Deathknights don't make bone, it's a commodity sold at city/council comm shops. Deathknights can refine the bone commodity into a special demonic-specific smithing ingot, however, and it has enhanced efficacy for shamans. Or it did, I'm not sure if that's still a thing now with neutral shamans.
As for the cost of inks, they can indeed be steep when you're first starting out, but you can generally ask around for help if you're short on gold. More often than not, someone with more than they need (either gold or inks) will have some to share. I also wouldn't say that prism pouches are required, but if you have the tokens to spare, it's not the worst purchase.
The artifact lets you have two colors at once, rather than one. I can't judge relevance for you, though.
Is there a reasonable way this can be made into an artifact power? I have a nice shiny deathmask from my treasure that I'm pretty sure I need to wear for it to take affect, and I'm pretty sure the warmask artifact does too, which kind of makes them mutually-exclusive atm, but you can correct me if I'm wrong.
(Yeah, I'm looking into getting into berzerker when my Iron Elite comes in :v)
So, is it basically required for Shamans to have a prism pouch? They have two skillsets that use up a LOT of tints, and tints looked insanely expensive everywhere I looked. Having some way to make tints as a player or otherwise obviate the really high tint costs would be fantastic.
EDIT: Related: Why do deathknights get the ability to make bones but shamans (who use lots of bonedust) don't seem to? Mystery?
as many deathknights as there are around, you shouldn't have a problem getting someone to evoke them for you, especially me if I'm around. Used to be diabolist could do it too, but I'm not sure about now with the changes. Also, I believe smithing uses these bones as well.
Why does requirement require a new character by age, instead of counting by play time? I was considering retiring a character on another game and transferring the funds to Imperian on Vaniec, but couldn't play for a while due to RL and now I'm timed out on it, which sucks as people donated things to Vaniec that I'd really hate to spurn by starting a fully new character.
Why does requirement require a new character by age, instead of counting by play time? I was considering retiring a character on another game and transferring the funds to Imperian on Vaniec, but couldn't play for a while due to RL and now I'm timed out on it, which sucks as people donated things to Vaniec that I'd really hate to spurn by starting a fully new character.
I also made a mistake and transferred some retirement credits to a character I dont want to use them on I really dont like the age requirement, if nothing else it should be raised to 25 or so.
So, con belt, sip ring, regen rings, resistance rings are obvious, but are there artifacts that would increase longetivity/tankiness in non-obvious ways?
I'd get them in a heartbeat if I had the money for them. The angle I'm coming from is wondering if there's anything that I can afford in the few-hundred credits range that would help Anette survive longer. Unless I luck out on phylacteries I wouldn't be able to afford the more expensive stuff like that.
I'd get them in a heartbeat if I had the money for them. The angle I'm coming from is wondering if there's anything that I can afford in the few-hundred credits range that would help Anette survive longer. Unless I luck out on phylacteries I wouldn't be able to afford the more expensive stuff like that.
If you don't have a monocle, I would buy a monocle. Nothing can buy you situational awareness, but the monocle comes close.
Reflection wand. 200 credits to negate an attack every 1.9s with Diadem, and you can keep a reflection up whenever you're idle to potentially eat the first blow.
Wolverine's claws (burrow) give a non-directional escape option in a decent number of places for 100 credits.
Liturgical symbol for 250 credits can let you squeeze out another ritual.
There is a health and resistances threshold you need in order to make the wand worth it. Otherwise you will either spam reflection and not fight back, or use it appropriately and still die.
It's a tanks tool, not a tool to make you a tank.
On the flip side, there are probably plenty other artifacts that would help in the same price range, but I don't know your class or setup. You should message me I could help you plan a good purchase.
a crystehl and ruby ring 800 being held byAnette -AddedPower: regen_health_1. -InherentPower: health_sip_1.
an opalescent ring 600 being held byAnette -AddedPowers: resist_asphyxiation, resist_cold and resist_fire. -InherentPower: resist_electricity.
+1 on all attrs. Con and str buffs above are from abilities.
Might want to get the flipside of the ring for mana regen and sip but I haven't had too many problems with mana deprivation outside of bashing places that get silly bleeds going.
Got the bandage thing too.
I usually go athletic when I am trying my hand at stabbing people. Wonders of a gem.
Nice. Though not sure how great a wand would be with a knight. Even if you had a diadem - probably not enough bang for your buck. And if you switched profession you would be better served with the con and physical resist that you lost dropping knight.
You could instantly increase your tankiness by having a Templar cast purification on your armor. Making use of your class-specific and circle-specific defenses should be a pretty high priority.
It should be purified, though I just upgraded the shield to L2 so I might have to give it the once over.
Armour:An elaborate suit of full plate-mail armour (full plate220907) It offers the following defences: Physical cutting:85% Physical blunt:85% An elaborate suit of full plate-mail armour is made up of mostly stehl and traces of crystehl. An elaborate suit of full plate-mail armour has the following toxins or effects on it: This armour has been purified to defend against foul magicks. Armour: A mithril shield (shield72369) It offers the following defences: Physical cutting:30% Physical blunt:30% A mithril shield has no toxins or effects on it.
L3 shield upgrade is on my wishlist but not presently achieveable. Maybe with christmas money.
A little side note outside of artifacts, SECT HIGHAVOUR and PERFORM RITUAL FAVOUR stack, giving you +2 con, there are very cheap giftbag stones on the market that last for 8 hours of play time. Opals are 10% damage resist, bloodstones are another +1 con, malachites give you +1 dex (can add a few % to your passive evasion damage reduction). You get those by killing a few of the bosses in the game (and you might get a very handy temporary artifact while you do so!), so it's really worth looking into.
As for the cost of inks, they can indeed be steep when you're first starting out, but you can generally ask around for help if you're short on gold. More often than not, someone with more than they need (either gold or inks) will have some to share. I also wouldn't say that prism pouches are required, but if you have the tokens to spare, it's not the worst purchase.
(Yeah, I'm looking into getting into berzerker when my Iron Elite comes in :v)
Wolverine's claws (burrow) give a non-directional escape option in a decent number of places for 100 credits.
Liturgical symbol for 250 credits can let you squeeze out another ritual.
It's a tanks tool, not a tool to make you a tank.
On the flip side, there are probably plenty other artifacts that would help in the same price range, but I don't know your class or setup. You should message me I could help you plan a good purchase.
Might want to get the flipside of the ring for mana regen and sip but I haven't had too many problems with mana deprivation outside of bashing places that get silly bleeds going.
Got the bandage thing too.
I usually go athletic when I am trying my hand at stabbing people. Wonders of a gem.
save for a shield and surcoat?
[edit:] L3 shield upgrade is on my wishlist but not presently achieveable. Maybe with christmas money.
The the generic available to everybody in a cult PERFORM RITUAL FAVOUR favour that gives +1 con, that one does stack with highfavour.