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  • IluvIluv Member Posts: 703 ✭✭✭✭
    How do I get rid of these lines coming out from Kinsarmar Crossroads from my map?
  • BaascheBaasche Member Posts: 66 ✭✭✭
    It's something to do with the coordinates on houses being set wrong or something along those lines? I think you can move them to a different floor(however you indicate elevation in Mudlet Mapper) to hide them, or you could manually drag all the various house rooms out to drop them in place in the city proper. It's showing those lines because the entrance rooms to the houses are showing, but the houses themselves all get dumped on the same coordinates as KC or something.
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Yeah. This is because the houses are technically on the same 'map' but we have put them onto what we call submaps but mudlet is probably not recognizing that fact.
  • IfreannIfreann Member Posts: 66 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2016
    This character is not eligible for retirement. You would need to increase its worth by 1249 credits.

    You have removed the lock on the down door.

    You open the door to the down.

    You pick up thirty-three quicksilver flasks from a long pine shop shelf.
    There is no other flask here.
    Balance Taken: 1.10s

    You pick up twelve quicksilver flasks from a long pine shop shelf.
    There is no other flask here.
    Balance Taken: 1.10s

    You take and tradein a quicksilver flask, receiving 26 Bound Credits in preparation for a later purchase.
    *Lots of tradein spam here*

    This character is not eligible for retirement. You would need to increase its worth by 1879 credits.

    That's a *** trap.
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    When should you use the "numbness" ability in group fights? Is it like most things where you wait until whatever threshold you use as your safety net for burst damage, or do it at a somewhat higher threshold? Or I don't even know... lower? You are going to take a single big hit at the end of it, so it seems like you'd better hope you healed up to a pretty high level.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Use it when it will maximally frustrate your enemy, but if you're anything like us, you will forget to use it with great frequency.

    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2016
    @Ifreann, I am still super leery of retirement in all of the games, and I'd only ever do it as a last resort. My recent wins have absolutely tanked my retirement value. It should seriously just be based on tallying your RL purchases over the years. Simple and just a lot more transparent. I mean, I am one of those crazy people who has asked "uh, how much have I spent on this crazy game over the years?" and they just tallied it up and sent it (some years back, on Achaea). I'd love it if everything pretty much started with THAT number, even if they decide they want to toss out of a few things, like maybe no brainer packages, etc... It's just still broken somewhere, and sounds like it is pretty complicated.
  • IfreannIfreann Member Posts: 66 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Jules said:

    @Ifreann, I am still super leery of retirement in all of the games, and I'd only ever do it as a last resort. My recent wins have absolutely tanked my retirement value. It should seriously just be based on tallying your RL purchases over the years. Simple and just a lot more transparent. I mean, I am one of those crazy people who has asked "uh, how much have I spent on this crazy game over the years?" and they just tallied it up and sent it (some years back, on Achaea). I'd love it if everything pretty much started with THAT number, even if they decide they want to toss out of a few things, like maybe no brainer packages, etc... It's just still broken somewhere, and sounds like it is pretty complicated.

    I have asked Jeremy about the situation. It is highly likely that I can't retire because of the free credits I got from gladiators :D But I already gave up to retirement, I will go on with a merchant rp with Ifreann and help people I like on the game. That was fun when I have done that last time.
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    Well. I feel 95% sure that I was remembering the wrong set of numbers. How embarrassing. Sadly though, I actually don't have a recent log where I did RETIREMENT VALUE, and even if I did, at some point I think I'd transferred credits to another char, so that would probably mess with it. That said, I was almost certainly thinking of a past value at the bottom of ARTIFACT LIST OWNED when I checked RETIREMENT VALUE after my gladiator wins and went "Wait, WHAT"?

    And I didn't immediately question it because so many people have had weird outcomes with retirement, and no one really knows how it actually works. Mine could still have "issues" (just not quite the ones I thought!), but I don't truly know. Or hey, it could be in pretty good shape.

    And that is the part I dislike. I can't really sanity check retirement value very well, and certainly not easily. I could (if I thought of it) keep a bit of a running tally on it as I make purchases (although really, how many more big purchases is a Jules going to make at this point). I suppose, if I were ever truly serious about doing it someday, I could also request the purchases on all chars, and crunch things out to try to make sure the number seems at least ballpark sensible. But it is kind of just a magic number that gets spat out at the player. I like the concept of retirement and it's certainly allowed people to refresh their play, but I still feel like the process needs to be simpler and more transparent to make it more appealing.
  • DimitriDimitri Member Posts: 338 ✭✭✭
    I've messaged Alend my question, but i wanna see if anyone else knows while i wait for a response. Tailoring pattern - sling. What kind of sling? sling to fire stones at people (cool, imo), sling for broken arm RP? (just slap it with some mending already!) or is it a weapons sling for polearms?

    I really want it to be the last one cause finally having somewhere to put my glaive when i don't want it out would be nice, instead of just having it floating in my inventory.
  • DimitriDimitri Member Posts: 338 ✭✭✭
    And now i know!

    something something knowledge is power, something something yaaaaay, a winner is you!
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2016
    You take 1 red ink, bringing the total to 25.
    You quickly apply ink to your weapon and lunge at yourself, deftly carving into your flesh with the
    tip of your weapon.
    H:700/700 M:494/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    You are afflicted with carved rune.
    As you finish carving the wunjo rune into yourself's flesh, the ink fuses with the blood, sealing
    the symbol onto your being.
    Balance Taken: 1.55s
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    You have lost the blind defence.
    H:700/700 M:499/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    You have recovered balance.
    H:700/700 M:499/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:700/700 M:494/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:700/700 M:499/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:700/700 M:495/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:700/700 M:495/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    You feel your density return to normal.
    You have lost the density defence.
    H:700/700 M:501/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:700/700 M:501/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:700/700 M:496/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34


    Also, this is channeled in the same way drum used to be (pretty sure that got changed). Would it be out of the question (and worth bothering with, since I am not sure whether this is a useful ability or not) to ask to remove the channel on this ability as well?

    EDIT: the only thing I can think, which I will try to test later, is that the carved rune affliction is always healed first, and while it does "nothing", forces you to heal it before you can use salves for anything else.

    Here is the aff description btw: A rune carved into your flesh periodically affects you with its usual effect. Used by Runeguards. >.>
    Post edited by Jules on
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wunjo strips blindness. Every time you get the "The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain." message the wunjo rune is firing on you. Since you never reblinded, the rune had no effect on you after the first proc.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    The part that is really tripping me up is that there is no damage of any kind... on the first tick or any other, whether I reblind or not.

    You take 1 red ink, bringing the total to 24.
    You quickly apply ink to your weapon and lunge at yourself, deftly carving into your flesh with the
    tip of your weapon.
    H:700/700 M:482/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [700/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    You are afflicted with carved rune.
    As you finish carving the wunjo rune into yourself's flesh, the ink fuses with the blood, sealing
    the symbol onto your being.
    Balance Taken: 1.55s
    H:700/700 M:480/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [700/700h/1EQ/0BAL][0DAMAGE]
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    You have lost the blind defence.
    H:700/700 M:480/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [700/700h/1EQ/0BAL][0DAMAGE]
    You have recovered balance.
    H:700/700 M:490/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [700/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]eat hyssop
    You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1488.
    You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
    You have gained the blind defence.
    Your sight fades and you can see no more.
    H:700/700 M:487/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [700/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    You have lost the blind defence.
    H:700/700 M:487/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [700/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    You may eat another herb or plant.
    H:700/700 M:487/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [700/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:700/700 M:495/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 eat hyssop
    You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1487.
    You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
    You have gained the blind defence.
    Your sight fades and you can see no more.
    H:700/700 M:495/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    You may eat another herb or plant.
    H:700/700 M:492/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    You have lost the blind defence.
    H:700/700 M:492/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 eat hyssop
    You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1486.
    You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
    You have gained the blind defence.
    Your sight fades and you can see no more.
    H:700/700 M:500/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    You have lost the blind defence.
    H:700/700 M:498/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    You may eat another herb or plant.
    H:700/700 M:498/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 diag
    You are:
    marred by a bloody wunjo rune carved into her chest.
    an insomniac.
    Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
    H:700/700 M:498/512 B:0 <-b pp> K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    You have regained your mental equilibrium.
    H:700/700 M:498/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:700/700 M:495/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 on
    The bleeding wunjo rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:700/700 M:503/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [700/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]on
    autocuring on||metawake on
    Autocuring activated.
    You order your mind to ensure you will not journey far into the dreamworld.
    You have gained the metawake defence.
    H:700/700 M:503/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [700/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    Autocuring: eat hyssop
    You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1485.
    You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
    You have gained the blind defence.
    Your sight fades and you can see no more.
    H:700/700 M:503/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [700/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    Autocuring: apply restoration to torso
    You quickly rub some restoration salve on your torso.
    H:700/700 M:503/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [700/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    You may eat another herb or plant.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Carve doesn't cause damage, just procs the rune effect repeatedly.
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2016
    Okay, last question, and I think/hope I know the answer. I should basically forget carve exists, right? It's one of those things a profession noob looks at and thinks "this seems like maybe it could be useful"? But it's channeled, can't be comboed, and unlike, say frostheart, the aff is curable and doesn't really fit with anything I'd be doing (because it's a salve), so totally worthless, yes? Like, cross it off my list of runelore skills to pay attention to. I am basically going through stuff that I have logs of, Iluv's system, and these forums, but also just trying to look at the abilities myself, and this is one of those that feels like what I guess I'd call a "noob trap". I would be wasting my time trying to use this ability, right?
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jules said:

    Okay, last question, and I think/hope I know the answer. I should basically forget carve exists, right?


    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • BaascheBaasche Member Posts: 66 ✭✭✭
    Last time I checked, if you used it with the rune that causes paralysis(nairat?), it would just spam numbness fast enough that the numbness could never turn into paralysis. Unsure if I bugged it.
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2016
    Ha. It does. I don't know that it is worth bugging though, since this is not an ability that is intended to be useful, but is really just a placeholder. I cut out a bunch of the extra ticks.

    I really wish that an ability like this basically just came with a placeholder/warning so noobs like me don't have to ask "should I use this"? I am getting a little bit better at being able how to figure out how to rule them out, but because of the way the game is, I always worry that I might be missing some essential application, so I still feel like I have to ask.

    You take 1 red ink, bringing the total to 19.
    You quickly apply ink to your weapon and lunge at yourself, deftly carving into your flesh with the
    tip of your weapon.
    H:731/700 M:509/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    You are afflicted with carved rune.
    As you finish carving the inguz rune into yourself's flesh, the ink fuses with the blood, sealing
    the symbol onto your being.
    Balance Taken: 1.55s
    The bleeding inguz rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    You are afflicted with numbness.
    H:731/700 M:507/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/0BAL][0DAMAGE]
    You have recovered balance.
    H:731/700 M:507/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    The bleeding inguz rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:731/700 M:509/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    The bleeding inguz rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:731/700 M:507/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    The bleeding inguz rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:731/700 M:509/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]diag
    You are:
    marred by a bloody inguz rune carved into her chest.
    has numb muscles.
    an insomniac.
    Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
    H:731/700 M:507/512 B:0 <-b pp> K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/0EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    You have regained your mental equilibrium.
    H:731/700 M:507/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    The bleeding inguz rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:731/700 M:509/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]diag
    You are:
    marred by a bloody inguz rune carved into her chest.
    has numb muscles.
    an insomniac.
    Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
    H:731/700 M:512/512 B:0 <-b pp> K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/0EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    You have regained your mental equilibrium.
    H:731/700 M:512/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    The bleeding inguz rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:731/700 M:512/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    The bleeding inguz rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:731/700 M:509/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    The bleeding inguz rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:731/700 M:512/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]apply restoration to torso
    The bleeding inguz rune on your chest burns with intense pain.
    H:731/700 M:509/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    You quickly rub some restoration salve on your torso.
    H:731/700 M:509/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    The gaping wound on your chest stops bleeding.
    You have cured carved rune.
    You may apply another salve.
    H:731/700 M:512/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    Having been numb for too long, you feel your muscles lock up in paralysis.
    You are afflicted with paralysis.
    Your muscles are no longer so numb.
    You have cured numbness.
    H:731/700 M:509/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]on
    autocuring on||metawake on
    Autocuring activated.
    You order your mind to ensure you will not journey far into the dreamworld.
    You have gained the metawake defence.
    H:731/700 M:509/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    Autocuring: eat maidenhair
    You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1698.
    You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
    Your paralysis fades and you can move once more.
    You have cured paralysis.
    H:731/700 M:509/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    Autocuring: apply mass
    You have gained the density defence.
    H:731/700 M:509/512 B:0 K:0 D:0 XP:35.34 [731/700h/1EQ/1BAL][0DAMAGE]
    You may apply another salve.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So.. Khizan had left some helpful feedback on this thread, and now all of his posts are gone? Not 'Khizan can no longer post because he's retired'. Someone took the time to filter out all of Khizan's posts to not exist?

    Risca's posts still exist, so what's up?
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    I bet it's a bug, not intentional.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jules said:

    I bet it's a bug, not intentional.

    It'd be kind of an odd bug, because he has zero comments in his profile history now. It also hasn't affected Risca, Eldreth, or Iluv.
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2016
    It would be a really, really odd thing for a forum community owner to do. Basically, even if people really, really want their entire existence on a forum deleted, my understanding is that many if not most forum owners will not accommodate the request.

    I think it's a bit silly not to honor a person's first request to have their existence deleted. If they make a habit of making forum personas and asking for deletion, well that's a bit different. But it's something a lot of forum owners feel really strongly about (the argument is that it detracts from the continuity of the forum archives), and I can tell you that IRE is no exception. In Khizan's case, I can't see him requesting deletion in the first place (and they would definitely not honor the request), and I can't see someone taking it upon themselves to nuke his content, especially since he was such a longstanding contributor, and his the removal of his posts actually would be a net loss.

    Hopefully they can work with Vanilla to get his history back.

    EDIT: Okay, some people are convinced it's a conspiracy (lol karma -but hey, MAYBE IT IS). if someone did do it on purpose, I will laugh my **** off, because IRE is incredibly insistent about exactly this sort of thing.
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Juran said:

    Jules said:

    I bet it's a bug, not intentional.

    It'd be kind of an odd bug, because he has zero comments in his profile history now. It also hasn't affected Risca, Eldreth, or Iluv.
    He retired, kept posting just to complain, so we marked him as a troll for a couple weeks. Nothing too exciting.
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2016

    I feel Iluv complained and outright trolled WAY, WAY more than Khizan did recently...

    I also hope the posts aren't permanently gone. Khizan was involved with way too many conversations for it to not leave gaping holes in a lot of stuff, and he did make a lot of valuable contributions to them (even if he was also guilty of being part of a small crowd that dominates the hell out of things).

    EDIT: fixed!
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Let's refrain from saying how much we hate people please.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jeremy said:

    Juran said:

    Jules said:

    I bet it's a bug, not intentional.

    It'd be kind of an odd bug, because he has zero comments in his profile history now. It also hasn't affected Risca, Eldreth, or Iluv.
    He retired, kept posting just to complain, so we marked him as a troll for a couple weeks. Nothing too exciting.
    So is the precedent that people aren't allowed to raise criticisms after their main character retires? Is this something that should be expected going forward?

    I realize this is a private forum in the sense that it's "owned" by Imperian/IRE, and that you likely see it as a combination of feedback and advertising, but I also didn't see a single thing in his recent posting that I could interpret as 'nonconstructive complaining'.

    Khizan has been critical his entire career, but he's also been one of the game's most earnest supporters. This isn't at all like Apoloc posting from Aetolia to tell us what a mistake we were all making by playing.
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    I have no problem with his criticism or criticism in general. The character is retired and he just wants to use an established name to keep streaming veiled insults more then anything really.

    It's not appreciated at all or very helpful.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jeremy said:

    I have no problem with his criticism or criticism in general. The character is retired and he just wants to use an established name to keep streaming veiled insults more then anything really.

    It's not appreciated at all or very helpful.

    Khizan ends his posting career with 1,712 agrees, 327 insightfuls, 489 likes, 509 upvotes, 129 awesomes, and 762 LOLs to 128 disagrees, 22 off topics, and 4 reports.

    In total he had 3,928 positive reactions for 2,646 posts. He was the most prolific poster in the history of the game, and one of two people I would trust to make balancing decisions over anyone on the staff.

    He was both appreciated and helpful.
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    Juran's post does not fully encapsulate the uh, depth of Khizan's character in and out of game, but exactly, he was damned useful. I hope we don't lose those posts permanently.
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