@Jules Honestly, the ground runes nowadays are pretty 'eh'. You guys roll in large enough numbers that the ticks from uruz (lightning bolt) aren't going to be end of the world. You're better off tack… (View Post)
It bears pointing out that just a week ago Krysallis was railing against the pk elitism. Now we're froth mouthing about rp elitism because a dude used one word improperly in a city log that nobody re… (View Post)
1) I never remember Krysaliss trying to pk as any of my derps. Given how long you've played, your 'lack of entrance into pk' is entirely a problem of your own motivation. If in ten years you couldn't… (View Post)
You didn't make a bard healing/offense system to play Imperian. You made a bard healing and offense system to participate in a specific game within a game that requires a combination of: ability, pre… (View Post)
@jeremy Also, I think you need to take into consideration that you should not be able to 'steal' most relics. There's an active part of the population who will play this game and -never- form their o… (View Post)