06:55:04.642 423[88] 552[96] ebdb0 9895.980(A: 2) (i): 1 (t): 0 (x): -1 queue eqbal quickdraw claymore|dsl Ultrix 06:55:04.642 bromine iodine|soulstorm Ultrix| 06:55:04.982 [QUEUE]: quickdraw claymore|dsl Ultrixbromine iodine|soulstorm Ultrix|. 06:55:04.982 You quickdraw a claymore. 06:55:04.988 You rub some bromine on a claymore. 06:55:04.988 I dsl'd Ultrix. (a claymore) 06:55:04.993 You rub some iodine on a claymore. 06:55:04.993 I dsl'd Ultrix. (a claymore) 06:55:05.000 Balance Taken: 3.68s 06:55:05.000 Soulstorm Ultrix anorexia. 06:55:05.013 The last vestiges of strength having ebbed from Ultrix's body, she sinks to the floor with a sigh. Suddenly, your 06:55:05.013 surroundings are enveloped in a blinding white light, forcing you to cower with your hands over your eyes. When you 06:55:05.013 tentatively open them once more, you are astonished to find Ultrix alive once more. 06:55:05.013 rt Redemption - Ultrix|rt Redemption - Ultrix| 06:55:05.017 Equilibrium Taken: 2.96s 06:55:05.020 423[88] 543[94] -- db0 9795.98 0(A: 3) (i): 1 (t): 0 (x): -1
I feel like Iniar is going to keep posting logs of his lack of xp gain from kills that trigger Redemption until he gets his gosh darn XP, dammit.
(It probably should give some xp though).
While this isn't directed to anyone in particular, I do love the irony that Redemption shares the same message as Soulcage (a Necromancy ability with the same mechanic in other IRE games). Yet, with the roles reversed and the "light" side having it, there are "complaints". It's like I'm in bizarro world.
it had a redemption mechanic behind it that produced the stat bonuses. The problem was I'd kill you. You'd die and come back with a bunch of hax modifications and then kick the piss out of me with them.
Transmog used to act like redemption and it only gave you the stat bonuses when it fired.
The thing that made transmog ridiculous and nerf-worthy was that with the Sanguis artifact it only cost 20% sanguis and sanguis could be replenished by bashing; I had fights where I would literally mog somebody 4 times in a single fight and then I'd turn around and do it again an hour later.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
ah, maybe it was us standing at the gate with 100 buckets of blood and someone beheading to fire the stat bonus or something. like i said, been a while.
(Ring):You say,"Hit me." H:100%| M:89%0 eb 5.666:40-[ SEN ] Theophilus secures his previously wielded item and instantly draws a crude serrated claymore of blackened stehl into his left hand. H:100%| M:89%0 eb 5.666:40-[ SEN ] Theophilus's knuckles grow momentarily white as he strengthens his grip. H: 100% | M: 89% 0 eb 5.66 6:40 - [ SEN ] Theophilus secures his previously wielded item and instantly draws a crude serrated claymore of blackened stehl into his left hand. H: 100% | M: 89% 0 eb 5.66 6:40 - [ SEN ] Theophilus's knuckles grow momentarily white as he strengthens his grip. H:100%| M:89%0 eb 5.666:40-[ SEN ] Theophilus viciously slashes you with a crude serrated claymore of blackened stehl! A sense of extreme nausea washes over you. + nausea + Theophilus swings a crude serrated claymore of blackened stehl at you powerfully. A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body. Theophilus sends his essence storming through your body, curing the effects of nausea and causing significant damage. Your stomach becalms itself. - nausea - H:19%| M:89%8 eb 5.666:40-[ SEN ]!!APATHY! APATHY! APATHY!! Your wounds cause you to bleed 8 health. H:17%| M:89%5 eb 5.666:40-[ SEN ]!!APATHY! APATHY! APATHY!! YourOuroboros syphons your afflictions. The stinging feeling fades. - sensitivity - H:17%| M:89%5 eb 5.666:40-[]!!APATHY! APATHY! APATHY!!rt holy (Ring):You say,"Holy."
(Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people." (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
If you had used strychnine first the second claymore hit would have had sensitivity and you'd have squeezed out even more damage; this is why you always put strychnine first when you're using it with another toxin.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
A tentacle shoots up from the ground, wraps itself around you, and drags you back to earth. A tree-lined pathway before an imposing building. A small silvery stone is here, surrounded in haze. A hulking velociraptor crouches here. There are 2 elite Wytch flesh menders here. There are 6 elite elegantly dressed Noctusaris here. There are 2 elite Diavlous Knights here. A plain-looking woman watches the skies, idly testing her bowstring. Resembling a ghoulish statue, a Xiur shielder stands here, the writhing slaves lashed to his shield chittering insanely to passersby. Balance Taken: 2.20s 669/669h 449/449m 0e 0w bals:e- status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0 An elite flaxen-haired archer deftly knocks an arrow to his bow, firing it into you from point-blank range. Damage Taken: 34 cutting (raw damage: 88) A patrol of twelve guards leaves to the south. 634/669h 449/449m 0e 0w bals:e- status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0 You have recovered balance.
If you had used strychnine first the second claymore hit would have had sensitivity and you'd have squeezed out even more damage; this is why you always put strychnine first when you're using it with another toxin.
He afflicted himself with sensitivity anyway. I use botulinum for the sake of soulstorm. Claymore isn't going to stick sensitivity in 1 v 1. I should probably use botulinum and another toxin to be honest unless I'm in a group.
Edit: Oh, I see what you're saying now.
(Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people." (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
You parry the attack and deftly fire a thornroot at Shou.
H -40p [7.4%] [92]
Bileshroud hit Shou.
Shou is in Vae-Sant.
Shou left lowhooked you.
You parry the attack and deftly fire a thornroot at Shou.
H -40p [7.4%] [92]
Bileshroud hit Shou.
Shou is in Gyanis.
Shou left lowhooked you.
You parry the attack and deftly fire a thornroot at Shou.
H -40p [7.4%] [92]
Look, I understand the demonic-op and all that jazz. I don't think I should be taking 40 poison damage when I parry someone who is too busy spamming commands to switch to another limb I took 120 damage for parrying a limb. Pls2befixed
It was a glorious day in Stavenn. I had executed many an evil doer and was now tweaking the Imperator's nose. Strolling up to him, I see he is cleaving me. Ha I think. I have a reflection, what foolishness.
se Imperial Parade nearing the gates of Stavenn. A rune resembling an apple core has been sketched into the ground here. A generator plinth has been built here, energy crackling around its edges. The mighty war gong of Stavenn looms here, hanging between two pillars of fused bone. The visage of a horrific demon carved in bloodstone rises up from a base of skulls and stone. A noxious smell rises in the air as bubbles pop along the surface of a fountain made of twisted stone, a few ghastly hearts bobbing along the surface. A slow oozing of blood runs the length of this black cross. There are 4 elegant white letters here. A sallow mare stands here idly. A massive groomed black stallion stands here proudly, its large form covered in silver battle armour. With a wild look in his eye, a feral paint stallion stands heatedly here as he stomps and paces recklessly. A gloomy little sable kitten sits here, meowing pitifully. Smoky tendrils constantly twisting and weaving around a towering demon statue, a shadow servant is here. A kohdon scout stands here eyeing his surroundings with an impassionated stare. A graceful silver mare prances here, tossing her flower-wreathed head. Anointed with blood, a heinous demonic jackal crouches here baring gleaming teeth. There are 2 blooded warhorses here. An elite elegantly dressed Noctusari is manning a bolt thrower here. She has fifty-six bolts. From its perch, a night black hawk watches you intently with steady golden eyes. A winsome alabaster mare wreathed in flowering herbs stands here serenely. A bright red frog sits on a lily pad nearby. His amber eyes gazing serenely about him, a large cream colored Graytrem draft stallion stands here in a regal manner. There are 9 elite Diavlous Knights here. There are 6 elite elegantly dressed Noctusaris here. The undead form of Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn is here. He is rapidly swinging a sword above his head. Hands of rotting flesh and white bone push up from the ground. 700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0 Theophilus begins to bear down on you with a dwarven battleaxe. 700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0 relax backflip e Ahhhhh. You make a mental note to relax more often. 700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0 The hands of the grave grasp at your ankles and throw you off balance. Balance Taken: 1.20s 700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:e- status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0 You have recovered balance. 700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0 relax backflip e Ahhhhh. You make a mental note to relax more often. 700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0 The hands of the grave grasp at your ankles and throw you off balance. Balance Taken: 1.20s 700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:e- status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0 relax backflip e You have recovered balance. Ahhhhh. You make a mental note to relax more often. 700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0 The hands of the grave grasp at your ankles and throw you off balance. Balance Taken: 1.20s 700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:e- status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0 Screaming out a warcry of pure strength, Theophilus brings his battleaxe crashing straight down on your head. Blackness fills your vision and the screams of pain exploding in your head find no outlet as your entire body is clove asunder. Your faith decreases as you fall to the might of Theophilus. You have been slain by Theophilus. You gasp with the realization that Theophilus has reached the pk level of 3rd Circle of Celestial Power. Your personal Rift will hold no more pellet. The corpse of Theophilus falls out of your inventory.
Wait, what, I cried. This cannot be! Frantically I scrolled back up, retracing my steps along the path of victory I had walked. Then I discovered...
An obsidian-plated hound lashes out at you with a well-placed attack. One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
The cheers from the Ilom-Arzus Arena are heard in the background as Pellerin shouts, "No, it cannot be true! I cannot accept it! I beg of you to make it stop!"
Unable to comprehend the mysteries of the universe, Pellerin has perished, assisted by Iluv.
<281/550h 323/580m 6B 32.10 (0)> <e- b> [T:Karyn] [] [] Karyn got rebounding. + + + + TARGET HAS REBOUNDING + + + + Karyn lost rebounding. Karyn's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing. A blinding white flame erupts from Karyn's knife as she tears it across space before you, a wave of energy rippling reality around it as it slams into you with unbelievable force. H -274u [49.8%] [274] <6/550h 323/580m 15B 32.10 (0)> <e- b> [T:Karyn] [] []
After hearing all of the complaints about defiler getting a 35% conditional health instantkill, I'm absolutely amazed this ability still exists in this format. (And before the cries of "it has to be charged!" begin, as you can see from Iniar's log from the same fight, it's clearly not a long charge against demonic.)
Also, does anyone else feel that prismatic should effectively kill off any momentum mechanic? You shouldn't be able to drop prismatic -> end game finisher.
If that was a group skirmish involving Iniar, there's some context missing such as all the events before Iniar got targeted. It's possible that Karyn had tidalslash charged before she targeted Iniar and just unleashed it on him as I'm pretty sure it's not individual-specific, but if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.
AM isn't the only problem child when it comes to the damage meta either. Battleaxe Reave w/Soulstorm is doing a pretty hefty amount of damage right now, even when I borrow a surcoat and rings. I can post some logs when I get home from work. Effortless damage seems to be a constant across all circles at the moment.
If that was a group skirmish involving Iniar, there's some context missing such as all the events before Iniar got targeted. It's possible that Karyn had tidalslash charged before she targeted Iniar and just unleashed it on him as I'm pretty sure it's not individual-specific, but if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.
Tidalslash charging is not person specific; the charge is just held on the sitara.
Putting that aside, you're right that we'd need to see all the events that happened before Karyn hit Iniar in the final blow. The thing about tidalslash is that it is very effective against demonic (in their current profession makeup in groups) because it charges off of mental/magickal/intelligence-based attacks directed at you.
If that was a group skirmish involving Iniar, there's some context missing such as all the events before Iniar got targeted. It's possible that Karyn had tidalslash charged before she targeted Iniar and just unleashed it on him as I'm pretty sure it's not individual-specific, but if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.
Tidalslash charging is not person specific; the charge is just held on the sitara.
Putting that aside, you're right that we'd need to see all the events that happened before Karyn hit Iniar in the final blow. The thing about tidalslash is that it is very effective against demonic (in their current profession makeup in groups) because it charges off of mental/magickal/intelligence-based attacks directed at you.
Then yep. If they focused Karyn, which is likely given previous fights I've been in and demonic's current love of Summoner, it's likely that she was able to charge pretty quick and unleashed the accumulated tidalslash on Iniar. Seems fairly par for the course.
Can state that Karyn doesn't pre-charge and has never asked for someone to do that. Plus, I'm fairly sure that the damage has to be magickal in origin (scales with a collar, for example). AM doesn't have a lot of stuff that does that. Monk probably has the most.
Edit: I'm not sure if that stuff charges Tidalslash though. I seem to recall some kind of change in the past or some kind of downgrade for Tidalslash that prevented stuff like that, but someone would have to confirm.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
543[100] 700[100] -b db 0 0 42.99 0 [a: 12][m: 2] [[\\\\\\\\\\]](i): 1 (t): 0 (x): -1
[] Equilibrium []
[] Equilibrium []
[] Equilibrium []
[QUEUE]: invoke enlighten Icarius.
-(anti-weapon field).
Mana Lost: 72
You place both hands on either side of Icarius's head and stare straight into his eyes. Summoning all your knowledge of the
Noctu mysteries, you will your knowledge into Icarius's mind.
You see Icarius Bharathian yell, "No, it cannot be true! I cannot accept it! I beg of you to make it stop!"
The last vestiges of strength having ebbed from Icarius's body, he sinks to the floor with a sigh. Suddenly, your
surroundings are enveloped in a blinding white light, forcing you to cower with your hands over your eyes. When you
tentatively open them once more, you are astonished to find Icarius alive once more.
rt Redemption - Icarius|rt Redemption - Icarius|
Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
543[100] 627[89] -b db 0 0 42.99 0 [a: 12][m: 2] [[\\\\\\\\\\]](i): 1 (t): 0 (x): -1
(It probably should give some xp though).
While this isn't directed to anyone in particular, I do love the irony that Redemption shares the same message as Soulcage (a Necromancy ability with the same mechanic in other IRE games). Yet, with the roles reversed and the "light" side having it, there are "complaints". It's like I'm in bizarro world.
Transmog used to act like redemption and it only gave you the stat bonuses when it fired.
The thing that made transmog ridiculous and nerf-worthy was that with the Sanguis artifact it only cost 20% sanguis and sanguis could be replenished by bashing; I had fights where I would literally mog somebody 4 times in a single fight and then I'd turn around and do it again an hour later.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
I feel like this is more an owned averted, but:
A tentacle shoots up from the ground, wraps itself around you, and drags you back to earth.
A tree-lined pathway before an imposing building.
A small silvery stone is here, surrounded in haze. A hulking velociraptor crouches here. There are 2 elite Wytch flesh menders here. There are 6 elite elegantly dressed Noctusaris here. There are 2 elite Diavlous Knights here. A plain-looking woman watches the skies, idly testing her bowstring. Resembling a ghoulish statue, a Xiur shielder stands here, the writhing slaves lashed to his shield chittering insanely to passersby.
Balance Taken: 2.20s
669/669h 449/449m 0e 0w bals:e- status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
An elite flaxen-haired archer deftly knocks an arrow to his bow, firing it into you from point-blank range.
Damage Taken: 34 cutting (raw damage: 88)
A patrol of twelve guards leaves to the south.
634/669h 449/449m 0e 0w bals:e- status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
You have recovered balance.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Look, I understand the demonic-op and all that jazz. I don't think I should be taking 40 poison damage when I parry someone who is too busy spamming commands to switch to another limb
It was a glorious day in Stavenn. I had executed many an evil doer and was now tweaking the Imperator's nose. Strolling up to him, I see he is cleaving me. Ha I think. I have a reflection, what foolishness.
Imperial Parade nearing the gates of Stavenn.
A rune resembling an apple core has been sketched into the ground here. A generator plinth has been built here, energy crackling around its edges. The mighty war gong of Stavenn looms here, hanging between two pillars of fused bone. The visage of a horrific demon carved in bloodstone rises up from a base of skulls and stone. A noxious smell rises in the air as bubbles pop along the surface of a fountain made of twisted stone, a few ghastly hearts bobbing along the surface. A slow oozing of blood runs the length of this black cross. There are 4 elegant white letters here. A sallow mare stands here idly. A massive groomed black stallion stands here proudly, its large form covered in silver battle armour. With a wild look in his eye, a feral paint stallion stands heatedly here as he stomps and paces recklessly. A gloomy little sable kitten sits here, meowing pitifully. Smoky tendrils constantly twisting and weaving around a towering demon statue, a shadow servant is here. A kohdon scout stands here eyeing his surroundings with an impassionated stare. A graceful silver mare prances here, tossing her flower-wreathed head. Anointed with blood, a heinous demonic jackal crouches here baring gleaming teeth. There are 2 blooded warhorses here. An elite elegantly dressed Noctusari is manning a bolt thrower here. She has fifty-six bolts. From its perch, a night black hawk watches you intently with steady golden eyes. A winsome alabaster mare wreathed in flowering herbs stands here serenely. A bright red frog sits on a lily pad nearby. His amber eyes gazing serenely about him, a large cream colored Graytrem draft stallion stands here in a regal manner. There are 9 elite Diavlous Knights here. There are 6 elite elegantly dressed Noctusaris here. The undead form of Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn is here. He is rapidly swinging a sword above his head. Hands of rotting flesh and white bone push up from the ground.
700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
Theophilus begins to bear down on you with a dwarven battleaxe.
700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
backflip e
Ahhhhh. You make a mental note to relax more often.
700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
The hands of the grave grasp at your ankles and throw you off balance.
Balance Taken: 1.20s
700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:e- status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
You have recovered balance.
700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
backflip e
Ahhhhh. You make a mental note to relax more often.
700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
The hands of the grave grasp at your ankles and throw you off balance.
Balance Taken: 1.20s
700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:e- status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
backflip e
You have recovered balance.
Ahhhhh. You make a mental note to relax more often.
700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
The hands of the grave grasp at your ankles and throw you off balance.
Balance Taken: 1.20s
700/700h 543/543m 0e 0w bals:e- status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
Screaming out a warcry of pure strength, Theophilus brings his battleaxe crashing straight down on your head. Blackness fills your vision and the screams of pain exploding in your head find no outlet as your entire body is clove asunder.
Your faith decreases as you fall to the might of Theophilus.
You have been slain by Theophilus.
You gasp with the realization that Theophilus has reached the pk level of 3rd Circle of Celestial Power.
Your personal Rift will hold no more pellet.
The corpse of Theophilus falls out of your inventory.
Wait, what, I cried. This cannot be! Frantically I scrolled back up, retracing my steps along the path of victory I had walked. Then I discovered...
An obsidian-plated hound lashes out at you with a well-placed attack.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
I felt owned.
Karyn got rebounding.
Karyn lost rebounding.
Karyn's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
A blinding white flame erupts from Karyn's knife as she tears it across space before you, a wave of energy rippling reality around it as it slams into you with unbelievable force.
H -274u [49.8%] [274]
<6/550h 323/580m 15B 32.10 (0)> <e- b> [T:Karyn] [] []
After hearing all of the complaints about defiler getting a 35% conditional health instantkill, I'm absolutely amazed this ability still exists in this format. (And before the cries of "it has to be charged!" begin, as you can see from Iniar's log from the same fight, it's clearly not a long charge against demonic.)
AM isn't the only problem child when it comes to the damage meta either. Battleaxe Reave w/Soulstorm is doing a pretty hefty amount of damage right now, even when I borrow a surcoat and rings. I can post some logs when I get home from work. Effortless damage seems to be a constant across all circles at the moment.
Edit: I'm not sure if that stuff charges Tidalslash though. I seem to recall some kind of change in the past or some kind of downgrade for Tidalslash that prevented stuff like that, but someone would have to confirm.