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  • Re: Improving Imperian Combat

    Homogenization is pretty bad. Look at AM: It's like 4-5 flavors of dsl. It's also been equipped with ridiculous training wheels (ab cleansing). You can have an effective combat system that works real… (View Post)
  • Re: Owned

    * Shou left lowhooked you. * You parry the attack and deftly fire a thornroot at Shou. * H -40p [7.4%] [92] * Bileshroud hit Shou. * Shou is in Vae-Sant. * Shou left lowhooked you. * You parry the at… (View Post)
  • Re: Clueless

    Tbh, Dicene is being disingenuous about the situation. I'll explain. If you start 'not curing' the triggered afflcition you're going to open yourself up to have the locking afflictions 'stuck'. Have … (View Post)
  • Re: Improving Imperian Combat

    @Dicene Seems we're going to disagree. Judging the the quick Baasche-in-runeguard logs, you don't seem to be doing anything that you mentioned here. You're flaring sowulu, eihwaz, and nairat (sometim… (View Post)
  • Are you a god?!?

    **WARNING** Adult language was used in the making of this video. Orcs -were- harmed in the making of this video. Backstory (Yellow scrolling text and big fanfare music): The stalwart heroes Ahkan and… (View Post)