question. When icecoat gives "chills" does that mean it is giving the shivering affliction and frozen affliction at the same time?
  • KryssKryss Member Posts: 426 ✭✭✭✭
    1: Trip/Surge. Balance then equilibrium.
    2: Trip. Unreliable to rely upon the surge of a butterfly. Besides, it's quicker and doesn't require ordering your butterfly on a different target in the case of groups.
    3: Mind terror requires a lock, mind fear does not. Swk will stop an instant in any case with or without a mind move. So will numbness (though its currently bugged).
    4: My opinion, knockdown. Extremely fast move, no devotion cost, generates fanatism.
    5: I'm fairly sure there isn't.
    6: Neither bypass shield. Not totally certain about rebounding but memory is telling me they do. Legsweep certainly does.

    Iluv: Icecoat attempts to strip caloric and then afflicts shivering and then frozen, provided you get hit enough. If frostheart is active, then you will also recieve hypothermia.
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2014
    Butterfly tattoo is the best interrupter as an outrider. Alternatively, throw handaxe with cigua, but like, shrugging and other ****.

    Priest's interrupt skill is also burn galingale (peace) and smite. Can be a **** and burn gold ink for stun on top of that, too.

    Rake and knockdown are faster but balancing > those, so 

    No requirements aside for fanatism for ensnare, in fact they can kanai quicken it and entangle at something like 1.8s balance. It's quite amusing.
  • NyokaNyoka Member Posts: 33
    Soo, this might be a really strange Question but someone told me to ask here....

    What are the 'defences' of your classes? I currently are aware of Deathknights, Wytchs, Runeguards but looking for ALL the other professions defensive.

    It would help me a great deal and in the coming week or two, might even help many new people to the game!.

    Thanks in Advance,
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭

    name: hide
    syntax: hide
    message: You conceal yourself using all the guile you possess.
    defence: You have used great guile to conceal your presence.
    defence raw: hide
    possessed: You are already hidden.
    cost, balance: (+1) 3.80s
    syntax off: emerge
    message off: You emerge from your hiding place.
    cost, balance: (+1) 1.10s

    name: harden
    syntax: harden
    message: Your constant exposure to deadly toxins allows you to harden your skin.
    defence: Toxin hardened skin protects your body.
    defence raw: harden
    possessed: Your skin is already hardened.
    cost, balance: (+1) 2.90s
    syntax off: 
    message off: 
    cost, balance: 

    name: await
    syntax: await <target>
    message: You slip back and hide yourself speedily, watching and waiting for your prey.
    defence: You have used great guile to conceal your presence.
    defence raw: hide
    possessed: -
    cost, balance: (+1) 3.80s
    syntax off:
    message off: You cease waiting for your target.
    cost, balance: 

    name: pacing
    syntax: pacing on
    message: You begin to pace yourself and prepare for sudden bursts of exertion.
    defence: You are paced for bursts of exertion.
    defence raw: pacing
    possessed: You are already pacing.
    cost, balance: (+1) 3.35s
    syntax off: pacing off
    message off: You are no longer pacing yourself.
    cost, balance: (+1) 2.90s

    name: block
    syntax: block <direction>
    message: You move over to block the eastward exit.
    defence: You are blocking the <direction>ward exit.
    defence raw: blocking
    possessed: -
    cost, balance: (+1) 0s
    syntax off: unblock
    message off: You stop blocking.
    cost, balance: (+1) 0s

    name: listen
    syntax: listen <direction>
    message: You listen intently to the <direction>.
    defence: You are listening in on another conversation.
    defence raw: eavesdropping
    possessed: -
    cost, eq: (+d) 3.17s
    syntax off: 
    message off: You cease to concentrate on eavesdropping.
    cost, balance: 

    name: lipread
    syntax: lipread
    message: You will now lip read to overcome the effects of deafness.
    defence: You are lipreading to overcome deafness.
    defence raw: lipreading
    possessed: You are already lipreading.
    cost, eq: (+d) 2.75s
    syntax off: 
    message off: 
    cost, balance: 

    name: ghost
    syntax: conjure ghost
    message: You project a net of light about yourself until your image becomes faded and ghostly.
    defence: You are shimmering with a ghostly light.
    defence raw: ghost
    possessed: -
    cost, eq: (+d) 3.17s
    syntax off: 
    message off: 
    cost, balance: 

    name: cloak
    syntax: conjure cloak
    message: You focus on the light projected around you slightly distorting the vibration with your mental will causing you to shimmer out of 

    defence: Your actions are cloaked in secrecy.
    defence raw: shroud
    possessed: -
    cost, eq: (+d) 3.17s
    syntax off: 
    message off: 
    cost, balance: 

    name: shrugging
    syntax: shrug <toxin>
    message: You prepare to shrug off the effects of hemotoxin.
    message: You are again able to focus on shrugging a toxin.
    defence: You are prepared to shrug off the effects of hemotoxin.
    defence raw: shrugging
    possessed: -
    cost, balance: (+1) 0s
    syntax off: -
    message off: You shrug off the effects of the toxin.
    cost, balance: (+1) 0s

    name: weaving
    syntax: weaving on
    message: You picture the shadows when a candle flickers in your mind, and slowly begin to weave back and forth agilely.
    defence: Like the shadow cast when a candle flickers, you are weaving back and forth to dodge blows.
    defence raw: weaving
    possessed: You are already imitating the cobra.
    cost, balance: (+d) 2.90s
    syntax off: weaving off
    message off: You cease your shadowy weaving.
    cost, balance: (+d) 0s

    name: phase
    syntax: phase
    message: Summoning up all your mental strength and physical agility, you begin to vibrate your body as quickly as possible.
    message2: A short burst of azure light fills your vision and when it is gone, you find yourself phased out of sync with the rest of reality.
    defence: Phased slightly out of reality, you are effectively untouchable.
    defence raw: Phased slightly out of reality, you are effectively untouchable.
    possessed: You already are phased.
    cost, balance: (+d) 3.80s
    syntax off: unphase
    message off: Your surroundings shatter into a cloud of glowing stars which dissipate to leave you back where you began.
    cost, balance: (+d) 0s

    name: worm tremors
    syntax: worm tremors
    message: You will now attempt to feel disturbances in the fabric of reality.
    defence: You are sensing for tremors in the fabric of reality.
    defence raw: worm tremors
    possessed: You are already attuned to disturbances in the fabric of reality.
    cost, eq: (+d) 1.90s
    syntax off: worm tremors off
    message off: You cease your attempts to feel disturbances in the fabric of reality.
    cost, balance: (+d) 0s

    name: demon protect
    syntax: demon protect
    message: A demonic lamia secretes a slimy substance all over you.
    defence: Your resistance is increased by a demonic lamia.
    defence raw: demon protect
    possessed: You are already under the protection of the demon.
    cost, eq: (+d) 1.90s
    syntax off: 
    message off: The protection of the lamia fades, as she is no longer with you.
    cost, balance: (+d) 

    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2014

    name: warmth
    syntax: invoke warmth
    message: You start focusing on warming up your body.
    tick: A pleasant warmth soothes your body and mind.
    defence: You are focusing on warming up your body.
    defence raw: warmth
    possessed: You are already focusing on warming up your body.
    cost, eq: (+d) 1.90s
    syntax off: 
    message off: 
    cost, balance: (+d) 

    name: astralvision
    syntax: invoke astralvision
    message: Gritting your teeth, you focus your will and expand your aura throughout the surroundings about you, seeking out the aura of others.
    defence, lifevision: You have enhanced your vision to be able to see traces of lifeforce.
    defence, deathsight: Your mind has been attuned to Dis.
    defence raw: lifevision, deathsight
    possessed: -
    cost, eq: (+d) 3.60s
    syntax off: 
    message off: -
    cost, balance: (+d) 

    name: distortion
    syntax: invoke distortion
    message: Clenching your fists, you focus your will on distorting the air around yourself, and a vibrant violet glow surrounds you.
    defence: You have distorted the air around youself.
    defence raw: distortion
    possessed: Your aura is already distorted.
    cost, eq: (+d) 3.60s
    syntax off: invoke distortion off
    message off: You concentrate on returning the distorted air around you back to normal, and the vibrant violet glow slowly fades.
    cost, balance: (+d) 0s

    name: soulchain
    syntax: invoke soulchain
    message: Tapping into your knowledge of living auras, you summon invisible chains to obstruct departure.
    defence: Invisible chains surround you.
    defence raw: soulchain
    possessed: -
    cost, eq: (+d) 1.90s
    syntax off: - 
    message off: The invisible chains fade from around you.
    cost, balance: (+d) 0s

    name: possession
    syntax: possess <demonlord>
    message: You close your eyes and reach out with your mind towards the Demon Plane, seeking out the presence of <demonlord>. Your search is 

    successful and a burden descends upon your soul as the possession takes hold.
    defence: You are possessed by <demonlord>.
    defence raw: possessed by <demon lord>
    possession: You are already possessed by <demonlord>.
    not possession: You are not possessed by that demon.
    cost, eq: (+d) 2.70s
    syntax off: banish <demonlord>
    message off: You close your eyes and focus all your willpower on the demon that is possessing you, driving away the presence of <demonlord>.
    cost, eq: (+d) 1.90s

    demon lord names:
    skyrax = "Skyrax, the Scourge"
    rixil = "Rixil, the spectre"
    eerion = "Eerion, the demon jester"
    arctar = "Arctar, the Defender"
    scrag = "Scrag, tender of the bloodleech pool"
    pyradius = "Pyradius, the Demon Firelord"
    dameron = "Dameron, Demon Prince"
    palpatar = "Palpatar, the Glutton of Glaaki"
    nin'kharsag = "Nin'Kharsag, the Slime Master"
    marduk = "Marduk, Eater of Souls"
    belial = "Belial"
    buul = "Buul, the Demon Chirurgeon"
    cadmus = "Cadmus, the cursed shaman"
    danaeus = "Danaeus, the Demon Storm"
    lyncantha = "Lyncantha, Keeper of the Hounds"
    hecate = "Hecate, Mother of the Crones"
    golgotha = "Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Demon Lord"
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    And to give you a leg up,

    For quick reference, these are the passive and active powers of each bound Demon Lord:

    Demon Lord       |  Passive               |  Active
    * Skyrax         |  Waterwalking          |  Knock from trees/sky
    * Rixil          |  +1 intelligence       |  Amnesia
    * Eerion         |  Arrowcatching         |  Prone
    * Arctar         |  10% physical resists  |  Shield
    * Scrag          |  -20% clotting balance |  Approx. 36 bleeding
    * Pyradius       |  +10% element resists  |  +30 Taint
    * Palpatar       |  +15% health sips      |  -50% next sip (in 8s)
    * Nin'Kharsag    |  Celerity              |  10s Soulchain
    * Marduk         |  +2 constitution       |  10s channeled instantkill
    * Dameron        |  40s to re-use (cf.60) |  Mimics any other Demon
    * Belial         |  -                     |  15% lifesteal
    * Buul           |  Reckless immunity     |  Strips speed
    * Cadmus         |  Focus Cadmus          |  Hallucinations/Addiction
    * Danaeus        |  -2 dexterity          |  Flings enemy skywards for 6s
    * Lyncantha      |  Similar to Bloodscent |  Two random limb cripples
    * Hecate         |  +10% damage           |  Formaldehyde @ 0s, 3s
    * Golgotha       |  -15% health sips      |  Psychic damage
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • NyokaNyoka Member Posts: 33
    thanks @iniar :D
  • KryssKryss Member Posts: 426 ✭✭✭✭
    The awesome button is not enough for @Iniar.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2014
    Finishing your demonic set:


    name: flameshroud
    syntax: flameshroud on
    message: You focus upon your demonic powers and concentrate, and a swirling flameshroud slowly forms around your body, protecting you from harm.
    defence: You are surrounded by a whirling shroud of flame.
    defence raw: You are surrounded by a whirling shroud of flame.
    possessed: Your flameshroud is already on.
    cost, equilibrium: (+b) 3.60s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: flameshroud off
    message off: You dismiss the swirling flameshroud and it quickly dissipates.
    cost, balance: (+1) 0s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: flameshroud explode
    message off: You concentrate and the shroud of flame around you suddenly explodes outwards.
    cost, balance: (+1) 3.80s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    message off: As you summon a new shroud, the previous one rapidly dissipates.

    name: bileshroud
    syntax: bileshroud on
    message: You focus upon your demonic powers and concentrate, and a swirling bileshroud slowly forms around your body, protecting you from harm.
    defence: You are surrounded by a whirling shroud of bile.
    defence raw: You are surrounded by a whirling shroud of bile.
    possessed: Your bileshroud is already on.
    cost, equilibrium: (+b) 3.60s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: bileshroud off
    message off: You dismiss the swirling bileshroud and it quickly dissipates.
    cost, balance: (+1) 0s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: bileshroud explode
    message off: You concentrate and the shroud of bile around you suddenly explodes outwards.
    cost, balance: (+1) 3.80s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    message off: As you summon a new shroud, the previous one rapidly dissipates.

    name: iceshroud
    syntax: iceshroud on
    message: You focus upon your demonic powers and concentrate, and a swirling iceshroud slowly forms around your body, protecting you from harm.
    defence: You are surrounded by a whirling shroud of ice.
    defence raw: You are surrounded by a whirling shroud of ice.
    possessed: Your iceshroud is already on.
    cost, equilibrium: (+b) 3.60s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: iceshroud off
    message off: You dismiss the swirling iceshroud and it quickly dissipates.
    cost, balance: (+1) 0s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: iceshroud explode
    message off: You concentrate and the shroud of ice around you suddenly explodes outwards.
    cost, balance: (+1) 3.80s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    message off: As you summon a new shroud, the previous one rapidly dissipates.

    name: blooddrinker
    syntax: blooddrinker [on]
    message: Your mouth waters as you begin focusing on the blood of your foes.
    defence: You are focusing on drinking the blood of your foes.
    defence raw: blooddrinker
    possessed: You are already focused on drinking the blood of your foes.
    cost, equilibrium: (+b) 1.90s
    req eq: false
    req bal: false
    syntax off: blooddrinker off
    message off: You will no longer focus on blooddrinking.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 2.20s
    req eq: false
    req bal: false

    name: grip
    syntax: grip
    message: You strengthen your grip until your fists are rock solid.
    defence: Your hands are gripping your wielded items tightly.
    defence raw: gripping
    possessed: "override"
    cost, balance: (+1) 0s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: blooddrinker off
    message off: You relax your grip.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 2.20s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true

    name: woodheart
    syntax: treant woodheart
    message: You focus your demonic powers into your hand, which begins crackling with tainted energy. With a satisfied smirk, you plunge your hand deep into a bleeding treant and tear out its wooden heart. Then, you stick the heart into your own body, crushing your real heart in the process. You suddenly feel much more attached to your life force.
    defence: You have a wooden heart.
    defence raw: woodheart
    possessed: <haven't tested> :(
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 3.70s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: -
    message off: Through an immense concentration of your demonic power, you manage to reconstruct your real heart, and you sigh in relief as the heart begins beating anew just as the wooden replacement finally fails and crumbles into sawdust.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 0s
    req eq: false
    req bal: false

    name: corrupt arm
    syntax: treant corrupt left/right arm
    message: With a grim resolve, your insert your left arm deep into a hollow opening inside a bleeding treant. Excruciating pain floods your body as the treant flays skin and meat from the arm. When you pull the arm back out, the hand is gone and what remains is only a grotesque, bloody stump.
    defence: -
    defence raw: -
    possessed: You have already turned your arm into a branch.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 3.80s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: apply restoration arms
    message off: Your right/left arm becomes functional again, no longer a mere stump.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 0s
    req eq: false
    req bal: false

    name: waterwalking
    syntax: shadowbind me with waterwalking
    message: You rub a shadowgem against your skin and shadows gather at your feet, ready to carry you across water.
    defence: You are able to walk on water.
    defences raw: waterwalking
    possessed: You are already able to walk on water.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 2.20s
    req eq: ?
    req bal: ?
    syntax off: -
    message off: -
    cost, equilibrium: -

    name: shroud
    syntax: shadowbind me with shroud
    message: You rub a shadowgem and shadows coalesce around you, concealing you from sight.
    defence: Your actions are cloaked in secrecy.
    defences raw: shroud
    possessed: You are already shrouded.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 3.20s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: -
    message off: ?
    cost, equilibrium: -

    name: confutation
    syntax: shadowbind me with confutation
    message: You tap a shadowgem and shadows gather around you, helping you protect yourself from attacks.
    defence: Shadows protect your form from damage.
    defences raw: confutation
    possessed: Shadows already protect you from damage.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 3.20s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: -
    message off: ?
    cost, equilibrium: -

    name: regrowth
    syntax: shadowbind me with regrowth
    message: You rub a shadowgem and shadows start seeping into your pores, regrowing your health.
    defence: You are regenerating health through the power of shadows.
    defences raw: regrowth
    possessed: You are already utilising shadows to regrowth your health.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 2.20s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: shadowbind me with regrowth off
    message off: You will no longer utilise shadows to regrowth your health.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 0s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true

    name: recuperation
    syntax: shadowbind me with recuperation
    message: You rub a shadowgem and shadows begin circling slowly around your head, recuperating your mental energy.
    defence: You are regenerating mana through the power of shadows.
    defences raw: recuperation
    possessed: You are already utilising shadows to recuperate your mana.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 2.20s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: shadowbind me with recuperation off
    message off: You will no longer utilise shadows to recuperate your mana.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 0s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true

    name: fleetness
    syntax: shadowbind me with fleetness
    message: You run your fingers across a shadowgem and as shadows gather around your feet, you feel capable of moving faster than before.
    defence: You are moving with the aid of shadows.
    defences raw: fleetness
    possessed: You are already moving at an increased speed.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 2.20s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: -
    message off: -
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 0s

    name: antibodies
    syntax: shadowbind me with antibodies
    message: You rub your fingers briskly across a shadowgem and shadows begin swirling around your body, attempting to cure your maladies.
    defence: You are utilising shadows to cure your maladies.
    defences raw: antibodies
    possessed: You are already utilising shadows to cure your maladies.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 2.20s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: shadowbind me with antibodies off
    message off: You cease utilising shadows to cure your maladies.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 0s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true

    name: limb toughness
    syntax: shadowbind me with toughness
    message: You rub a shadowgem and shadows swirl around your arms and legs, strengthening them against damage.
    defence: Your limbs are more resistant to damage.
    defences raw: limb toughness
    possessed: Your limbs are already strengthened against damage.
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 2.20s
    req eq: true
    req bal: true
    syntax off: -
    message off: -
    cost, equilibrium: (+d) 0s

    Why is the forum formatting so awfully difficult to get right >:[
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • ZoroasterZoroaster Member Posts: 18
    Now that the spring is toxic, is there a "hangout" room to replace it? Can you still submerge people?

    Also, I'm noticing that my in-game map isn't displaying correctly in my mudlet.  Anyone else having this problem? It doesn't seem to have to do with wrap widths or any triggers that I have...
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