<500H 331M> [eb db] You follow Iniar to the ether. Above a ragged, abyssal crag. Floating in the air is a fiery portal. The undead remains of a ravenous hound is here. Eldritch Horror, Raini Sunjackal, The Mind Flayer is here, psychic -- This doesn't look so bad... energy cascading around her in the form of lightning. Ahkan Aertsen is here, a scintillating aura of light surrounding him. He wields a shining longsword in his left hand and a mithril shield in his right. You see exits leading south and down. [Iniar - Above a ragged, abyssal crag.] <500H 331M> [eb db] Eldreth quickly flings a card with the image of Lust at Raini. Raini's eyes light up as the Lust card hits. <500H 331M> [eb db] A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Raini. Raini's expression no longer looks so vacant. <500H 331M> [eb db] Your icewyrm informs you that Raini has bled 62 health. [[Raini-248]] <500H 331M> [eb db] Raini takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze. <500H 331M> [eb db] Undead remains of a ravenous hound slashes Raini viciously. <500H 331M> [eb db] An arrow suddenly materialises in a swirling vortex of colours and streaks towards Raini. Raini stumbles and appears off balance. <500H 326M> [eb db] Ahkan takes a drink from a glass vial. <500H 326M> [eb db] Raini quickly eats a piece of kelp. Raini's colour returns to her face. <500H 326M> [eb db] [melody]: Your Target: [ah] -- That lazy mode. [melody]: Reset Class: [outrider]
You follow Iniar to the ether. -- ??? Antioch Shuk. The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. This has been marked as holy ground. A sewer grate looms darkly beneath your feet. A massive, sparkling wheel hovers here, a bejeweled arrow pointing straight up from the middle of the wheel. A small seed lies on the ground here. Some rose petals lie here in a small pile. Arching up towards the sky, with a curtain of shifting light hung within it, the Lunar Pylon stands proudly here. The shop directory of Antioch rests here on a marble pedestal. A small package, wrapped in a grey cloth and tied with twine lies on the ground here. An iron lantern has been hung here on a single bamboo pole. Scuff marks marring the shiny casing, this small clock has been abandoned. A bright-eyed young icewyrm stands here - a closer look reveals it is a bench. An intricately carved muamrite guard's spear lies abandoned here. There are 2 elegant white letters here. The leaves on this stalk of corn have begun to curl and brown, the large ears drooping along the tall stalk. A veritum camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An obsidian camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An ivory camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. A steel camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An iron camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. A ruby camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An onyx camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. A sandstone camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. There are 5 extravagant plumed helms here. A broken and tarnished locket has been left in the dirt here. There are 4 macabre dirk-shaped pins here. There are 3 pairs of scorched fishhook earrings here. A broken and tarnished locket has been abandoned here. There are 4 leg bones here. A sapphire direwolf-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An ice direwolf-shaped charm is on the ground here. There are 3 obsidian direwolf-shaped charms here. A wooden direwolf-shaped charm lies on the ground here. There are 2 emerald towers-shaped charms here. A stone direwolf-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An emerald direwolf-shaped charm lies on the ground here. A marble fountain-shaped charm lies on the ground here. A silver phoenix egg-shaped charm lies on the ground here. There are 4 ivory phoenix egg-shaped charms here. An emerald phoenix egg-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An oaken phoenix egg-shaped charm lies on the ground here. There are 3 stone phoenix egg-shaped charms here. There are 2 diamond root-shaped charms here. A ruby root-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An ivory root-shaped charm lies on the ground here. A necromatic bone root-shaped charm lies on the ground here. There are 2 onyx root-shaped charms here. Floating in the air is a fiery portal. An intoxicatingly beautiful fairy hovers in mid-air before you, her sublime features drawing you towards her. Trotting warily around the area, a dark kelpie mare paces here. Sodden mane tangled in wild reeds and cattails, a kelpie stallion lurks here with baleful opalescent eyes. A young lamiran maiden stands here in an unassuming pose, wreathed in the scent of brine. Incredibly large and a rare white shade, a massive woolly mammoth stands here with confidence and aloofness. A banded stallion stands here quietly regarding his surroundings. A shimmering platinum King couatl is resting here, eyes gazing around the area. Bright blue eyes gazing at her surroundings, an albino yearling stands impatiently here, occasionally swatting the air with an agile hoof. A large red kangaroo is lounging idly here, lazily scratching herself as she gazes around curiously. Keeping close to the ground, a bushy tailed swift fox blends seamlessly with its surroundings. His amber eyes gazing serenely about him, a large cream colored Graytrem draft stallion stands here in a regal manner. Heated breath flaring his nostrils, a massive warhorse stands here imperially. Glowing yellow eyes reveal the lurking presence of this black cat. There are 2 winsome verdant mares here. Marked with distinguishing white and black fur, a large panda bear is here munching lazily on a bamboo stalk. A huge, red banded desert raptor perches here, idly grooming his wings with a regal air. A spirited Shaahri stallion trots about. A massive groomed black stallion stands here proudly, its large form covered in silver battle armour. A noble falcon is perched here, its bright eyes regarding you watchfully. An odorous orange cat is lurking here, howling dolefully. Ailish Eraudan is here, a blank look in her eyes. She wields a shining longsword in her left hand and a lunar shield in her right. The ever-shifting visage of Cyr, Aspect of Moradeim, is here. He wields a shining longsword in his left hand and a kite shield in his right. Xeron is riding on an immense cyanine icewyrm. He wields a mithril shield in his left hand and a quicksilver spear in his right. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale. You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest. [Iniar - Antioch Shuk.] <500H 326M> [eb db] (Ring): You say, "Target AH." <500H 326M> [eb db] Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears. [anti-weapon field] You order a cunning coyote to attack Ahkan. You order a lithe ferret to attack Ahkan. You order a red-tailed hawk to attack Ahkan. You order a pronghorn antelope to attack Ahkan. You order a small sparrow to attack Ahkan. You order a swift cheetah to attack Ahkan. I do not recognize anything called that here. You detect nothing here by that name. <500H 326M> [eb db] You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke. [linseed] <500H 326M> [eb db] The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds. <500H 336M> [eb db] (Ring): Xeron says, "And then demonic demonic'd ." <500H 336M> [eb db] (Ring): You say, "Wtf." <500H 336M> [eb db] Beneath the fell rays of Sukhder, Ahkan has executed Raini. You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more. [pipe] <500H 336M> [eb db] You follow Iniar to the ether. -- Let's try that again! Above a ragged, abyssal crag. Gore is splattered about, a display of Ahkan's cruel handiwork. Floating in the air is a fiery portal. The decaying remains of Raini lie here. The undead remains of a ravenous hound is here. Ahkan Aertsen is here, a scintillating aura of light surrounding him. He wields a shining longsword in his left hand and a mithril shield in his right. You see exits leading south and down. [Iniar - Above a ragged, abyssal crag.] <500H 336M> [eb db] Your target has no protections you can pierce. [raze] bal:2.00 You order your wyrm to hinder Ahkan's chances of escape. [intercept] equ:2.75 <500H 322M> [-- db] A lithe ferret shrieks at Ahkan, making him feel light-headed and nauseated. Undead remains of a ravenous hound slashes Iniar viciously. Eight of your pipes have gone cold and dark. <500H 322M> [-- db] Ahkan quickly eats a nightshade root. <500H 322M> [-- db] EQBAL: Light pipes <500H 322M> [-- db] You feel an aura of rebounding surround you. [anti-weapon field] <500H 322M> [-- db] Ahkan secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a shining longsword into his left hand, with a mithril shield flowing into the right. <500H 322M> [-- db] <500H 322M> [-- db] You are regaining balance and are unable to move. Iniar, riding a Graytrem draft stallion steps through a fiery portal and is -- .......... gone. He is followed by a muamrite slave.
(Ring): Iniar says, "Rofl."
Iniar is the Jar Jar Binks of this game and secretly creates chaos on purpose.
2 ) (2016/03/01 06:42) Tikal: "I was doign a quiz with a friend who was reading the questions. it was something liek... if you coudl give any gift to your five year old self it woudl be..." 3 ) (2016/03/01 06:42) Tikal: "I jumped in before she codl read the answers and said barbie power wheels." 4 ) (2016/03/01 06:42) Oystir: "Lol." 5 ) (2016/03/01 06:42) Tikal: "Any time a conversation like that comes up I remins about my lack of the power wheel." 6 ) (2016/03/01 06:43) Oystir: "My grandma pines the same way over this doll she used to have when she was 6 that her mother threw away." 7 ) (2016/03/01 06:43) Oystir: "She's like 70 now, but that's cool." 8 ) (2016/03/01 06:43) Tikal: "My rant is mostly becaue I got a monster truck one. mostly because I had a little brother. however five months later on my brother's birthday he got a 3 wheeler one that was tons faster." 9 ) (2016/03/01 06:44) Oystir: "What color was your truck?" 10) (2016/03/01 06:44) Tikal: "Blue." 11) (2016/03/01 06:44) Tikal: "It was a big foot power wheel." 12) (2016/03/01 06:44) Oystir: "I gotta afk." 13) (2016/03/01 06:45) Oystir: "We need to get rid of my hearts tonight plox? 79." 14) (2016/03/01 06:45) Tikal: "Now I have to add int he oystir syniism. bet the parents are kicking themselves now, not like I get to drive now." 15) (2016/03/01 06:45) Oystir: "Oh rofl." 16) (2016/03/01 06:45) Oystir: "Oh that's hilarious." 17) (2016/03/01 06:45) Tikal: "The barbie car really got to me lol can you tell?" 18) (2016/03/01 06:46) Tikal: "That is when I stopped believing in sanata too because santa never wrote me a note before explaing why he didn't get me the present I wanted." 19) (2016/03/01 06:46) Tikal: "My mom totally blames my dad for that whole thing." 20) (2016/03/01 06:47) Tikal: "I think mostly my dad didn't want my brother riding in a barbie car."
You say, "This is much harder than just being a normal person."
I guess that depends on what time they take that average from. The time of morning I'm on most you're lucky to get ~20. But during late afternoon NA times ish? Yeah, it gets up there.
Ohm, tri-trans I presume? I have a couple of mirrors. Maybe I'll mirror you and really fiddle with the skills on an off day
Everything takes too long, offense has long prep time, while prepping you aren't keeping people from kicking your **** cause it's not super heavy damage nor heavy afflictions, if you stop prepping you lose momentum, aka attunement so you have to start all over again while in a worse situation, and even when you prep and get everything going, the payoff is medicore to decent damage for one burst that anyone over 450 health or so should be fine tanking, commit reserves if need be and then back to killing you.
Cause by the time you get that one big burst off, you are almost certainly near dead. I too am tri-trans mage, it is bad, that is summary.
My major issue with Mage (and Bard) is that the finishers aren't really finishers. Yes, they are nice chunks of unblockable damage, but anyone with any common sense can bank a shard heal/vitality/commit and turtle as you convert into your finisher (and past it).
A finisher should, ironically, finish a fight.
Mage's affliction route is also heavy-handed in delivering afflictions, but few of which contribute to controlling the fight. A shallow stack also precludes conclusive victories; there is a lot of hit-and-praying that a single nightshade did not undo your work. This is not ideal for a finisher. Most of the new affliction-to-damage methods suffer from this: Warchant Pierce, Malignosis Flay, Cruel Lament. When you compare the simplicity of breaking out of a stack that takes the aggressor time/effort to learn and do, to the relative ease of damage-kill routes is underwhelming - and by extension, unattractive to players, new and old.
Whilst flamepillar is a nice nod to xeroderma, it probably needs a tune to make it efficient.
Ahkan Aertsen says to Urzog, "The difference is that there is no rhyme or reason to your attacks upon cities. Which, I guess, there's no rhyme or reason to Antioch's "wars" aside from that they're fun. So, You've allied yourself with the right organization."
Dark mirth evident in her words, Lady Abigail Murne, Harbinger of the Damned says to Urzog, in Orcish, "Antioch is not representative of mortalkind as a whole. They are chaotic, savage barbarians who destroy simply because they can destroy. Bereft of their Gods that controlled them, they have embarked upon a crusade of hatred and ignorance that has proven far more destructive than they believed their enemies to be."
Dark mirth evident in her words, Lady Abigail Murne, Harbinger of the Damned says to Urzog, in Orcish, "But the Imperator is right. You certainly have chosen the right city to ally yourselves with."
I'm glad to see that SOMEBODY in this game understands us.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Ahkan Aertsen says to Urzog, "The difference is that there is no rhyme or reason to your attacks upon cities. Which, I guess, there's no rhyme or reason to Antioch's "wars" aside from that they're fun. So, You've allied yourself with the right organization."
Dark mirth evident in her words, Lady Abigail Murne, Harbinger of the Damned says to Urzog, in Orcish, "Antioch is not representative of mortalkind as a whole. They are chaotic, savage barbarians who destroy simply because they can destroy. Bereft of their Gods that controlled them, they have embarked upon a crusade of hatred and ignorance that has proven far more destructive than they believed their enemies to be."
Dark mirth evident in her words, Lady Abigail Murne, Harbinger of the Damned says to Urzog, in Orcish, "But the Imperator is right. You certainly have chosen the right city to ally yourselves with."
I'm glad to see that SOMEBODY in this game understands us.
Stavenn drank so much blood I hear haemosiderin is the in-thing.
(Ring): @Juran says, "I went to starbucks and ordered a triple flat white, the barista was like 'i have to pull 4 anyway, do you want it?' so I had four shots of espresso first thing this morning."
(Ring): @Dimitri says, "So, what's it like being able to see sound juran?"
(Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people." (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
You follow Iniar to the ether.
Above a ragged, abyssal crag.
Floating in the air is a fiery portal. The undead remains of a ravenous hound
is here. Eldritch Horror, Raini Sunjackal, The Mind Flayer is here, psychic -- This doesn't look so bad...
energy cascading around her in the form of lightning. Ahkan Aertsen is here, a
scintillating aura of light surrounding him. He wields a shining longsword in
his left hand and a mithril shield in his right.
You see exits leading south and down.
[Iniar - Above a ragged, abyssal crag.]
<500H 331M> [eb db]
Eldreth quickly flings a card with the image of Lust at Raini.
Raini's eyes light up as the Lust card hits.
<500H 331M> [eb db]
A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Raini.
Raini's expression no longer looks so vacant.
<500H 331M> [eb db]
Your icewyrm informs you that Raini has bled 62 health. [[Raini-248]]
<500H 331M> [eb db]
Raini takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
<500H 331M> [eb db]
Undead remains of a ravenous hound slashes Raini viciously.
<500H 331M> [eb db]
An arrow suddenly materialises in a swirling vortex of colours and streaks
towards Raini.
Raini stumbles and appears off balance.
<500H 326M> [eb db]
Ahkan takes a drink from a glass vial.
<500H 326M> [eb db]
Raini quickly eats a piece of kelp.
Raini's colour returns to her face.
<500H 326M> [eb db]
[melody]: Your Target: [ah] -- That lazy mode.
[melody]: Reset Class: [outrider]
You follow Iniar to the ether. -- ???
Antioch Shuk.
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. This has been marked as holy ground.
A sewer grate looms darkly beneath your feet. A massive, sparkling wheel hovers
here, a bejeweled arrow pointing straight up from the middle of the wheel. A
small seed lies on the ground here. Some rose petals lie here in a small pile.
Arching up towards the sky, with a curtain of shifting light hung within it,
the Lunar Pylon stands proudly here. The shop directory of Antioch rests here
on a marble pedestal. A small package, wrapped in a grey cloth and tied with
twine lies on the ground here. An iron lantern has been hung here on a single
bamboo pole. Scuff marks marring the shiny casing, this small clock has been
abandoned. A bright-eyed young icewyrm stands here - a closer look reveals it
is a bench. An intricately carved muamrite guard's spear lies abandoned here.
There are 2 elegant white letters here. The leaves on this stalk of corn have
begun to curl and brown, the large ears drooping along the tall stalk. A
veritum camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An obsidian camel-shaped
charm lies on the ground here. An ivory camel-shaped charm lies on the ground
here. A steel camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An iron camel-shaped
charm lies on the ground here. A ruby camel-shaped charm lies on the ground
here. An onyx camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. A sandstone
camel-shaped charm lies on the ground here. There are 5 extravagant plumed
helms here. A broken and tarnished locket has been left in the dirt here. There
are 4 macabre dirk-shaped pins here. There are 3 pairs of scorched fishhook
earrings here. A broken and tarnished locket has been abandoned here. There are
4 leg bones here. A sapphire direwolf-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An
ice direwolf-shaped charm is on the ground here. There are 3 obsidian
direwolf-shaped charms here. A wooden direwolf-shaped charm lies on the ground
here. There are 2 emerald towers-shaped charms here. A stone direwolf-shaped
charm lies on the ground here. An emerald direwolf-shaped charm lies on the
ground here. A marble fountain-shaped charm lies on the ground here. A silver
phoenix egg-shaped charm lies on the ground here. There are 4 ivory phoenix
egg-shaped charms here. An emerald phoenix egg-shaped charm lies on the ground
here. An oaken phoenix egg-shaped charm lies on the ground here. There are 3
stone phoenix egg-shaped charms here. There are 2 diamond root-shaped charms
here. A ruby root-shaped charm lies on the ground here. An ivory root-shaped
charm lies on the ground here. A necromatic bone root-shaped charm lies on the
ground here. There are 2 onyx root-shaped charms here. Floating in the air is a
fiery portal. An intoxicatingly beautiful fairy hovers in mid-air before you,
her sublime features drawing you towards her. Trotting warily around the area,
a dark kelpie mare paces here. Sodden mane tangled in wild reeds and cattails,
a kelpie stallion lurks here with baleful opalescent eyes. A young lamiran
maiden stands here in an unassuming pose, wreathed in the scent of brine.
Incredibly large and a rare white shade, a massive woolly mammoth stands here
with confidence and aloofness. A banded stallion stands here quietly regarding
his surroundings. A shimmering platinum King couatl is resting here, eyes
gazing around the area. Bright blue eyes gazing at her surroundings, an albino
yearling stands impatiently here, occasionally swatting the air with an agile
hoof. A large red kangaroo is lounging idly here, lazily scratching herself as
she gazes around curiously. Keeping close to the ground, a bushy tailed swift
fox blends seamlessly with its surroundings. His amber eyes gazing serenely
about him, a large cream colored Graytrem draft stallion stands here in a regal
manner. Heated breath flaring his nostrils, a massive warhorse stands here
imperially. Glowing yellow eyes reveal the lurking presence of this black cat.
There are 2 winsome verdant mares here. Marked with distinguishing white and
black fur, a large panda bear is here munching lazily on a bamboo stalk. A
huge, red banded desert raptor perches here, idly grooming his wings with a
regal air. A spirited Shaahri stallion trots about. A massive groomed black
stallion stands here proudly, its large form covered in silver battle armour. A
noble falcon is perched here, its bright eyes regarding you watchfully. An
odorous orange cat is lurking here, howling dolefully. Ailish Eraudan is here,
a blank look in her eyes. She wields a shining longsword in her left hand and a
lunar shield in her right. The ever-shifting visage of Cyr, Aspect of Moradeim,
is here. He wields a shining longsword in his left hand and a kite shield in
his right. Xeron is riding on an immense cyanine icewyrm. He wields a mithril
shield in his left hand and a quicksilver spear in his right. You see a sign
here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest,
west, and northwest.
[Iniar - Antioch Shuk.]
<500H 326M> [eb db]
(Ring): You say, "Target AH."
<500H 326M> [eb db]
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears. [anti-weapon field]
You order a cunning coyote to attack Ahkan.
You order a lithe ferret to attack Ahkan.
You order a red-tailed hawk to attack Ahkan.
You order a pronghorn antelope to attack Ahkan.
You order a small sparrow to attack Ahkan.
You order a swift cheetah to attack Ahkan.
I do not recognize anything called that here.
You detect nothing here by that name.
<500H 326M> [eb db]
You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke. [linseed]
<500H 326M> [eb db]
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
<500H 336M> [eb db]
(Ring): Xeron says, "And then demonic demonic'd
<500H 336M> [eb db]
(Ring): You say, "Wtf."
<500H 336M> [eb db]
Beneath the fell rays of Sukhder, Ahkan has executed Raini.
You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more. [pipe]
<500H 336M> [eb db]
You follow Iniar to the ether. -- Let's try that again!
Above a ragged, abyssal crag.
Gore is splattered about, a display of Ahkan's cruel handiwork. Floating in the
air is a fiery portal. The decaying remains of Raini lie here. The undead
remains of a ravenous hound is here. Ahkan Aertsen is here, a scintillating
aura of light surrounding him. He wields a shining longsword in his left hand
and a mithril shield in his right.
You see exits leading south and down.
[Iniar - Above a ragged, abyssal crag.]
<500H 336M> [eb db]
Your target has no protections you can pierce. [raze]
You order your wyrm to hinder Ahkan's chances of escape. [intercept]
<500H 322M> [-- db]
A lithe ferret shrieks at Ahkan, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
Undead remains of a ravenous hound slashes Iniar viciously.
Eight of your pipes have gone cold and dark.
<500H 322M> [-- db]
Ahkan quickly eats a nightshade root.
<500H 322M> [-- db]
EQBAL: Light pipes
<500H 322M> [-- db]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you. [anti-weapon field]
<500H 322M> [-- db]
Ahkan secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a shining
longsword into his left hand, with a mithril shield flowing into the right.
<500H 322M> [-- db]
<500H 322M> [-- db]
You are regaining balance and are unable to move.
Iniar, riding a Graytrem draft stallion steps through a fiery portal and is -- ..........
He is followed by a muamrite slave.
(Ring): Iniar says, "Rofl."
Iniar is the Jar Jar Binks of this game and secretly creates chaos on purpose.
was something liek... if you coudl give any gift to your five year old self it woudl be..."
3 ) (2016/03/01 06:42) Tikal: "I jumped in before she codl read the answers and said barbie power
4 ) (2016/03/01 06:42) Oystir: "Lol."
5 ) (2016/03/01 06:42) Tikal: "Any time a conversation like that comes up I remins about my lack of
the power wheel."
6 ) (2016/03/01 06:43) Oystir: "My grandma pines the same way over this doll she used to have when
she was 6 that her mother threw away."
7 ) (2016/03/01 06:43) Oystir: "She's like 70 now, but that's cool."
8 ) (2016/03/01 06:43) Tikal: "My rant is mostly becaue I got a monster truck one. mostly because I
had a little brother. however five months later on my brother's birthday he got a 3 wheeler one that
was tons faster."
9 ) (2016/03/01 06:44) Oystir: "What color was your truck?"
10) (2016/03/01 06:44) Tikal: "Blue."
11) (2016/03/01 06:44) Tikal: "It was a big foot power wheel."
12) (2016/03/01 06:44) Oystir: "I gotta afk."
13) (2016/03/01 06:45) Oystir: "We need to get rid of my hearts tonight plox? 79."
14) (2016/03/01 06:45) Tikal: "Now I have to add int he oystir syniism. bet the parents are kicking
themselves now, not like I get to drive now."
15) (2016/03/01 06:45) Oystir: "Oh rofl."
16) (2016/03/01 06:45) Oystir: "Oh that's hilarious."
17) (2016/03/01 06:45) Tikal: "The barbie car really got to me lol can you tell?"
18) (2016/03/01 06:46) Tikal: "That is when I stopped believing in sanata too because santa never
wrote me a note before explaing why he didn't get me the present I wanted."
19) (2016/03/01 06:46) Tikal: "My mom totally blames my dad for that whole thing."
20) (2016/03/01 06:47) Tikal: "I think mostly my dad didn't want my brother riding in a barbie car."
P.S. Go vote.
(Ring): You say, "A sparkling wheel slows down to a halt, rewarding you with a
pair of Ethereal Shackles and a pair of Ethereal Shackles."
(Ring): You say, "Can I complain."
(Ring): Aviva says, "Bondage city."
You tell Gambler Ohm Tancredi, Aspect of Addiction, "Oh! You're changing classes?"
It's funny because mage is bad.
Sorry Ohm love you.
Ahkan Aertsen says to Urzog, "The difference is that there is no rhyme or reason to your attacks upon cities. Which, I guess, there's no rhyme or reason to Antioch's "wars" aside from that they're fun. So, You've allied yourself with the right organization."
Dark mirth evident in her words, Lady Abigail Murne, Harbinger of the Damned says to Urzog, in Orcish, "Antioch is not representative of mortalkind as a whole. They are chaotic, savage barbarians who destroy simply because they can destroy. Bereft of their Gods that controlled them, they have embarked upon a crusade of hatred and ignorance that has proven far more destructive than they believed their enemies to be."
Dark mirth evident in her words, Lady Abigail Murne, Harbinger of the Damned says to Urzog, in Orcish, "But the Imperator is right. You certainly have chosen the right city to ally yourselves with."
I'm glad to see that SOMEBODY in this game understands us.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Stavenn drank so much blood I hear haemosiderin is the in-thing.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."