That's some pretty strong talk from people who don't participate in the system much. Let me drop some knowledge on you uninitiated. The caravans seem to spawn 1-4 caravans protected by a trader and s… (View Post)
The cities you listed are already within enforcement range of their 'holdings'. What would you be changing about them? I know that every city got 5 associated bashing areas and they're all accessible… (View Post)
Given the avenue you're taking to interact with her order, I'd ignore you too since they don't have acyclovir (herpes treatment) in Imperian yet. The best way to deal with you is to ignore you. That … (View Post)
Haha, yeah. Sarrius is sort of bored picking on a cult that doesn't fight and then killing people while they bash for faith. He's getting concerned that he may actually lose some of the issues that h… (View Post)
I don't see why you need an elite pottamus super tier 1 combatant ninja to test on. All you need for a test dummy is someone to sit there and not die. Having seen your setup, that's 90% of magick. Yo… (View Post)