verb "godsmack","godsmackall"{global ply;local mobile, target, i;if!amigod(ply)then{
errormessages(ply);return;}if!_search_player(lower$(words$(game.input$,2,2)),0)then mobile=1;
target=physab_handtohand(ply,2,mobile,1,0);if!target thenreturn;
msgs3(ply, target,0, mobile,"You smack $(target$) across the face.\n","$+(caster$) smacks you across the face.\n","$+(caster$) smacks $=(target$) across the face.\n");if mobile then{if LGI$(1)="godsmackall"then{
i =0;while target and i <100do{
replica_damage(ply, target,100000,0, UNBLOCKABLE_DAMAGE, DS_NULL,[]);
target = physab_handtohand(ply,2,1,1,0);
i +=1;}
replica_damage(ply, target,100000,0, UNBLOCKABLE_DAMAGE, DS_NULL,[]);}}else{
damage(50000,50000, ply, target,10000, UNBLOCKABLE_DAMAGE, DS_NULL,[],0,"");}}
Dec smacks you across the face. You have been slain by Dec. You are OUT of the Free-For-All! You see a bright light shine on you as all your afflictions are cured. Dec stands triumphant, the winner of the Free-For-All in the Coliseum. Damage Taken: 7727 unblockable raw damage: 9090
Nono. It's not an all powerful God stick. It's just a simple stick that you can find in any forest. They cannot be customised, named, buffed or changed in any way. They do 1 damage a hit. Fight it out.
I suppose they COULD be dipped in venom. Maybe whittled to be sharp (whittling is a separate skill, classed as a tradeskill but still requires max lessons). Whittling adds 1 damage. If you over whittle your stick breaks.
I don't care what year it is. Sailing is great in Achaea. Being able to do it here would be fantastic.
There are a lot of people who dislike sailing in Achaea, and that includes some of the people who sail a lot. Sailing would also be a huge amount of work for what would probably be very little benefit.
I'll have you know that we were promised both sailing and this neat survival skill that lets us convert animal pelts into gold, and both should be released anytime now. It's only been 13 years, so 'soon'.
You grabbed my hand and we fell into it Like a daydream.. or a fever
It's providing very strong spammable hinder. I'm not familiar enough with the class to suggest fixes but I know people were complaining about spamable hinder in this round of reports.
This really is a thing.
I suppose they COULD be dipped in venom. Maybe whittled to be sharp (whittling is a separate skill, classed as a tradeskill but still requires max lessons). Whittling adds 1 damage. If you over whittle your stick breaks.
Edit : Typo
Like a daydream.. or a fever
Like a daydream.. or a fever
I went through the logs and got the times between casts. The mage is casting it at the speeds listed below.